Ember. - Ember. Part 46

Ember. Part 46

I was expecting to sigh heavily as soon as he left the room, but . . . I didn't. I guess by the end I wasn't that scared any more.

I picked up my book and walked through the room.

To think that someone like him could be impressed by me, believe that I was supposed to be here. I tightened my hand securely. Today had been one of the most fulfilling of my life. I'd finally used magic, and most of all, everyone I cared for was safe and close.

I didn't think about all that Thoran had said until I was lying in bed, preparing to sleep. The Meoden, the boys, all the families lost . . . and tomorrow I would be going on a trip with Ikovos and Jaden, a fact of which I was both nervous and excited. I spent the next while trying to decide whether I would tell them about what I'd heard or keep it a secret . . . To do as they wished and never ask about their pasts, or to press them further . . .

I fell asleep, still undecided.

Chapter 15.

Rizenn ". . . KNOCK, knock, knock." The end of a long line of pounds came into consciousness.

I squeezed my pillow, settling back to sleep.

The rhythmic knocking came again. I rolled my head over. It was still dim in the room. I yawned again, stretching up. "Coming." My eyes narrowed when I saw Tanis leaping around on the shelves of the bookcase, but I shook it off.

When I opened the door Ikovos was standing in front of it. He didn't look morningy at all, well . . . only in an appealingly disheveled sort of way. Not like me who I knew was a laughable mess, but not like Jaden who I absolutely never caught looking sleepy.

"Morning." He smirked. I knew he was used to my early appearance by now.

I smiled back, unreasonably wide. "Hi."

He let out a short amused breath, then straightened. "Ah . . . did Thoran tell you we were going to Rizenn today?"

I nodded, recalling with a hand to my temple. "Um, yeah . . . he said you and Jaden were going and that he wanted me to go with you . . ." I rocked my head in realization. "Which is why you're here."

One side of his mouth tipped up. "You got it."

I ran a hand through my hair. I had showered the night before, but had been too tired to brush it, I'm sure it was a disaster.

"Right . . . well, it'll just take me a minute to get ready." I yawned. "Uh, sorry-" then gestured in "-Do you . . . want to come inside, or . . . ?"

He shrugged. "Surely."

I moved back, leaving the door open for him. "I'll try and hurry."

"No rush," he assured as I walked into the bathroom with a change of clothes.

I caught my face in the mirror. Eh, it isn't so bad . . . I just need to embrace the wild look . . . though I'm not sure that the pink goes. My lips were still oddly saturated from Adzamaruha's spell. I shrugged, then rinsed my face hurrying on to getting dressed.

"How did it go with Master Thoran?" asked Ikovos from the other room.

I assumed he meant last night . . . it was a little awkward to answer like this. "Um, good. It went good."

I tried to keep from falling over as I pulled up my dark, straight-legged, pants. They had ties on the side that left a bit of skin showing up to my hip. I wondered exactly what Sophie was thinking, but I couldn't really go out and grab a different pair.

"What did you go over?" he asked.

I threw my shirt over my head. "Ah . . . a lot of stuff actually. He wants me to keep training," I added. My shirt was white and flowy, almost like a tank-top, only it had off the shoulder sleeves.

I ran some fingers through my hair quickly and picked up my clothes.

"Did he mention anything especially interesting?" asked Ikovos.

I opened the door amidst his question. He was tracing a finger along the edge of a book on the shelf. His eyes turned immediately to meet me, expression pensive.

"Yes," I answered truthfully.

He seemed dissatisfied, and I think I knew what about. Still, I went over to put my clothes away without further explanation, then put together a couple things for the trip. When I turned around he was closer.

"And?" he questioned.

I almost ran into him, but regained my footing shuffling past. "And, what?" I grabbed my blanket then walked back over to my pack.

"And, what did you discuss that was especially interesting?"

This is really driving him crazy, I tied the top of my bag tightly, but if he isn't ever going to be forthcoming with me on the subject, I'm not going to tell him what I know either. . . .

"Is there something you want to ask, Ikovos?" I flipped around as I said it. Then gave him a brave look before walking towards the door.

He grabbed my wrist, stopping me. He looked down, blue eyes striking.

I sunk. This is what happens when I try to be on top.

