Having been busy the whole day, w.a.n.g Yao had a fruitful day .
When he got home, w.a.n.g Yao recorded the learnings he had from the tea making process . This was knowledge was worth learning and studying . After that, he exited the cottage and looked at the stalks of tea plants outside . He felt that his current knowledge was not even at the beginner's level and was clearly insufficient to process the tea leaves . It would seem like a reckless waste of G.o.d's good gifts (the tea) . He thought it might be a better idea to ask Master Xu to help process them .
As for Master Xu's wife's illness, he could treat it, and he had thought of the treatment course on his way back . Using the Anshensan decoction, he would make tweaks to it . If he used the original formula from the system, it would need to be paid for . Even if he gave it away for free, there would be limitations . He had already given Zhou Xiong's son a few decoctions for free and had been alerted by the system . He was unable to determine if there were other limitations . When he asked the system, he received no answer .
The essence of this formula was the Moonlight herb, and this herb could nourish Yin and calm the nerves . Together with the other herbs, it could tranquilize and appropriately recover her body's vitality .
Glossy ganoderma, angelica…
w.a.n.g Yao listed the required herbs based on what he thought was necessary . He had all those required herbs .
"Okay, it's done . These are enough . "
He was busy with these matters on the hill, and when he went down the hill, dusk had fallen . When he was having dinner, he noticed that his parents looked ill at ease .
"What's the matter, Mom, Dad?"
"Your third uncle lost his job . Your third aunt is making a scene at home and wants to divorce him," Zhang Xiuying explained .
"Again?" w.a.n.g Yao fretted .
Even though the problem arose due to him, the root of the problem was his third uncle .
"If he lost his job, can't he just find another?" w.a.n.g Yao said .
The current economy was not good, and finding a job was quite hard . Most likely, the current available jobs would require someone to be extremely hands-on . Although it won't make a fortune, however, it was possible to at least make ends meet .
"You think your third uncle is able to find a job? He's in his 40's, with not much capability . He's just able to talk glibly; he can only claim to be capable when in reality he is not," Zhang Xiuying remarked .
"He should try searching," said w.a.n.g Yao . At first, he was about to suggest that if it did not work, he could recommend a job to his third uncle . However, he swallowed back his words .
If he were to say something to Tian Yuantu, based on his status and standing, he could easily arrange something easily, and the job would likely be a pretty good one . However, the problem was his third uncle's personality—too superficial and not down to earth . Even if he helped him, there might be a problem in future . Hence, w.a.n.g Yao did not make any commitments and wanted to take a wait-and-see approach .
"He said he wanted to go to Qi City . He said that he has a schoolmate there who can help," w.a.n.g Fenghua said .
"What about Third Aunt?"
"She can only stay at home; what else can she do?"
In the first place, the relations.h.i.+p of this couple was not too good . They were frequently making a scene and arguing, and the topic of divorce was constantly on their lips . At least in Lianshan County, they had an apartment, a home; if they were to live separately, the divorce could become a reality .
"Do advise him not to," w.a.n.g Yao said . "If he really can't find a job, I'll try asking my friend if he can recommend him one . "
"Okay," w.a.n.g Fenghua responded .
. . .
The next day, the hill breeze was quite strong and caused the trees on the hill to rustle noisily .
w.a.n.g Yao prepared the herbs and started the decoction process . Outside the house, the wind resounded while within the house, the crackling of the firewood could be heard . Gradually, the herbs' unique scent wafted out .
Cooking involved mixing various ingredients together to create tempting flavors . Decocting, on the other hand, involved mixing various herbs organically to decoct a formula that could treat illnesses and save lives . The former could satisfy the appet.i.te for good food; the latter could save the body and health .
Unfortunately, there were numerous people who delved into researching the creation of good food . Yet, the number of people who focused on sharpening their medical skills were too little!
When the decoction was done, it was already close to noontime . After making the medicine, w.a.n.g Yao went down the hill, entered the village and met w.a.n.g Mingbao who looked to be in a hurry .
"What's the matter; why the rush?"
"I wanted to come up the hill to look for you . However, I suddenly received an emergency call and need to go to Tang City," w.a.n.g Mingbao replied .
"Do you need help?"
"I don't need any for now . The friend I told you about last time was caught . "
"The one who sold ginseng?"
"Yes . "
"Call me if there's anything you need," w.a.n.g Yao responded .
"I will . I will be going now," having said that, w.a.n.g Mingbao quickly drove his car and left .
. . .
w.a.n.g Yao went home . When he was having lunch, his father spoke to him about his third uncle .
"Can you help him to recommend a suitable job?" w.a.n.g Fenghua asked .
"Okay, I will . " w.a.n.g Yao nodded . Since this was his relative, he would help wherever he could . He only hoped that after this time, his uncle's personality would change for the better .
After he had lunch, w.a.n.g Yao did not go up the hill immediately . Instead, he drove to the village and arrived at the riverside town, to Master Xu's house .
"Why are you here?" Master Xu was surprised to see w.a.n.g Yao .
