Elements Of Gaelic Grammar - Elements of Gaelic Grammar Part 16

Elements of Gaelic Grammar Part 16

Coisin, _win_, Coisneadh, Cosnadh.

Diobair, _deprive_, Diobradh.

Fgair, _remove_, Fgradh.

Foghain, _suffice_, Foghnadh.

Fosgail, _open_, Fosgladh.

Innis, _tell_, Innseadh.

Iobair, _sacrifice_, Iobradh.

Mosgail, _awake_, Mosgladh.

Seachain, _avoid_, Seachnadh.

Tionsgain, _begin_, Tionsgnadh.

Togair, _desire_, Togradh.

Observe that Verbs which thus suffer a syncope in forming {80} the Infinitive, suffer a like syncope in the Preterite Subjunctive, and in the Imperative Mood; as, innis _tell_, Infin. innseadh, Pret. Subj. innsinn, innseadh, innseamaid, Imperat. innseam, innseamaid, innsibh.

2. A considerable number of Verbs have their Infinitive like the Root; as,

Caoidh, _lament_. Ol, _drink_.

Dearmad, _neglect_. Ruith, _run_.

Fas, _grow_. Snamh, _swim_.

Gairm, _call_. Sniomh, _twine_.

Meas, _estimate_.

3. Polysyllables in _ch_, whose characteristic Vowel is small, either throw it away, or convert it into a broad Vowel and add _adh_; as,

Ceannaich, _buy_, Ceannachadh.

Smuainich, _think_, Smuaineachadh.

Most Monosyllables in _sg_, and a few others, follow the same Rule; as,

_Imper._ _Infin._ _Imper._ _Infin._ Coisg, _check_, Cosgadh. Naisg, _bind_, Nasgadh.

Faisg, _wring_, Fasgadh. Paisg, _wrap_, Pasgadh.

Loisg, _burn_, Losgadh. Blais, _taste_, Blasadh.

Luaisg, _rock_, Luasgadh. Buail, _strike_, Bualadh.

4. Many Verbs, whose characteristic Vowel is small, either throw it away, or convert it into a broad Vowel, without adding _adh_; as,

_Imper._ _Infin._ _Imper._ _Infin._ Amhairc, _look_, Amharc. Iomain, _drive_, Ioman.

Amais, _reach_, Amas. Leighis, _cure_, Leigheas.

Caill, _lose_, Call. Sguir, _cease_, Sgur.

Ceangail, _bind_, Ceangal. Siubhail, _travel_, Siubhal.

Cuir, _put_, Cur. Tachrais, _wind_, Tachras.

Coimhid, _keep_, Coimhead. Tiondaidh, _turn_, Tiondadh.

Fulaing, _suffer_, Fulang. Toirmisg, _forbid_, Toirmeasg.

Fuirich, _stay_, Fuireach. Toinail, _gather_, Toinal.

Guil, _weep_, Gul. Tionsgail, _contrive_, Tionsgal.


5. The following Verbs in _air_ add _t_ to the Root:--

_Imper._ _Infin._ Agair, _claim_, Agairt.

Bagair, _threaten_, Bagairt.

Casgair, _slaughter_, Casgairt.

Freagair, _answer_, Freagairt.

Iomair, _use_, Iomairt.

Labhair, _speak_, Labhairt.

Lomair, _shear_, Lomairt.

Saltair, _trample_, Saltairt.

Tabhair, _give_, Tabhairt.

Tachair, _meet_, Tachairt.

6. These Monosyllables add _sinn_ to the Root:--

Beir, _bear_, Beirsinn.

Creid, _believe_, Creidsinn.

Faic, _see_, Faicsinn.

Goir, _crow_, Goirsinn.

Mair, _continue_, Mairsinn.

Saoil, _think_, Saoilsinn.

Treig, _forsake_, Treigsinn.

Tuig, _understand_, Tuigsinn, or Tuigeil.

Ruig, _reach_, Ruigsinn, or Ruigheachd.

7. These Monosyllables add _tuinn_ or _tinn_ to the Root:--

Bean, _touch_, Beantuinn.

Buin, _take away_, Buntuinn.

Can, _say, sing_, Cantuinn.

Cinn, _grow_, Cinntinn.

Cluinn, _hear_, Cluinntinn.

Fan, _stay_, Fantuinn.

Gin, _produce_, Giontuinn, or Gionmhuin.

Lean, _follow_, Leantuinn, or Leanmhuin.

Meal, _enjoy_, Mealtuinn.

Pill, _return_, Pilltinn.

Seall, _look_, Sealltuinn.


8. The following Monosyllables add _ail_ to the Root:--

_Imper._ _Infin._ _Imper._ _Infin._ Cum, _hold_, Cumail. Leag, _cast down_, Leagail.

Gabh, _take_, Gabhail. Tog, _raise_, Togail.

Fag, _leave_, Fagail. Tuig, _understand_, Tuigeil.

9. These Monosyllables add _amh_ to the Root:--

_Imper._ _Infin._ Caith, _spend_, Caitheamh.

Dean, _do, make_, Deanamh.

Feith, _wait_, Feitheamh.