Emperor’s Domination - Chapter 5862: There Wasn't A Need

Chapter 5862: There Wasn't A Need

Chapter 5862: There Wasnt A Need

At the same time, the other five found hiding useless. The coordinates of their position always lit up in the blink of an eye. They tried different hideouts only to fail.

Stop running. Voracious shouted at these overlords running like headless snakes: Help us kill him.

The five exchanged glances and understood the lack of option. Was there a chance of killing Li Qiye with seven overlords?

They nodded and returned to the battlefield, surrounding Li Qiye with Epochs End and Voracious Leviathan.

Its about time, but one is still missing. Li Qiye smiled.

Who? Epochs End asked.

Who else can it be in this epoch? Just call already. Li Qiye said.

The dwarfs eyes narrowed and released a dreadful light capable of killing emperors.

Go for it already, this is your only chance at surviving, might as well try your best. Li Qiye waved his hand.

Epochs End glanced at Voracious first before s.h.i.+fting his gaze toward Primal. The latter shook his head in response.

Imperial Progenitor and Dao Ancestor shrugged as well.

How did you communicate back then? Derivation asked Primal.

There wasnt a need. Primal looked frustrated.

Seems like no one knows. Its hopeless then. Li Qiye chuckled.

As if Twilight Hunter makes that big of a difference. Epochs End commented.

By this point, all of the overlords have shown up except for Twilight Hunter.

How amusing, the jealousy in your heart didnt change after all these years, that is your root of darkness. Li Qiye said.

Jealous of what? I devoured six epochs while Twilight Hunter is only a rat. Dont compare him to me. Epochs End sneered and declared proudly.

Twilight Hunter might be more mysterious and elusive than him. The others knew very little or nothing about him. Although he partic.i.p.ated in the hunt, there was no line of communication among them.

Epochs End was the oldest and only knew of such a cultivator hiding in the shadows, only appearing every once in a while for the hunt.

Voracious took his time devouring his epoch until nothing was left. Such a heinous feat couldnt be accomplished in a short time.

This applied to Epochs End as well. However, he didnt fully devour the six epochs. For one, he appeared during a time of peace and swallowed as much as possible. Another was during its destruction already, allowing him to eat more than normal.

Due to the lengthy process, the two were more exposed and history knew of them. Twilight Hunter, on the other hand, was not as greedy. His targets were carefully chosen and always one at a time - perhaps the most nutritious existence in the epoch. This elusiveness nature made him more of a mystery than Voracious and Epochs End.

They knew that he was there for Divine Ancestor but the rest of his previous targets remained unknown.

Epochs End viewed this hunting style as a sign of weakness. The guy was certainly weaker than him, hence the need to always be hiding.

Well, although youre despicable, there is logic in what you say. You are definitely the strongest overlord in this world, Twilight Hunter cant compare to you. Li Qiye said.

This made the audience unhappy. Voracious snorted and glared at Epochs End but didnt retort. Although he only devoured one epoch, it was a perfect and thorough process. Epochs End couldnt do so for any of the six.

Plenty of epochs have pa.s.sed already. If he were truly powerful, he wouldnt need to hide so much. Epochs End said.

The group of five seemed to agree with this logic.

I think youre right, Twilight Hunter is just a rat in comparison. In a fight, you will certainly kill him. Li Qiye said.

Others didnt know why he changed his tune, seemingly praising his enemy. Of course, they knew that Li Qiye had no love for the dwarf.

They shared the same goal for once, hence their deliberate comments.

Epochs End wanted to drag Twilight Hunter into this mess. If the guy were to show up, they would gain another powerful ally.

Li Qiye naturally wanted him to come play as well so that he could catch all the overlords in one go.