Emperor’s Domination - Chapter 5814: To Eight Pieces

Chapter 5814: To Eight Pieces

Chapter 5814: To Eight Pieces

s.p.a.ce, Time, and Samsara. Li Qiye stared at the sabers and commented: Not bad at all, a testament to how great Elder Galaxy is to allow the forging of these weapons.

The sabers shared the name as their primary materials. Spectators were amazed to see them since these affinities were inherently difficult to grasp, let alone being used to forge capable weapons.

Unfortunately, Elder Galaxy did all the work so the materials arent the source, greatly limiting their power. He added.

Despite Li Qiyes criticism, these blades were far beyond ordinary imperial weapons.

Enough to kill you. Heaven Authority said.

Were all big boys here, dont say such laughable things. They cant even cut me, go ahead and try. Li Qiye laughed.

Very well. The trio exchanged glances and accepted the challenge.

Buzz. As they grasped their sabers, they seemed to be able to control the three affinities as well.

They didnt activate their power and bloodline as expected. Instead, they turned into the three affinities, leaping out of their roots into the blades.

Clank! They made their first move and in the next split second, the slashes became invisible.

Spectators had no words to describe this strange dao phenomenon.

Clank! Heaven Authoritys figure rippled as his blade carried him into the spatial fabrics.

Devil Bestowment also turned into time with the saber. The slash wielded the neverending pa.s.sage of time, capable of withering the strongest defense. Metals would lose their divinity and rot since millions of years happened in the blink of an eye.

The final one contained the nature of samsara, dragging the targets past, future, and present into the cycles. It determined their fate and rendered escaping impossible.

Clank! The three blades came in unison and everything stopped. Time and s.p.a.ce stopped flowing; the samsara cycle also halted.

Not a single emperor nearby had control of their body, unable to escape.

Buzz. When the three affinities flowed again, Li Qiyes body became crystallized, seemingly taken over by them.

Whoos.h.!.+ The sabers finally struck, severing him into eight pieces.

Bam! They fell to the ground and shattered to pieces. The sabers wielded by the immortals also crumbled as well.

What is happening... The three immortals became confused, the same for the crowd.

Is he dead? Spectators couldnt believe their eyes. After all, he was someone who had easily survived blows from Jiao Hengs mech.

Although the slashes contained the power of the elusive dao affinities, they shouldnt have been enough to kill Li Qiye.

If it doent feel right, its not real. Profound murmured.

If Li Qiye could be killed in this manner, they wouldnt be in this dire situation. Thus, the immortals staggered backward, wanting to a.n.a.lyze the situation.

Somethings off. One of them said.

Indeed. Li Qiye appeared again and said. Beneath his feet were still broken pieces of his crystallized body.

The three immortals were certain that their blades cut him, so which Li Qiye was real? If it was just an illusion, the body shouldnt have crystallized in that manner. What did they kill then since Li Qiye appeared perfectly fine?