"Social Conditions and the Liquor Problem," _Arena_, XXVI, 275-77 (September, 1006).
"Temperance Question," _Canadian M._, x.x.xII, 282-84 (January, 1909).
"Local Option Movement," _Annals of the American Academy_, x.x.xII, 471-5 (November, 1908).
"Results of a Dry Year in Worcester, Ma.s.s.," _Map Survey_, XXII, 301-2 (May 29, 1909).
"Local Option and After," _North American_, CXC, 628-41 (November, 1909).
I. Capital punishment does not accomplish the purpose for which it is intended.
II. Capital punishment is inconsistent with the teachings of modern criminology.
III. There are other methods of punishment far more beneficial than the death penalty.
I. Capital punishment decreases crime.
II. The cruelty of capital punishment has been greatly exaggerated.
III. Society has found no crime deterrent so powerful as the death penalty.
"Does Capital Punishment Prevent Convictions?" _Review of Reviews_, XL, 219-20 (August, 1909).
"Does Capital Punishment Tend to Diminish Capital Crime?" _Harper's Weekly_, L, 1028-29; _Review of Reviews_, x.x.xIV, 368-69 (1909).
"Meaning of Capital Punishment," _Harper's Weekly_, L, 1289 (September 8, 1906).
"Plato on Capital Punishment," _Harper's Weekly_, L, 1903 (December 29, 1906).
"Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished?" _Harper's Weekly_, LIII, 8 (July 3, 1909).
"Whitely Case and Death Penalty," _Nation_, Lx.x.xIV, 376-77 (April 25, 1907).
"Death Penalty and Homicide," _American Journal of Sociology_, XVI, 88-116 (July, 1910); _Nation_, VIII, 166; _North American_, CXVI, 138; _ibid._, LXII, 40; _ibid._, Cx.x.xIII, 534; _Forum_, III, 503; _Arena_, II, 513.
"Capital Punishment and Imprisonment for Life," _Nation_, XVI, 193.
"Capital Punishment Anecdotes from Blue Book," _Ecl. M._, LXVI, 677.
"Capital Punishment Arguments Against," _Nation_, XVI, 213.
"Capital Punishment by Electricity," _North American_, CXLVI, 219.
"Capital Punishment: Case Against," _Fortnightly Review_, LII, 322; same article in _Eclectic Magazine_, CXIII, 518.
"The Crime of Capital Punishment," _Arena_, I, 175.
"Failure of Capital Punishment," _Arena_, XXI, 469.
"Why Have a Hangman?" _Fortnightly Review_, XL, 581.
"Punishment of Crimes," _North American_, X, 235.
Many of these, because of their local application, will be found useful for cla.s.s practice where time for preparation is necessarily limited.
1. Coeducation in colleges is more desirable than segregation.
2. Textbooks should be furnished at public expense to students in public schools.
3. The adoption of the honor system in examinations would be desirable in American colleges.
4. Final examinations as a test of knowledge should be discontinued in X---- High School (or college).
5. All American universities and colleges should admit men and women on equal terms.
6. The national government should establish a university near the center of population.
7. The X---- College (or High School) should adopt courses which more definitely fit students for practical careers.
8. Intercollegiate football does not promote the best interests of competing schools.
9. Intracollegiate athletic contests would be a desirable subst.i.tute for intercollegiate athletics.
10. Secret societies should be prohibited in public high schools.
11. National fraternities do not promote the best interests of American-colleges and universities.
12. A college commons would be a desirable addition to X---- College.