Emperor’s Domination - Chapter 5826: Inborn Trinity True Soul

Chapter 5826: Inborn Trinity True Soul

Chapter 5826: Inborn Trinity True Soul

Boom! A majestic figure amazed the crowd. He possessed the primal affinity on top of three cosmic divine rings.

Spectators couldnt help but kneel before this ultimate being. The primal strand emanating from him contained endless weight. A single one could crush the six continents.

An epoch couldnt contain him for he was made from the primal affinity. This was an inborn body, eternal and indestructible.

He didnt need to use the dao, just his physical force alone could obliterate anything. Within was a special soul that no one could spy on.

This soul could understand the mysteries of the dao with a single glance and take control of them. The most brilliant and vast epoch was not above his ability to grasp.

This perfect combination of body and soul put other overlords to shame. He was truly the heavens favorite, having the greatest of the dao physique and the best of the anima souls. Previous epochs never had someone with this level of inborn talent. Perhaps only the actual children of the high heaven had this privilege.

I see, using his sons bones to rebuild Trinity Ancestor, doing a commendable job as well. Li Qiye couldnt help but praise.

Their goal all this time was to speculate and re-create Trinity Ancestors body and soul. This was extremely risky considering the other overlords fear of him. Given the chance, they would want to stomp Trinity down.

These four were playing with fire. With one mistake, they could summon the real Trinity Ancestor back - a development with potentially fatal results for the overlords.

After eras of acc.u.mulation and borrowing the power of Elder Galaxy, they derived his inborn chaos dao physique and inborn trinity true soul. Although this was only a replica, its power was still monstrous.

So creative and bold, at the very least, they look like the real thing. Li Qiye stared at the figure and smiled.

Some among the crowd had seen the mysterious guest of Celestial Court before but not Trinity Ancestor. They also didnt know the significance behind this physique and soul. Alas, they felt like ants before this epoch lord.

So this is Trinity Ancestor? They could only imagine him during his prime back in the ancient ages. No wonder why he looked down on Primal, Imperial Progenitor, and the others.

Among them were those gifted with n.o.ble bloodlines and talents. They had inborn immortal physiques or blood as well. Unfortunately, none of these things mattered before this beings fortunes.

If he were the high heavens favorite, those with immortal physiques and immortal bloodlines were nothing more than abandoned children, not worth mentioning.

If I have this body and soul, becoming an epoch lord is too easy. A Grand Emperor couldnt help but say.

They thought that even an idiot could become an epoch lord given such gifts and dominate all other beings.

No wonder why they were overwhelmed with jealousy. Trinity Ancestor truly wasted his potential. Li Qiye remarked.

This mere replica had no equal, let alone the real Trinity Ancestor during his prime. Alas, he couldnt fully utilize his unparalleled talents.

Ready, Sacred Teacher?! The founder shouted.

Good, show me how much trinity power you can muster. Li Qiye seemed interested.

Outside of the late Divine Ancestor, no one understood Trinity Ancestors potential more than his disciple - the founder of Celestial Court.

Trinity Break! The four roared in unison, sending their true blood and directing the flow of Celestial Palace into the figure.

Boom! The three divine rings coiled around the figures arm, condensing all powers into a radiant fist capable of grasping three thousand worlds.