Emperor’s Domination - Chapter 5846: You're Not Surviving Past Today, Dark Crow

Chapter 5846: You're Not Surviving Past Today, Dark Crow

Chapter 5846: Youre Not Surviving Past Today, Dark Crow

Li Qiye smiled and shook his head: Theres no leaving now that youre here. My purpose today is to eliminate every single one of you, I have no reason to show mercy.

Derivations expression soured as he barked back: Dark Crow, youre just a junior. Dont be arrogant since youve only seen twenty percent of our potential at best. One more friend is better than another enemy.

I dont need a friend like you. Li Qiye pulled up his sleeves and said: I dont mind having you as an enemy either.

Derivations expression became unsightly. Of course, he was already ugly beyond words so no one could tell the changes in his expression.

Hah, you made a fool out of yourself. Cant you see with your unparalleled intelligence that he wants all of us dead? Imperial Progenitor sneered.

Dark Crow, I hope you dont regret this decision because the one who truly controls the situation is me. Without me, your chances of killing them are much higher but now, youre finished.

If thats the case, then you should join. Just kill me and then theres nothing to worry about later. Li Qiye said.

Did you hear that? We are in the same boat now. Stop thinking about escaping, we need to be as one. Primal said.

Fine, fine... Derivation understood the lack of options. Killing Li Qiye was the only way.

Dark Crow, we seized this epoch from Divine Ancestor and shall seize it from you as well. He declared.

Unfortunately, the only outcome today shall be my bringing the light back to the epoch after slaying your group. Li Qiye said.

Dark Crow, you were only an ant born in our epoch. Stonesplitter said.

Well, it is my epoch now, so who are the ants here? Even if I were an ant, I would still show you my fangs. Li Qiye said.

Dark Crow, I understand why you wish to kill us. Primal said: But this world is vaster than your imagination. Killing us wont bring light back, you will need us since there are other things you need to take care of.

We will always be more familiar with this world than you. Dao Ancestor said.

True. Li Qiye rubbed his hands, preparing for battle: But one step at a time, your group first and then the others.

The overlords exchanged glances, realizing that a ceasefire was out of the picture. This was the decisive battle of a lifetime. Winning meant having full control over the epoch; losing meant death and all of their sufferings and efforts wasted.

Are we really afraid of this junior? Hmph, we werent this scared of the old geezer back then. Derivation laughed and said.

Now that was a mistake. Li Qiye smiled and interjected: If you all hadnt been selfish and let the fallen self of Trinity go to his death, you would have a more powerful ally on your side right now and a small chance at winning.

The group recalled how they didnt wish to see the return of Trinity Ancestor. Thus, none wanted to help him when he was trapped by Empress Hong Tians forces.

Their jealousy and resentment were one thing, they feared him growing stronger again. Eventually, none of them would be able to control or stop him once the epoch lord returned to his prime. They would become his subordinates and little brothers again - the thing they didnt want to happen the most.

Thus, his death or imprisonment became the desired outcome. Alas, seeing Dark Crow right now made them think that Trinitys fallen self might have been a capable ally.

So what, you do not know what we are capable of, Dark Crow. Derivation laughed.

Lets get started then. The group understood that it was time to work together.

Who first? Or everyone together? Li Qiye smiled and gestured.

The group had a plan on their mind, needing someone to be the main combatant to keep Li Qiye at bay. They couldnt help but stare at Stonesplitter Patriarch because he had the unbreakable stone s.h.i.+eld - the perfect person to be the vanguard.

Me? Stonesplitter understood their intention and refused: I cant, Im the weakest among us.

He didnt want to be cannon fodder by charging forward and enduring Li Qiyes most powerful attacks. Why would he die so that they could live?

Therefore, he preferred to maintain his current stance - behind his s.h.i.+eld with his Skypiecer propped up on the s.h.i.+eld.

Coward. Derivation sneered and showed a disdainful expression.

Spectators could tell that the five overlords were discordant. Only the situation bound them together.

You all go, Ill support. Stonesplitter didnt mind the insult.

The others exchanged glances and stepped forward simultaneously, surrounding Li Qiye for the kill.