Emperor’s Domination - Chapter 5824: Arrangement

Chapter 5824: Arrangement

Chapter 5824: Arrangement

Come, let me show you how futile struggling is. Li Qiye smiled at the group.

Its just death. Devil Bestowment said, having no intention to surrender or beg for mercy.

They understood that their death wouldnt change anything. Nevertheless, this was a matter of conviction with their faith and grand dao. They chose to stand with Primal Ancestor and the blood branch.

I admire how you all hold onto your belief, ready to die fighting for your ancestors. Li Qiye nodded.

Light-dragon and his peers clenched their fists. They were born in Celestial Court and shared a similar belief - dying while protecting Celestial Court.

Immortal Emperor Zhuo Huo, Fu Mo, and others didnt want to die. Unfortunately, it was too late for them to leave.

All of this will end with our generation, as they should. The founder gazed at Li Qiye.

So be it, just know that no one will come to save you. Li Qiye said.

We are prepared for death already and need no saviors. Divine Eternal answered.

Sigh, how tragic. Li Qiye said: To jump into death for those who care not about you. During the last moment, even if you change your mind and want to call out for help, you will realize you dont even have a way to do so. They didnt help you break through the dao or trust you with Death Coffin, no way to summon them either, what a silly way to go.

Dark Crow, you will never shake our determination to protect Celestial Court. Heaven Authority took a deep breath and said.

Is that truly your aspiration? Would you protect Celestial Court if the five overlords wish to destroy it? Li Qiye shook his head.

The three immortals couldnt answer this question and left the crowd wandering.

Sacred Teacher, you may not emerge victor this time. The founder broke the silence.

Im aware that youre the key. These three cant summon the overlords but you can. Li Qiye chuckled in response, shocking the crowd once more.

The three immortals stared at him with a strange expression.

You can summon them? Devil Bestowment said with a hushed tone.

They were part of the blood branch, being closer to Primal and Derivation than anyone else. However, they couldnt summon these beings.

The founder hesitated for a moment and said quietly: Unsure, theres one arrangement, at least.

Who? Devil Bestowment whispered again.

The founder glanced at the statue on the dao platform and said: Lord of Derivation.

The immortals glanced in that direction and felt frustrated beyond words. They had no idea why there was an agreement between Lord of Derivation and the founder.

If Lord of Derivation comes, maybe Primal Ancestor will follow. The two of them should be able to kill Dark Crow. Another whispered.

Dont worry about that because I dont think they will descend. The founder said softly.

What? The immortals didnt expect this answer. Although they claimed to want to die for Celestial Court, this didnt remove the annoyance in their heart.

The most they will do is a possession, dont count on a descent, we have to rely on ourselves. The founder glanced at Profound and the others.

Lets start then. The three immortals exchanged glances.

They hoped that as the fight went on, either the founder would be able to summon Lord of Derivation or the others might choose possession to show up. All in all, this still felt hopeless.

We are ready to fight to the death whether the ancestors come or not. Divine Eternal said loudly at first before lowering his voice: But at least try the summoning first, for Celestial Courts sake.

Yes, when the time comes. The founder agreed.

Meanwhile, the crowds morale was low. They had no choice but to fight right now while not knowing whether the overlords would show up to protect Celestial Court.

Are you all done whispering? Li Qiye smirked at them.

The four exchanged glances and nodded in unison.

Shall we get started? They seemed determined to fight Li Qiye.

Come, show me what tricks you have left. Li Qiye beckoned.