w.a.n.g Yao didn't leave Nanshan hill due to the rain . He called home to notify his parents that he would stay on the hill overnight . He made himself a simple dinner and prepared to stay overnight on the hill .
"What is happening to you, San Xian?" said w.a.n.g Yao .
San Xian had been hyperactive since the morning like he was high on drugs .
Woof! Woof! Woof! San Xian barked excitedly .
"You are so excited, maybe it's the love season?" murmured w.a.n.g Yao .
Woof! Woof!
"Look at Da Xia! Look how quiet he is!" said w.a.n.g Yao .
He pointed at the eagle sitting on the tree . The eagle was sitting still on the tree quietly, like a statue .
Wow, looks like Da Xia has grown much bigger!
w.a.n.g Yao had a close look at Da Xia and found that the eagle was much bigger than he was before .
Maybe he had been fed well on Nanshan hill .
. . .
Inside Haiqu, the night view was fascinating .
"Miss . Guo, I've talked to your grandpa . He has agreed to send us relevant information, but we must keep all the information confidential," said Gu .
"Not a problem . I'll make sure all the information will be confidential," said Guo Sirou .
"Okay, I'll have the information ready tomorrow," said Gu .
"Then I'll bring the information to w.a.n.g Yao tomorrow . " Guo Sirou looked through the window and ran her fingers through her long hair .
"Can I meet him?" asked Gu .
"Not now!" said Guo Sirou .
. . .
It was foggy on the hill the next morning . Maybe it was because of the rain yesterday, but the air was very fresh, especially around the Spirit Gathering battle array .
The raindrops hadn't dried . The leaves of trees and gra.s.s were full of water .
w.a.n.g Yao went to the rock on the top of the hill and moved his body slowly . He turned his body and moved his feet . At the same time, he used his palms to make movements of pus.h.i.+ng, turning and rolling .
The residual fog and rain seemed to be attracted by w.a.n.g Yao, who was surrounded by moving air, especially between his palms .
w.a.n.g Yao's movements were very slow as if there was no strength generated .
Gradually a ball of air appeared between his palm, a ball consisting of the air from the rain and fog .
Om! Snap!
The ball suddenly disappeared .
Click! His foot sank into the rock . w.a.n.g Yao left a footprint inside such a hard rock .
Good! Another meridian is unblocked .
The sun came out from the East . The land was nurtured by suns.h.i.+ne .
A slim girl came to Nanshan hill at about 10 am . It was Guo Sirou . This time, she came alone .
"Sorry, I have to bother you again," said Guo Sirou .
"That's fine . Please sit down . " w.a.n.g Yao made her a pot of tea .
"These are the notes and information about the patient I mentioned to you . Could you please take a look, Dr . w.a.n.g?" Guo Sirou took out a file and handed it to w.a.n.g Yao .
"Can I ask you to keep the information of the patient confidential and don't tell anyone about her?" asked Guo Sirou .
"Sure!" said w.a.n.g Yao .
w.a.n.g Yao took the file and opened it, then started to read the notes and various medical reports .
"This is?" asked w.a.n.g Yao .
The patient was a young woman . Her issue was skin ulceration throughout her body .
w.a.n.g Yao read through the notes carefully . Apparently, the patient had been diagnosed by both Western Medical pract.i.tioners and Traditional Chinese Medical pract.i.tioners .
The diagnosis from Traditional Chinese Medical pract.i.tioners was an imbalanced Yin and Yang energy, which caused toxins to develop inside her body and affect her skin, resulting in ulceration throughout her body .
The western medical diagnosis was simpler . It stated that the patient was infected with certain toxins in her blood, leading to skin ulceration .
"How long has she been ill?" asked w.a.n.g Yao .
"Three years," said Guo Sirou .
Reading through the information and medical notes for three years, w.a.n.g Yao knew the girl had seen quite a few doctors, but she was still quite ill . It was a typical incurable disease .
"Can I keep the notes?' asked w.a.n.g Yao .
"Of course," said Guo Sirou .
"Give me some time to read it through, and I'll get back to you within three days," said w.a.n.g Yao .
"Okay," said Guo Sirou after being silent for a moment . "The girl is very strong-minded, although she is suffering greatly from her disease . "
"I can imagine," said w.a.n.g Yao .
A young girl in her 20's should enjoy being young and healthy . She could be a beautiful and cheerful girl . But her disease destroyed her health and her youth . She not only had to suffer a great deal physically but also a great deal mentally . If she were not strong enough, she could have already killed herself .
