Electric Moon - Electric Moon Part 36

Electric Moon Part 36

"Are we partners? I thought you were my boss. Wasn't I voted to be a Regent to handle the paranormal cases and free you up for other things?"

"Then why don't you catch me up on this case. No more hiding. No more lying by omission. There are too many bodies piling up."

Raven refused to flinch at his accusation. "Like you've shared everything?"

Scotts grunted at the direct hit. "Then maybe it's time that changed."

His concession shocked her. He was a hardcore human advocate, but he was also a cop to his very soul. If anyone could tuck away their prejudice, Scotts could if it meant justice would be done.

"I believe the killings are incidental, a side effect to a new drug out on the market. They are calling it the Alpha drug, because it gives the shifters the ability to become an alpha for a few hours."

"So it's not some sort of war between vampires or humans trying to kill shifters?" Scotts rubbed a hand down his face in relief.

"Not that I can find."

"But why kill themselves? It makes no sense."

It was her turn to hesitate.

"Come on, don't bail on me now."

"Shifters are very organized. They have their leaders. Where you fall is all based on how much power you hold." Raven glanced up at him. "So what if you could take a drug that could land you on the top of the pack?"

Scotts gave a silent whistle, understanding for the first time the danger the drug posed. "If everyone took it..."

"All shifters would become overly aggressive with no one to rein them in." She refused to let that happen.

His eyes narrowed abruptly. "I know that look. You wouldn't have told me anything unless you have a plan. You're not leaving here without me. Not this time."

Chapter Thirty-one.


By the time they'd reached her house with the police in tow, midnight had come and gone. London unfurled the map of the state forest out onto the table.

People gathered. Scotts took one side, his bulk taking up more than his share of space, and he wasn't sharing. She and her pack stood to the left of the table, taking care not to leave their backs to any door. Randolph stood on the opposite side. No one seemed inclined to join him. He gave a little smirk of amusement, making no effort to study the map as he scoped out her house.

He was a voyeur, watching her people too intently for her comfort. Raven felt exposed and violated in her own home. Taggert passed between them, breaking the eye contact, serving around food and coffee. Knowing from experience that she needed to keep up her calories, Raven accepted the sandwich he offered.

"Tell me you have an idea where to search?" Scotts accepted a cup of coffee.

There were thousands of acres on the map. They would never be able to cover that amount of ground.

"Vaguely. That's why Neil is going to show us where he picked up the drug." Raven nodded toward the lone shifter at the other side of the room.

Ignoring everyone, Neil studied the map and pointed to a small clearing. "Somewhere here."

The area he indicated consisted of a ten-mile radius.

Scotts rocked back on his heels as if understanding. "You're going to have them chase the scent."

Them meaning her pack. Raven didn't deny it. "Yes."

Scotts took a sip of his coffee before speaking. "You will not abandon us in the forest while you hunt."

"Not abandon." Raven had to make Scotts see reason. "We're searching for other shifters. Rogues. During the full moon, they're more dangerous and unpredictable than normal. It would be best if you and the others stay back while we take the lead."

"This is a police matter." Scott's didn't back down one bit.

"And I am the police." Raven clenched her teeth in frustration.

Randolph ignored the rest as he stared at her. "They will slow us down."

Raven understood. The cops would be an obstacle and a handicap when it came to fighting. Randolph was more of a cleanup crew, not an apprehend and arrest type of person.

"Then we will be slow." Scotts wasn't stupid. He knew the most likely outcome. He very deliberately set down his cup and placed his hand on his gun. "What is it? That's the third time you looked over my shoulder."

Raven shook her head, astonished he'd noticed when she was barely aware of the action herself. "It's too quiet. Has anyone seen either Dominic or Griffin?"

Jackson straightened. "I've been shadowing Aaron. I hadn't spent much time outside the house."

All the rest shook their heads.

"How about anyone listening by the door?"

There was a couple seconds of quiet, then a few hushed whispers. "We haven't seen them either."