His gaze was intense. He looked like he would say something . . . but then he just released me, sighing and shaking his head.

"Sorry . . ."

I straightened. "No. It's fine. . . ."

He ran a hand back through his hair until he was scratching the back of his head in his usually manner, then grinned. "I'm just tired, forget that. This is going to be a fun day."

I nodded. "Yeah . . ."

Then he walked towards the door.

I sighed. Maybe I should have just told him the truth . . . that Thoran was about as talkative about his past as he was.

I headed after Ikovos towards the door, but Tanis stopped me, leaping onto my arm. I looked down and he chirped once.

"What, do you want to come with?"

He chirped again.

I looked up to Ikovos for permission. The amused face he was giving made me realize that not everyone considers it normal to talk to animals.

"I don't care," was all I got.

I shrugged down at Tanis. He twirled around excitedly, then leapt into my knapsack.

As we made our way to the cafeteria, we passed the high room full of sleeping boys. I hadn't been up early enough to see them like this in a while. It was still dark. When we entered the kitchen it had that chilled morning feel to it. Ikovos headed straight the pantry to pack supplies. Every sound he made echoed across the room.

I leaned uselessly back against the counter.

My arms crossed.

Then I sighed.

Coffee would be nice . . .

The percolator sat on the counter, along with the beckoning grounds. My eyes slid to the stove then back.

Nah. Evelyn, you can't do that much.

I'd only seen the coffee made fresh once. Only seen the stove lit once . . . a certain boy did it using magic and, while I'm sure there were matches around somewhere, I didn't know another way.

Ikovos was even deeper into the closet now. With a checking glance around the room I leaned down and opened the stove door.

No wood. Darn, that would have made it easier. The spell to conjure fire away from the hand was only slightly different than the first, but supposedly significantly more difficult.

I took in a heavy breath and focused on the empty space.


Ikovos was still busy so I tried again.

Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate- "Do you just want me to do it?" asked Jaden.

The shock from the voice knocked me backwards onto the floor, but that wasn't the reaction of note. As soon as I heard it, a large, violet, flame burst up in the stove. It went on for less than a second before disappearing in a sudden puff.

My eyes blinked, bewildered.

Jaden walked past me, then bent down on his feet, looking into the stove. "Well that was unexpected. . . ." He looked back, eyebrows lifted, but still seeming somehow unfazed.

I couldn't think of anything to say. I was sort of at a two-fold loss. He was wearing a tank-top . . . and I'm pretty sure he'd never worn a tank-top before. Other than that everything was the same, perfectly pieced hair, tanned skin, dark eyes . . . I knew in my head that he couldn't possible look that different than the day before, but every time I saw him it was like . . . ugh.

He lit the fire without fuss, then stood up and offered me two hands.

I grabbed them, ignoring the shiver running through my own, and balanced up straight. It took a second.

"You okay there?" he asked.

I let go. "It's early."

He smirked at my quick release.

I shook it out, then looked around uncomfortably. It didn't work very well considering there was nothing to look at.

I turned back to him, pointing to the stove. "Was that?-"

"No," he answered. I was going to ask if what I'd just done was normal.

"I meant when-"

"I know what you meant."

I raised a finger. "How could yo-"

"I just do."

My jaw tightened. "What color's the-"


I narrowed fiercely, he looked almost apathetically smug, then I waved a hand at him dismissively. It's five in the morning.

"You're just ridiculous," I declared, then turned around to fix the pot on the stove. When I'd done it, taking as long as justifiably possible to fill a pan with water and pour some grounds, I turned back around, crossing my arms.

He was leaning against the counter, looking at me. I turned my eyes away quickly, then back a few times to see if he had stopped. He was still just staring.

Finally he spoke. "Did you get up just to fix Ikovos coffee?"

The other boy let out a cry from the pantry as some pans went crashing inside. "I'm okay," he yelled.

I turned back to Jaden perplexed. "No, I'm . . ."

He lifted his eyebrows in question. It dawned on me that they hadn't told him I was coming.

"I . . . I'm going with you guys . . ."

His brow dropped. "To Rizenn?"

I nodded. "Uh-huh."

He looked down. I tried to read the expression but couldn't, plus the whistle went off behind me, I had to turn to fix it.