"So please help her; try to save her," said Guo Sirou .
"I'll do my best, but I have to find a way to treat her first," said w.a.n.g Yao with a smile .
"Sure, I'm not going to bother you anymore . I have to leave now," said Guo Sirou .
"The road in the hill could be rough and uneven; please be careful," said w.a.n.g Yao .
"Okay, thanks," said Guo Sirou .
Guo Sirou left by herself . w.a.n.g Yao watched her back gradually disappear .
After Guo Sirou had gone, w.a.n.g Yao started to read through the medical notes she brought him and made notes in his own notebook from time to time . He also wrote down his thoughts on treatment at the same time . w.a.n.g Yao didn't even go home to have lunch as he was so absorbed in studying the notes .
w.a.n.g Yao had obtained a lot of information from the notes . But he wouldn't be able to determine the cause of disease and how to treat the disease without meeting the patient face to face .
Should I go to Beijing? w.a.n.g Yao put away the notes and looked through the window .
It was dark outside . The sunset scene was fascinating .
Tweet, tweet! w.a.n.g Yao suddenly heard birds singing . He looked through the window and saw several dozens of sparrows standing on a tree outside .
What? w.a.n.g Yao was surprised to see the sparrows . Since the eagle had settled outside w.a.n.g Yao's cottage, a few other birds dared to come close . An eagle was the lord of the sky, and fear was a bird's nature . w.a.n.g Yao had never imagined that he would see so many small birds around .
Maybe the sparrows are from elsewhere, so they don't know it could be dangerous here .
Caw! w.a.n.g Yao heard Da Xia's sound from the sky .
The sparrows didn't move until Da Xia had landed on the tree .
So they are from somewhere else .
w.a.n.g Yao studied medical notes brought by Guo Sirou again after dinner .
The next day w.a.n.g Yao contacted Guo Sirou and returned the notes to her .
"I have to confirm the diagnosis until I see the patient . But I won't go to Beijing anytime soon," said w.a.n.g Yao .
"But…" said Guo Sirou .
Now w.a.n.g Yao made things difficult for Guo Sirou . Guo Sirou came to Lianshan with a mission that she was supposed to accomplish although her grandpa didn't say she had to be successful .
"Can you prescribe some herbal formula for her?" Guo Sirou had to take the second best option as w.a.n.g Yao was adamant that he wouldn't go to Beijing .
"Regather soup?" asked w.a.n.g Yao .
"Yes, the same formula you prescribed for my grandpa last time . Maybe it could make that girl feel a bit better," said Guo Sirou .
"The function of Regather soup is to consolidate one's corporeity . In other words, it can improve one's immune system . So the Regather soup suits most patients," said w.a.n.g Yao .
Actually, even healthy people could benefit from Regather soup . w.a.n.g Yao had brewed some Regather soup for his parents, and it was really effective . His parents had been healthier and more energetic than before . w.a.n.g Yao could feel the changes from his parents' pulses, which were stronger than before .
"Can you please brew one for the girl in Beijing?" asked Guo Sirou .
"I can, but I don't have enough herbs left . You need to wait for a few days," said w.a.n.g Yao . He didn't have many wild herbs left, so he had asked Li Maoshuang to purchase those herbs for him .
"I can help with this . " Guo Sirou made a phone call after w.a.n.g Yao had shown her the list of herbs required for Regather soup .
"I'll deliver the herbs to you today," said someone from the other side of the phone .
Prominent families usually had an excellent social network .
"Can I get the decoction the day after tomorrow?" asked Guo Sirou .
"Okay," said w.a.n.g Yao .
He Qisheng delivered all the herbs w.a.n.g Yao needed to Nanshan hill in the afternoon . w.a.n.g Yao had a look at the herbs, which were old enough and all wild . It was very hard to get herbs of such quality on the market, let along in such a short time . It could have taken Li Maoshuang at least three days to get those herbs .
"I'll come back the day after tomorrow," said He Qisheng .
"Okay," said w.a.n.g Yao .
He Qisheng didn't stay long on Nanshan hill .
What's going on here?
He Qisheng turned around to have a look at Nanshan hill after he was at the foot of the hill . He could vaguely see the fog on the hill .
The hill looks different again . How can this young man do this after such a short time? thought He Qisheng .
"I've given him the medical notes . But he had to see the patient face to face to confirm the diagnosis and treatment plan . It's a shame he still doesn't want to go to Beijing," said Guo Sirou to Gu, who accompanied her to Lianshan .
