Zaria - Wake up Kat were gonna be late...You to Hannah.
Next thing I knew we were shocked out of bed and boy did that hurt. We have practice a lot so were stronger.
Kat - OOWWWW.....Not cool that hurt I'm awake now.
Hannah - Same ok lets get ready....Don't forget your hats...
We head out to meet the others and the boys were falling behind to. They caught up with us and we arrived to meet up with Emily Andrew and Dylan. We all got food and coffee than we started talking.
Emily - Any idea what time the fight is?
Dylan - Thats a good question....
Zaria - We should find out soon.. In the mean time who is gonna fight than remember only 3 of us so its even.
Kat - We know.. but still they all have fire so I think its best if Hannah goes you know as a advantage.
Hannah - True... But who will help me?
Steven - I have a idea...What if they shoot right at them I could use air right at them and someone can take that one down.
Zaria - What about the other 2 they could gang up on yall?...
Kat - I'll do it....
Hannah - ???
Steven - ???
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Kat - Here me out ok... I could distract them while u take one out...
Emily - Now wait a minute...Isnt that fighting fire with fire that could be dangerous.. I mean just think about it.
Kat - True but we have trained so much were stronger..Besides does it say in the rules if one gets hurt we can pick someone to take are place...Just once???
Noah - Ya it says that.. Each team can pick one person from the crowd or other teammate to take there place.
Kat - Thanks Noah... So if I get hurt I think Emily or Zaria should take my place we will figure that out if we get there ok?
Emily - Sounds like a plan to me are you guys ok with that?
Steven - Ya its fine with me but if she gets hurt I'll take that person done.
Hannah - Lets do it.
When we got done eating and talking someone come on on the over-com. Attention all students the fight will start at noon so please head to the gym. Teams go to your area and get ready. We all looked at each other and all nodded put are hats on and headed to the gym.