On the other hand, the elves seem to quite lighten up their previously pale face started to return to normal. Their body was slightly loosened up.
Arwen's senses slowly came back to him and Amaryll watched this scene without even batting an eyelid, her eyes held a mix of tension excitement of course fear.
Bandit leader cast away all his doubts and shortcomings and readied to battle with Don he clutched his fists so tightly the nails started to penetrate his palms.
"I do not know what powers you hold to kill my Lisa and others easily but I'm not them, I will kill you and avenge them with your blood" as he said the bandit leader took his daggers out of his armor and started to inject magic within them, the daggers shone with light green color like sunlight reflecting on a jade stone.
"Take out your sword brat I don't want to kill you with the single attack" the bandit leader shouted threateningly.
"No need you are just a bigger ant" Don replied still his voice was cold.
Hearing this bandit leader almost coughed up blood due to the anger, he was a leader of a ferocious bandit group and he killed countless other beings he never felt humiliated like this before.
A young man who seems not even half of his age comparing him with an ant, how ridiculous is that but he felt that this brat can back his words.
"Come on then you don't want to make your friends wait for you in h.e.l.l".
"Ahhhhhhh b.a.s.t.a.r.dddd!!!!!" The bandit leader couldn't hold his anger anymore, veins on his eyes started to crack as his eyes redder. The bandit leader is going all out in this fight, he is going to kill or be killed. This was his fate.
The bandit leader swung his daggers at Don like a madman, there was no finesse or technique in his moments, just fury and anger.
Unlike Arwen who is weak in close-combat Don was an expert he simply avoided the bandit leader's attacks. It was like a perfectly ch.o.r.eographed dance every time he swung his daggers at Don he would simply evade like he knew what's going to happen.
This made the bandit leader more furious his moves became more and more disoriented.
He was a peak level master magi, who is just a little bit under great master level.
Just like he was toying with Arwen now Don is toying with the bandit leader.
"Hmm, how does it feel to be toyed with huh?"Don asked while evading the bandit leader's attacks.
"b.a.s.t.a.r.d stop running fight me head-on if you dare" bandit leader screamed he was getting more inflamed, the veins on his head hands were bulged out.
"I just take this as your final wish" as he said Don stopped evading and raised his right hand to his eye level like he was going to strangle the leader's neck, the leader was confused what his opponent did,
but soon he got the answer to his question when the air around him was thickening and ground beneath him came to life and soil turned into hands and started to grab his legs firmly.
"Wha what sorcery is this why can't I see magic fluctuations around you?" the bandit leader shouted and struggled to free himself from the ground.
Magic fluctuation happens when magi cast or use magic, no matter the levels, a magi is no exception for magic fluctuation, the stronger the magi or the spell, the stronger the fluctuation happens around him/her.
Magi can determine other magi's power and level with magical fluctuations but the bandit leader could not see a single particle around Don is fluctuating, in fact, he was not wrong this is one of the many secrets he holds. (which I will reveal to my readers later in the story).
Don didn't mind the bandit leader's words as he started to clench his fist and bandit leader was forced to his knees and daggers in his hands fell to the ground with a sound of 'clink'.
"Are you feeling powerless? Not like when you beat innocent people huh?
Now I will give you two choices, the first choice is you answer my questions and ill kill you instantly without causing pain, the second one is you don't answer and ill torture you slowly till you die or answer my question due to pain, so which one do you prefer?"
Just when he heard this, the bandit leader began to laugh like a maniac and replied "No matter what I do, you will kill me so why do I want to answer your questions torture me much as you want, I ain't giving you s.h.i.+te"
"Pity I didn't want to use this so soon" as he said Don flicked his hands, his ring in his right hand let out a small flicker, and a spider-shaped bug appeared in his palm, it was like a mixed breed between spider and c.o.c.kroach seeing this horrible bug made the bandit shudder in fear.
Don brought the bug near the face of the bandit while the bandit screaming and struggling, the bug's eyes seemed to look in the direction of the bandit and its front two spider legs slowly began to rise, then suddenly the bug jumped on his face and crawled into his body through his nose.
The bandit's mind went blank for a moment and started to scream in agony.``Take it out!! take it out!! I can't" he could not even finish his sentence as he wrestled with the ground his body was twitching and rolling on the ground.
Don watched the bandit's pain and struggle for a moment, in this silent night only the sound of flame and the bandit's agony could be heard in the elven tribe. The elves watching this scene could not be happy seeing their captor's fate, some of the elven women closed their eyes because the pain he seemed to be going through is so horrible.
After a while, Don did something with his hands and the bug crawled out of the bandit's body through his left ear, the twitching and rolling of the bandit leader came to an end.
"Who ordered you to capture the elves and how did you manage to reach this tribe so far deep into the woods without being noticed?"
The bandit was still in pain but he knew that death is better than experiencing that pain again so he began to tell him the truth.
"Mi Mi Minister Brian ordered gave us this mission"
"Because most of the slave traders are his shops and he.." gulp "He has a weak point for the elven woman " he was afraid to say this because he didn't want Don to start the torture again so he quickly answered the next question.
"As for how did we get here without getting noticed is because we got the precise location of the tribe from one of the elves we captured while ago and we had the support of the mysterious mage he was the one teleported us near the tribe "
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"Mysterious mage? How did you meet him and what's he look like?"
"We met him in the manor of minister Brian and I could not see him he wore a hood and black mask and full black robe"
"You don't want to keep things from me," Don said threateningly.
The bandit's eyes went wide as he knew there was an eagle embroidered on his black robe.
"There there was an eagle embroidered on his robe near the chest now let me go I answered your questions didn't I?" the bandit leader started to plead with Don.
Don looked at the bandit and he turned towards Arwen and kicked the dagger towards him and the dagger landed near Arwen's hand.
Arwen knew what Don's intention and he slowly picked it up and picked himself up after a struggle, the bandit also got the gist of the situation.
"He is not mine to kill, he is yours," Don said to Arwen.
Arwen nodded slightly and limped towards the bandit while the bandit kept screaming
"No no don't kill me have mercy please" he couldn't continue just when, Arwen placed the dagger on the bandit's neck and hesitated for a moment.
Arwen knew he had to do this and if the situation reversed the bandit leader would not show mercy. Don also noticed the elf's hesitation but did or said nothing surprisingly Amaryll was the one shouted: "Kill him Arwen he is not worth your mercy" this was the final push Arwen needed as he slit the bandit leader's throat.