"He still doesn't want to go to Beijing?!" Gu sounded agitated . "No room for negotiation?" asked Gu again .
"Uncle Gu," Guo Sirou was still smiling, but she sounded serious, "there is no room for negotiation . He simply doesn't want to go to Beijing . "
"I'm sorry!" Gu suddenly realized that he sounded a bit rude .
"I've asked him to brew a decoction for Xue . We'll get it the day after tomorrow," said Guo Sirou .
"So he made a prescription without seeing the patient?" asked Gu .
"Yes, it is the Regather soup he's brewing . The decoction will improve Xue's immune system," said Guo Sirou .
"Oh, I see, thank you," said Gu .
. . .
It was nice and warm the next day . The wind was soft .
Maybe it was because of the spring rain, or the aura around the herbal field, but the trees on the hill looked even greener .
The leaves of the tree made a rustling sound as the wind pa.s.sed by .
w.a.n.g Yao started a fire inside his cottage . The flame was moving, the ancient spring water was boiling, and the smell of herbs was filling the cottage .
The Regather soup was the one w.a.n.g Yao made most frequently . He was extremely familiar with the ingredients and the process . So, he had gained ease in brewing Regather soup .
The herbs given by Guo Sirou hadn't been all used after w.a.n.g Yao had made Regather soup . Actually, there were quite a few herbs left . w.a.n.g Yao packed them away .
Woof! Woof! Woof! San Xian suddenly started to bark in an agitated way .
What's going on?
w.a.n.g Yao saw San Xian ran crazily into the herbal field and Da Xia dived into the field as soon as he walked out of the cottage . San Xian and Da Xia were aiming at the same thing, a rat! A running rat!
How come there are rats on the hill?!
w.a.n.g Yao remembered that he hadn't seen any rats on the hill since he brought San Xian here . He also had Da Xia as well now .
How daring is the rat! Is it looking for trouble? What's going on? Did it get lost? Wait! What is that?
w.a.n.g Yao saw another animal from a distance . It was a wild rabbit . The wild rabbit poked its head out and then ran towards the herbal field surprisingly .
What kind of behavior is it?
It knew there would be danger ahead, but it didn't stop . It knew it could be eaten by a much bigger animal, but it didn't stop . It was initially the sparrows, then a rat, then a wild rabbit . w.a.n.g Yao wondered why those animals came here to seek their doom . What caused them to do it?
w.a.n.g Yao didnt leave Nanshan hill due to the rain . He called home to notify his parents that he would stay on the hill overnight . He made himself a simple dinner and prepared to stay overnight on the hill . What is happening to you, San Xian? said w.a.n.g Yao . San Xian had been hyperactive since the morning like he was high on drugs . Woof! Woof! Woof! San Xian barked excitedly . You are so excited, maybe its the love season? murmured w.a.n.g Yao . Woof! Woof! Look at Da Xia! Look how quiet he is! said w.a.n.g Yao . He pointed at the eagle sitting on the tree . The eagle was sitting still on the tree quietly, like a statue . Wow, looks like Da Xia has grown much bigger! w.a.n.g Yao had a close look at Da Xia and found that the eagle was much bigger than he was before . Maybe he had been fed well on Nanshan hill Inside Haiqu, the night view was fascinating . Miss . Guo, Ive talked to your grandpa . He has agreed to send us relevant information, but we must keep all the information confidential, said Gu . Not a problem . Ill make sure all the information will be confidential, said Guo Sirou . Okay, Ill have the information ready tomorrow, said Gu . Then Ill bring the information to w.a.n.g Yao tomorrow . Guo Sirou looked through the window and ran her fingers through her long hair . Can I meet him? asked Gu . Not now! said Guo Sirou It was foggy on the hill the next morning . Maybe it was because of the rain yesterday, but the air was very fresh, especially around the Spirit Gathering battle array . The raindrops hadnt dried . The leaves of trees and gra.s.s were full of water . w.a.n.g Yao went to the rock on the top of the hill and moved his body slowly . He turned his body and moved his feet . At the same time, he used his palms to make movements of pus.h.i.+ng, turning and rolling . The residual fog and rain seemed to be attracted by w.a.n.g Yao, who was surrounded by moving air, especially between his palms . w.a.n.g Yaos movements were very slow as if there was no strength generated . Gradually a ball of air appeared between his palm, a ball consisting of the air from the rain and fog . Om! Snap! The ball suddenly disappeared . Click! His foot sank into the rock . w.a.n.g Yao left a footprint inside such a hard rock . Good! Another meridian is unblocked . The sun came out from the East . The land was nurtured by suns.h.i.