_Between:_ eadar an dorus agus an ursainn, _between the door and the post_.
Dh' eirich eadar mi agus mo choimhearsnach, _a quarrel arose betwixt me and my neighbour_.
{129} Eadar mhr agus bheag, _both great and small_, Psal. xlix. 2, metr.; Rev. xix. 5, eadar bhochd agus nochd, _both the poor and the naked_.
_Upon:_ Fa 'n bhrd, _upon the board_; leigeadar fa lar, _was dropped on the ground, omitted, neglected_. Carswel. Fa 'n adhbhar ud, _on that account_; creud fa 'n abradh iad? _wherefore should they say?_
Fa sheachd, _seven times_, Psal. vii. 6, metr.; fa cheud, _a hundred times_, Psal. lxii. 9, metr.
Fuidh, fo.
_Under:_ Fuidh 'n bhrd, _under the board_; fuidh bhlath _in blossom_; tha an t-arbhar fo dheis, _the corn is in the ear_; fuidh smuairean, _under concern_; fo ghruaim, _gloomy_; fo mhi-ghean, _in bad humour_; fuidh mhi-chliu, _under bad report_.
Denoting intention or purpose: air bhi fuidhe, _it being his purpose_, Acts xx. 7; tha tighinn fodham, _it is my intention or inclination_.
Gu, Gus.
_To:_ O thigh gu tigh, _from house to house_; gu crch mo shaoghail fein, _to the end of my life_; gus an crion gu luaithre a' chlach, _until the stone shall crumble to dust_. Sm. Seann dana.
A' bhliadhna gus an am so, _this time twelvemonth, a year ago_; a sheachduin gus an de, _yesterday se'ennight_.
Mile gu leth, _a mile and a half_; bliadhna gu leth, _a year and a half_.
_Without:_ Gun amharus, _without doubt_; gun bhrogan, _without shoes_; gun fhios, _without knowledge, unwittingly_; gun fhios nach faic thu e, _in case you may see him_, {130} _if perhaps you may see him_; gun fhios am faic thu e, _if perhaps you may not see him_. Gun chomas aig air, _without his being able to prevent it, or avoid it_; _involuntarily_. Gniomh gun chomain, _an unmerited, or unprovoked deed_. Dh' aithn e dha gun sin a dheanamh, _he ordered him not to do that_. Fhuair iad rabhadh gun iad a philltinn, _they were warned not to return_.
_After_: Iar sin, _after that_; iar leughadh an t-Soisgeil, _after the reading of the Gospel_; iar tuiteam sios da aig a chosaibh, _having fallen down at his feet_; bha mi iar mo mhealladh, _I was received_.
Le, leis.
_With_: Chaidh mi leis a' chuideachd mhir, _I went with the multitude_.
Denoting the instrument: mharbh e Eoin leis a' chlaidheamh, _he killed John with the sword_.
Denoting the agent: thomhaiseadh le Diarmid an torc, _the boar was measured by Diarmid_.
Denoting possession: is le Donull an leabhar, _the book is Donald's_; cha leis e, _it is not his_.
Denoting opinion or feeling: is fada leam an la gu h-oidhche, _I think the day long, or tedious, till night come_; is cruaidh leam do chor, _I think your case a hard one_; is dcha leam, _I think it probable_; is doilich leam, _I am sorry_; is aithreach leis, _he repents_.
_Along_: leis an t-sruth _along the stream_; leis an leathad, _down the declivity_.
Leig leam, _let me alone_; leig leis, _let him alone_.
_About_: ag iadhadh mu a cheann, _winding about his head_; labhair e mu Iudas, _he spoke about Judas_; nuair smachduichear duine leat mu 'lochd, _when thou {131} correctest a man for his sin_, Psal. xxxix. 11, metr.; sud am fath mu'n goir a' chorr, _that is the reason of the heron's cry_. Seann dana. Sud fath mu 'n guidheann ort na naoimh, _for this reason will the saints make supplication to Thee_.
_From_: O bhaile gu baile, _from town to town_; o mhadainn gu feasgar, _from morning to evening_; o 'n la thainig mi dhachaidh, _from the day that I came home_; o 'n la, is often abridged into la; as, la thainig mi dhachaidh, _since I came home_.
_Since_, _because_: thugamaid uil' oirnn a' bhanais, o fhuair sinn cuireadh dhol ann, _let us all to the wedding, since we have been bidden to it_.
Denoting want in opposition to possession, denoted by _aig_: na tha uainn 's a b' fheairrd sinn againn, _what we want and should be the better for having_.
Implying desire: ciod tha uait? _what would you have?_ Tha claidheamh uam, _I want a sword_.
_Above_: Mar togam os m' uil' aoibhneas ard cathair Ierusaleim, _if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy_, Psal. cxxxvii. 6, metr.; os mo cheann, _above me_, _over me_.
Ri, ris.
_To_: cosmhuil ri mac righ, _like to the son of a king_; chuir iad teine ris an tigh, _they set fire to the house_.
Maille ri, _together with_.
Laimh ris a' bhalla, _nigh to the wall_.
Ri la gaoithe, _on a day of wind_; ri fad mo re 's mo la, _during all the days of my life_; ri lnn Righ Uilliam, _in the reign of King William_.
Na bi rium, _don't molest me_.
Feuch ris, _try it_.
Cuir ris, _ply your work_, _exert yourself_; cuirear na {132} nithe so ribh, _these things shall be added unto you_, Matt. vi. 33. Tha an Spiorad ag cur ruinn na saorsa, _the Spirit applieth to us the redemption_, Assemb.
Sh. Catech.
_Exposed_: tha an craicionn ris, _the skin is exposed, or bare_; leig ris, _expose or make manifest_.
_Before_: roimh 'n charbad, _before the chariot_; roimh 'n chamhair, _before the dawn_; roimh na h-uile nithibh, _before, in preference to, all things_; chuir mi romham, _I set before me, purposed, intended_.
Imich romhad, _go forward_; dh' fhalbh e roimhe, _he went his way_, _he went off_.
_Past_: chaidh e seach an dorus, _he passed by the door_.