Emperor’s Domination - Chapter 5917: Poye's Death

Chapter 5917: Poye's Death

Chapter 5917: Poyes Death

Thank you for granting me a clean death, Sacred Teacher. I will kill you when Im alive again. Present communicated before dying.

Li Qiyes sword returned to its sheath while the two empty sh.e.l.ls fell into Three Immortals.

Im afraid the outcome will still be the same. Li Qiye said with a smile: But that time will be a true death, not just a clean death.

With that, he entered the world.


Rumble! Something monstrous fell into Three Immortals.

What is that?! Emperors and Ancestors became alarmed.

A heavenly being instantly stood up and gazed at the falling ent.i.ty, taking a deep breath before speaking: How can this be? Poye is dead

Whos the killer? A supreme terror in a deep and still place opened their eyes and found this unbelievable.

Can only be one, its starting, its finally starting. Another terrors expression changed after speculating.

Its time to prepare. A third terror in hiding had a serious expression.

The death of Poye swept over Three Immortals, shocking all listeners.

Poye cant die, hes everlasting. In an area full of riches, a king sat on his throne and couldnt believe the messenger.

Did he die naturally or was he killed? This became the main topic in their world.

He was invincible already, this is impossible. A big shot murmured.

Right, no one can kill him. One emperor found this unfathomable.

Most listeners believed that it had to be a natural death or part of Poyes plan.

It could be Lord of Life and Death, Lord of Calamities, and Supreme Black Ancestors doings? This became a popular rumor in Three Immortals. [1]

No, that would have been a devastating fight known to everyone. Poye wouldnt have gone down without a fight. An amazing cultivator shook her head and disagreed: Dont you remember Night Watch, the long earth-shattering war? The partic.i.p.ants were the same.

They couldnt kill him back then. An Emperor knew the result of Night Watch and thought the killer was someone else.

Surviving that war made Poye the undisputed master of their world. Therefore, the culprit couldnt be Lord of Life and Deaths group.

Desolate Ancestors group, perhaps? The ancestor was the reason for Dingtians pa.s.sing. A powerful Ancestor speculated another probability, albeit a low one.

Alas, they have not heard any news regarding Desolate Ancestor. Rumors of the ancestors pa.s.sing surfaced.

Dingtians dead but surely his opponents couldnt have fared better during Heavenslay. An Ancestor aware of more information said.

Then what the h.e.l.l happened to Poye? Everyone felt confused.

Someone has arrived. A cultivator beyond the Ancestor stage pondered.

Poyes death caused quite a stir in Three Immortals, changing the direction of many kingdoms and sects.

War might be coming. Big shots were worried due to future uncertainties.

Find it now! Meanwhile, lineages with ties to Poye such as Immortal Suppression Dynasty sent out their emperors and Ancestors.

It could be Poyes corpse or some peerless treasures left behind.

Two things fell from the sky, but where to? This became the next exciting piece of information.

None could sit still due to the temptation.

We might be able to find Poyes legacy, an incredible fortune.

Poye was the ultimate being in Three Immortals. Lord of Life and Death, Lord of Calamities, Xian Chengtian, Primal Yin Immortal Ghost, and many more None could defeat him.

Poyes radiance was unparalleled and unshakable. If anyone could obtain his legacy, they could become the lord of Three Immortals.

We cannot let it fall to outsiders! His followers did everything they could to find his legacy, whether it be the lineage he created or those who have followed him.

Cultivation potential aside, his remnant items and legacy represented the highest authority.

Maybe its the chance to fight back. A mysterious figure plotted in a secret conference: The world has forgotten our existence.

This is a great opportunity. We need to wake everyone up and wipe all traces of Mos.h.i.+, Dingtian, and Poye. Another said.

Is Poye truly dead? Someone aware of the intricacies asked: Perhaps this is just another cycle or a way to bait the snakes out.

Mos.h.i.+ was destroyed, Dingtian pa.s.sed way, and now Poye, it could be another cycle. Someone who had partic.i.p.ated in a war sharing the same t.i.tle as their world said.

If this is another cycle, what we need to do now is to find his reincarnation and kill him before he grows stronger. One more added.

Where will he show up? A hidden overlord started calculating the possibilities.

This continued for a while before someone else shook their head: Cant calculate the location, Poye might have expected this and prepared a place safe from divination.

What will he be in the fourth cycle? An existence wondered.

The younger ones have no idea and think that Poye is just Poye. If there is another, we must kill him. One cultivator said and initiated a search for the next reincarnation.

1. Im not too happy with Lord of Life and Death since it is too long. Life-death Lord is inferior, while Lifelord or picking just one to focus on is inaccurate, albeit the master of life is also the master of death since theyre two sides of the same coin. Im not sure if theres a shortened version I can use like many t.i.tles either.