Chapter 5512: Master?
What is it, Senior Brother? Qin Baifeng frowned after hearing the rude remark.
Gossip was inevitable considering the circ.u.mstances so she didnt actually mind. Mu Shaoyun, on the other hand, was blinded by rage and couldnt tell that Sunset Glow G.o.ddess was merely playing around.
Picking an Emperor Consort pertains to the prosperity of the sect He said with a serious tone.
You need not worry about this matter, Senior Brother. Baifeng responded seriously as well. Despite the absurdity of the situation, she believed in her senior sisters insight.
Although the senior sister was innocent, she wasnt foolish enough to do anything that might be detrimental to the sect.
It is of great importance and should be decided unanimously by the ancestors. He replied.
She disliked how idiotic he was being right now and said: The matron is the sole decider. Senior Brother, dont forget your place.
The atmosphere became solemn due to her stern warning. Everyone was afraid of her since she had both authority and a willingness to dish out punishments.
She and Sunset Glow G.o.ddess were in charge of the sect, not counting their matron. The other ancestors werent as strong as them at this point and the matron rarely interfered.
Shaoyun had an awkward expression since he was an outer disciple. He had no authority to interfere with the sects matters despite being a powerful dragon lord.
Qin Baifeng maintained her strong stance while Sunset Glow G.o.ddess shook her head.
Li Qiye ignored the commotion while lamenting the souring atmosphere due to the idiot.
You are rather invested in this painting, Young n.o.ble. Sunset Glow G.o.ddess said.
You can just ask me directly whether Ive figured out your sects secret. He said.
Sounds like you have. She stroked her chin and laughed: Its no surprise since you and our sect are deeply intertwined by fate.
Not that deep. he shook his head.
This is all predetermined, proven by your presence here. She insisted: Can you truly say that youre only here coincidentally?
Its hard to argue otherwise. He said.
Because of this fateful connection, its only a matter of time before you find out. She smiled.
And now you want me to tell you what it is. He said.
Meanwhile, the crowd listened attentively since this pertained to the secret of their sect. Although they were elated to watch the two flirt, they held their breath at this point.
Qin Baifeng became emotional as well since she didnt think Li Qiye was merely boasting.
How ignorant. Mu Shaoyun raised his voice: The secret of the manor has been around for eras, an outsider like you has no chance of grasping it. Know your limit.
He truly despised Li Qiye at this moment and thought about killing him. Alas, there were other people around.
Senior Brother, watch your words. The G.o.ddess glared at him while feeling rather disappointed. It seemed that not letting him join as an inner disciple was the correct decision.
She continued: As Ive said, the young n.o.ble is deeply connected to our sect so this shouldnt be surprising. Moreover, he is a true master.
This prompted him to smile and said: Its rare to see someone so aware.
Their interaction only further infuriated Shaoyun, causing him to be on the verge of losing his temper. Her praises grated him and fueled his jealousy.
Dogs. He cursed in his mind while wanting to tear Li Qiye to pieces.
A master? Him? He no longer possessed the bearing of a dragon lord. He truly believed that it was only a matter of time before he and the G.o.ddess would be together.
After all, he was already stronger than many ancestors in Sunset Glow Valley. Now, this b.a.s.t.a.r.d came out of nowhere and stole his woman.
You are being rude. Qin Baifeng chastised.
Its the truth. Letting an outsider to the valley is already a risk, letting him peer into our secret? Far more dangerous. Shaoyun didnt back down.
He is one of us, you worry about nothing, Senior Brother. The G.o.ddess said.
He is neither a disciple nor an ally, how is he one of us?! Shaoyun lost his cool.
The G.o.ddess grimaced with disappointment.
Enough, Senior Brother! Baifeng raised her voice with a command.