"This is the decoction I made for your wife . It's to be taken warm and within three days . The quant.i.ty taken each time should not be too much, a small teacup will suffice . " w.a.n.g Yao gave Master Xu the decoction .
"Thank you so much . " Master Xu did not expect that w.a.n.g Yao would deliver his wife's medicine to his doorstep; he was moved by his gesture .
"Come in," Master Xu invited w.a.n.g Yao into the house . Then, he taught him various techniques of processing tea .
w.a.n.g Yao did not stay long at his house . Before he left, he reminded Master Xu not to mention to anyone else on the matter of him making a decoction for his wife .
"Is there a problem with the medicine?" After w.a.n.g Yao left, Master Xu's wife asked softly . Her voice sounded frail .
"What problem can there be? You can drink a little to try . "
"Okay, I'll try . "
Master Xu took the decoction bottle and gently poured out a small cup . The herbal decoction was clear and lukewarm . His wife drank it, but the taste was not too stimulating . There was a feeling of warmth entering her belly, and it spread rapidly throughout her body .
"How is it?" Master Xu asked concernedly .
"It won't work so fast even if this is an elixir," his wife smiled and said . "I'll go inside the house to lie down . "
"Okay, sure . "
This couple of over 30 years had encountered countless storms together . It was not easy for them to have soldiered on all these years .
w.a.n.g Yao did not drive home, instead, he went to Tian Yuantu's company . This was his first time visiting his company . It was a property business with a strong presence . Tian Yuantu actually had multiple other businesses .
"Hey, what brought you here? Quick, come in . " After hearing the receptionist announce w.a.n.g Yao, Tian Yuantu personally came downstairs . He ushered w.a.n.g Yao to his office and made him a cup of tea .
"I have a favor to ask of you," w.a.n.g Yao said after hesitating .
"Sure, what is it?" Tian Yuantu said .
"Errr . . . " w.a.n.g Yao found it hard to make the request .
"Just tell me," Tian Yuantu thought w.a.n.g Yao had met with a particularly difficult situation .
"I have a relative who is looking for a job; do you have anything suitable?"
"That's all?!" Tian Yuantu was taken aback upon hearing his request . He thought w.a.n.g Yao had encountered a difficult situation that needed his help . To him, this was an incredibly easy task . Under his command were several companies with thousands of employees . He could easily arrange a person to take on a job in one of his companies . It was merely a matter of him giving the instructions .
"That's right . "
"What's his name, and do you have his details?"
"Yes . " w.a.n.g Yao had already prepared in advance his third uncle's information . It was very simple, only his name, age, and work experience .
"w.a.n.g Fenglei . How is he related to you?" Tian Yuantu saw the name and took more care . He knew w.a.n.g Yao's father's name was w.a.n.g Fenghua . These two names sounded similar, and he knew there was a strong likelihood that there was a close relation .
"Yes, he is my third uncle . "
"Your third uncle?" Tian Yuantu was a little surprised .
"Yes . " w.a.n.g Yao did not hide this fact .
"What about salary, what is his expectation?" Tian Yuantu followed up and asked .
"Hmmm, 3,000 yuan . " w.a.n.g Yao considered it over . He had asked his father about it . His third uncle drew a net salary of 3,000 yuan . His work was not too intense, nor was it profound . Originally, he had other sources of illegal income .
"Okay, I know what to do . He can report to Human Resources anytime . This is the telephone number . " Tian Yuantu gave w.a.n.g Yao a piece of paper . On it, a telephone number and a person's name was written .
"In that case, thank you . "
"No problem at all!" Tian Yuantu smiled and waved his hand . To him, it was nothing difficult, and yet, this gesture had helped w.a.n.g Yao tremendously .
After staying at Tian Yuantu's office for a while, w.a.n.g Yao left . When he returned home, he told his father about it . w.a.n.g Fenghua called his brother, spoke a bit and hung up .
"Your third uncle said he will go over there tomorrow . "
"Okay, sure," said w.a.n.g Yao .
With this matter settled and having put his father's mind at ease, w.a.n.g Yao could see that his father looked much better .
After dinner, w.a.n.g Yao did not leave for the hill immediately, but stayed at home for a while, instead . He spoke to his parents and then called w.a.n.g Mingbao to ask about his friend . He wanted to know if he could be of help . Over the phone, he found out that w.a.n.g Mingbao's friend was almost charged . His family had expended huge efforts, using connections and money to prevent him from being jailed . Hence, not only had he spent huge sums of money buying all that ginseng, a lot was spent on bailing himself out of trouble as well . This was a huge lesson learned .
"It's good that he is alright . "
After chatting for a bit, he hung up .
At the riverside town, in a house .
"I feel much better," a 50 plus woman smiled and said to her old man . "My head doesn't hurt so much . This medicine is effective!"
"That's good that it's effective!" a middle-aged man smiled and replied . This was Master Xu who had earlier imparted his temaking knowledge to w.a.n.g Yao .
He was truly elated that his wife had felt better after taking w.a.n.g Yao's decoction .