+ne . A slim girl came to Nanshan hill at about 10 am . It was Guo Sirou . This time, she came alone . Sorry, I have to bother you again, said Guo Sirou . Thats fine . Please sit down . w.a.n.g Yao made her a pot of tea . These are the notes and information about the patient I mentioned to you . Could you please take a look, Dr . w.a.n.g? Guo Sirou took out a file and handed it to w.a.n.g Yao Can I ask you to keep the information of the patient confidential and dont tell anyone about her? asked Guo Sirou . Sure! said w.a.n.g Yao . w.a.n.g Yao took the file and opened it, then started to read the notes and various medical reports . This is? asked w.a.n.g Yao . The patient was a young woman . Her issue was skin ulceration throughout her body . w.a.n.g Yao read through the notes carefully . Apparently, the patient had been diagnosed by both Western Medical pract.i.tioners and Traditional Chinese Medical pract.i.tioners . The diagnosis from Traditional Chinese Medical pract.i.tioners was an imbalanced Yin and Yang energy, which caused toxins to develop inside her body and affect her skin, resulting in ulceration throughout her body . The western medical diagnosis was simpler . It stated that the patient was infected with certain toxins in her blood, leading to skin ulceration . How long has she been ill? asked w.a.n.g Yao . Three years, said Guo Sirou . Reading through the information and medical notes for three years, w.a.n.g Yao knew the girl had seen quite a few doctors, but she was still quite ill . It was a typical incurable disease . Can I keep the notes? asked w.a.n.g Yao . Of course, said Guo Sirou . Give me some time to read it through, and Ill get back to you within three days, said w.a.n.g Yao . Okay, said Guo Sirou after being silent for a moment . The girl is very strong-minded, although she is suffering greatly from her disease . I can imagine, said w.a.n.g Yao . A young girl in her 20s should enjoy being young and healthy . She could be a beautiful and cheerful girl . But her disease destroyed her health and her youth . She not only had to suffer a great deal physically but also a great deal mentally . If she were not strong enough, she could have already killed herself . So please help her; try to save her, said Guo Sirou . Ill do my best, but I have to find a way to treat her first, said w.a.n.g Yao with a smile . Sure, Im not going to bother you anymore . I have to leave now, said Guo Sirou . The road in the hill could be rough and uneven; please be careful, said w.a.n.g Yao . Okay, thanks, said Guo Sirou . Guo Sirou left by herself . w.a.n.g Yao watched her back gradually disappear . After Guo Sirou had gone, w.a.n.g Yao started to read through the medical notes she brought him and made notes in his own notebook from time to time . He also wrote down his thoughts on treatment at the same time . w.a.n.g Yao didnt even go home to have lunch as he was so absorbed in studying the notes . w.a.n.g Yao had obtained a lot of information from the notes . But he wouldnt be able to determine the cause of disease and how to treat the disease without meeting the patient face to face . Should I go to Beijing? w.a.n.g Yao put away the notes and looked through the window . It was dark outside . The sunset scene was fascinating . Tweet, tweet! w.a.n.g Yao suddenly heard birds singing . He looked through the window and saw several dozens of sparrows standing on a tree outside . What? w.a.n.g Yao was surprised to see the sparrows . Since the eagle had settled outside w.a.n.g Yaos cottage, a few other birds dared to come close . An eagle was the lord of the sky, and fear was a birds nature . w.a.n.g Yao had never imagined that he would see so many small birds around . Maybe the sparrows are from elsewhere, so they dont know it could be dangerous here . Caw! w.a.n.g Yao heard Da Xias sound from the sky . The sparrows didnt move until Da Xia had landed on the tree . So they are from somewhere else . w.a.n.g Yao studied medical notes brought by Guo Sirou again after dinner . The next day w.a.n.g Yao contacted Guo Sirou and returned the notes to her . I have to confirm the diagnosis until I see the patient . But I wont go to Beijing anytime soon, said w.a.n.g Yao . But… said Guo Sirou . Now w.a.n.g Yao made things difficult for Guo Sirou . Guo Sirou came to Lianshan with a mission that she was supposed to accomplish although her grandpa didnt say she had to be successful . Can you prescribe some herbal formula for her? Guo Sirou had to take the second best option as w.a.n.g Yao was