Chapter 5909: Hes Not There
You can explore all you want given the size of Heavenrealm. The war will start at that time too. The pleasant voice said.
Hmm, I do need to get things done before then. Li Qiye said seriously.
What are you trying to do? The eye was interested.
What else but to clean up our place of refuge? Cant leave a mess before leaving or that would be disrespectful. Li Qiye said.
Its the villainous heavens job. The deep voice said.
The villainous heaven might not be around after the battle, so no point in distinguis.h.i.+ng responsibilities. Li Qiye said.
The three exchanged glances and the pleasant voice spoke: How are you going to clean up Heavenrealm?
My kindness is a curse. Since I have the ability and time, might as well do it, no? Li Qiye smiled.
Hmph. The deep voice didnt agree with Li Qiyes self-a.s.sessment.
Heavenrealm is different now, its not the world we once knew. The eye shook his head.
Some b.a.s.t.a.r.ds are certainly dead. The pleasant voice said.
Of course, the villainous heaven couldnt let them lay in his bed for too long. The deep voice said.
Not necessarily, the villainous heaven dozes off at times while the shadow is always lurking, a true source of annoyance. Li Qiye smiled.
Its an old matter, mere speculation, not proven. The voice said.
Its eighty to ninety percent correct, hence the villainous heavens recent actions. In my opinion, this cant be dealt with easily. Li Qiye said.
It didnt exist before. The pleasant voice said.
As far as we know. The eye agreed on this matter.
The longer the time, the more the acc.u.mulation and room for errors. Li Qiye said: The villainous heaven knew this and acted accordingly.
I suppose. The eye said: What kind of form is it? How does it exist and grow stronger without alerting the villainous heaven when it is so close?
Isnt that interesting? Its happening right below. Li Qiye smiled.
Its the same as raising a tiger, just asking for trouble. The deep voice said.
A tiger in the eyes of others, but what about the villainous heaven? Li Qiye responded.
The three supreme terrors were confused after hearing this.
Everyone is confident in their victory, so theyre playing the slumber game to see who would lose patience first. Li Qiye said.
Then why are you bothering to perform a sweep? Its not easy to get them to come out, not even for the villainous heaven. The deep voice asked.
I dont have a solution to this either. Li Qiye scratched his head.
Show yourself. The pleasant voice said: When you stand there and display your qualifications, there will be two possibilities, either stabbing you or talking to you about cooperation.
Thats a decent plan. Li Qiye said: Ill have to see how well the villainous heaven did with the sweep, I can handle the rest.
At least two hurdles are waiting for you. The eye said: You must deal with them or theyll become your biggest problems.
At least two, and I dont know how many more there are before ascending to Heavenrealm. Li Qiye smiled.
I must say that the shadow is easier to find, there is at least a known range. As long as you are patient enough, youll find some clues. The pleasant voice said.
And maybe I dont need to worry about this, the villainous heaven might have taken care of it before my arrival. Li Qiye said.
Yes, but dont count on it. It might not be a clean sweep if it hides too deep below. Moreover, he The deep voice suddenly paused.
You must know his whereabouts first before your sweep. The eye advised: Once hidden, you may never find him again.
Right, but the ambition is there. He must show up eventually to stop me from taking control. Li Qiye stroked his chin.
And if he is patient enough to wait? The eye also guessed this possibility.
Its not a big deal if he doesnt show up. Chances are he is already waiting for you to run into the range of his blade, ready to stab you in the back. The deep voice said.
Is that the best option for him? The pleasant objected.
Why wouldnt it be? Its one less opponent, not to mention one bite or a full meal. The deep voice said.
Theres no merit to this because if he had harbored such thoughts, he wouldnt have gotten this far. Li Qiye shook his head.
Dont be so sure. He might not waver now but when the time comes, a single thought can change everything. The deep voice said.
Li Qiye rubbed his nose and smiled: Were just overthinking it now, but of course, being vigilant is always good. There is another possibility though, he is not there at all.
What? This surprised all three.
Hmm, I suppose. The eye pondered for a bit before saying: This crossed my mind before, its possible. After all, he appeared in Three Immortals.
Were unsure whether its the real body or not. The deep voice said.
Either way, it conveyed a message. He was extremely active at one point as if it was a must, hence the recruitment of that brat. The eye said.
The master with the deep voice couldnt help but agree with this sound reasoning.
Then where is he most likely to be hiding? The pleasant voice said: There are places to hide everywhere in this vast world, its impossible to find him.
Given his existence, it must be a grand world, not something tiny. The eye said.
From what weve seen, nothing is certain. Even you three know little about his background and movement. Li Qiye said.
Hmm The three terrors agreed.
Our knowledge is limited. The eye said: We cannot rule out the possibility you mentioned.