adamant that he wouldnt go to Beijing . Regather soup? asked w.a.n.g Yao . Yes, the same formula you prescribed for my grandpa last time . Maybe it could make that girl feel a bit better, said Guo Sirou . The function of Regather soup is to consolidate ones corporeity . In other words, it can improve ones immune system . So the Regather soup suits most patients, said w.a.n.g Yao . Actually, even healthy people could benefit from Regather soup . w.a.n.g Yao had brewed some Regather soup for his parents, and it was really effective . His parents had been healthier and more energetic than before . w.a.n.g Yao could feel the changes from his parents pulses, which were stronger than before . Can you please brew one for the girl in Beijing? asked Guo Sirou . I can, but I dont have enough herbs left . You need to wait for a few days, said w.a.n.g Yao . He didnt have many wild herbs left, so he had asked Li Maoshuang to purchase those herbs for him . I can help with this . Guo Sirou made a phone call after w.a.n.g Yao had shown her the list of herbs required for Regather soup . Ill deliver the herbs to you today, said someone from the other side of the phone . Prominent families usually had an excellent social network . Can I get the decoction the day after tomorrow? asked Guo Sirou . Okay, said w.a.n.g Yao . He Qisheng delivered all the herbs w.a.n.g Yao needed to Nanshan hill in the afternoon . w.a.n.g Yao had a look at the herbs, which were old enough and all wild . It was very hard to get herbs of such quality on the market, let along in such a short time . It could have taken Li Maoshuang at least three days to get those herbs . Ill come back the day after tomorrow, said He Qisheng . Okay, said w.a.n.g Yao . He Qisheng didnt stay long on Nanshan hill . Whats going on here? He Qisheng turned around to have a look at Nanshan hill after he was at the foot of the hill . He could vaguely see the fog on the hill . The hill looks different again . How can this young man do this after such a short time? thought He Qisheng . Ive given him the medical notes . But he had to see the patient face to face to confirm the diagnosis and treatment plan . Its a shame he still doesnt want to go to Beijing, said Guo Sirou to Gu, who accompanied her to Lianshan . He still doesnt want to go to Beijing?! Gu sounded agitated . No room for negotiation? asked Gu again . Uncle Gu, Guo Sirou was still smiling, but she sounded serious, there is no room for negotiation . He simply doesnt want to go to Beijing . Im sorry! Gu suddenly realized that he sounded a bit rude . Ive asked him to brew a decoction for Xue . Well get it the day after tomorrow, said Guo Sirou . So he made a prescription without seeing the patient? asked Gu . Yes, it is the Regather soup hes brewing . The decoction will improve Xues immune system, said Guo Sirou . Oh, I see, thank you, said Gu It was nice and warm the next day . The wind was soft . Maybe it was because of the spring rain, or the aura around the herbal field, but the trees on the hill looked even greener . The leaves of the tree made a rustling sound as the wind pa.s.sed by . w.a.n.g Yao started a fire inside his cottage . The flame was moving, the ancient spring water was boiling, and the smell of herbs was filling the cottage . The Regather soup was the one w.a.n.g Yao made most frequently . He was extremely familiar with the ingredients and the process . So, he had gained ease in brewing Regather soup . Done! The herbs given by Guo Sirou hadnt been all used after w.a.n.g Yao had made Regather soup . Actually, there were quite a few herbs left . w.a.n.g Yao packed them away . Woof! Woof! Woof! San Xian suddenly started to bark in an agitated way . Whats going on? w.a.n.g Yao saw San Xian ran crazily into the herbal field and Da Xia dived into the field as soon as he walked out of the cottage . San Xian and Da Xia were aiming at the same thing, a rat! A running rat! How come there are rats on the hill?! w.a.n.g Yao remembered that he hadnt seen any rats on the hill since he brought San Xian here . He also had Da Xia as well now . How daring is the rat! Is it looking for trouble? Whats going on? Did it get lost? Wait! What is that? w.a.n.g Yao saw another animal from a distance . It was a wild rabbit . The wild rabbit poked its head out and then ran towards the herbal field surprisingly . What kind of behavior is it? It knew there would be danger ahead, but it didnt stop . It knew it could be eaten by a much bigger animal, but it didnt stop . It was initially the sparrows, then a rat, then a wild rabbit . w.a.n.g Yao wondered why those animals came here to seek their doom . What caused them to do it?