"Something's wrong." She pushed away from the map. "We need you in here, Jase."

The young wolf wore a pinched expression, but she knew he had nothing to do their disappearances. She gave him a nod when he stood next to London.

"Where have the rogues been camping?"

He pointed down at the map. "The rogues move their base every few days, but they've been avoiding this area here. The alpha said it's off limits."

Everyone studied the twenty-mile area on the map. The location was within five miles of the clearing Neil had pointed out.

"I'm going to call in the paranormal SWAT. They can be here before morning."

Raven shook her head. "We don't have a few hours to wait. They probably already know we're coming. Their operation will be gone before your team will arrive."

Because she knew it would needle him, Raven continued. "Every shifter on the street could be a ticking time bomb. You might not be concerned about the shifter casualties, but think of all the humans that could be hurt. One shifter in a crowd could take out dozens of humans."

Scotts scowled at her. "Don't think I don't know what you're doing."

Maybe it was unfair of her, but he pandered to human bosses whose first concern was human reactions. "We're all you got."

"Fine." He gulped the last of the coffee as if everything was decided. "We'll take Neil and head out."

Taggert walked to her side, leaned his hip against the counter, not pulling off casual in any way. "You will need me as well."

Scotts' scowled deepened. "We don't need two shifters."

"There are hundreds of trails out there. The rogues have been here for weeks. Neil might get you to the meeting place, but I'm the only one who's able to sort the older trails from the more recent."

"I go as well." Jackson didn't glance up from his study of the map. "If you run across trouble, you're weapons will do nothing but enrage a shifter hyped up on drugs."

That left six of them including Randolph.

"I called a few men in for backup." Scotts squinted at the clock. "They should be here shortly."

"If the humans are going, I am as well." The door thudded open at those words, and Jamie hobbled into the room. His battered face was a pasty shade of cottage cheese, and he practically swayed on his feet.

"You're awake." Her relief to see him alive was short lived at his declaration. "You can barely stand, you need to rest."

He shook his head and tottered into the room. "There are too many rogues out there. I will not have them be mistaken for the threat and killed."

The words stung. She didn't care to be lumped as a killer. "I wouldn't-"

"There is also the fact that they trust me. My presence will give us free passage through the forest."

That wasn't something she could argue with.

"That leaves London and Jase to protect the house in case anyone thinks to double back."

A knock sounded on the door, and Scotts straightened. "That would be my men. Suit up. We leave in ten."

Raven headed toward her office, conscious of Jackson a few steps behind her. She stopped by her desk. Her hand hesitated over the gun and Taser, but she knew that neither were going to be of much help.

She stared at her hands, or more precisely, the gloves she wore, then pulled them off and laid them next to the gun. She flexed her fingers, shocked by how vulnerable they looked without current.

"Claim me before we leave."

She turned and held up a hand to ward off his demand then slowly let it drop. The last time she had a chance to claim him and hadn't, she'd nearly lost him. A frisson of nerves danced along her spine at the thought of her mouth on him, tasting him so intimately.

She licked her dry lips. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

In answer, he pulled off his shirt and strode toward her. Breathing stopped being important when his naked chest halted inches from her face. She expected the moon's heat.

This was something more.

This was attraction on a personal level.

He reached past, never taking his gaze from hers. When he straightened, he held her letter opener in his hand. He laid the edge right below his collarbone. The gold shimmering against his skin startled her out of her daze. "What are you doing?"

"Making the bite easier on you." Without giving her a change to protest, he sliced the metal across his upper chest. The edge wasn't sharp, and he had to force it to pierce his skin.

She sucked in a harsh breath, watching a trickle of blood lazily trail down his torso. He didn't so much as flinch. When she made no move toward him, he cupped the back of her head and pulled her closer.

He bent his knees until they were on eye-level. "You are what I want."

The seductiveness of his voice and body lured her closer. She shivered at the heat of him, her skin stinging as his warmth soaked into the coldness that seemed to be so much a part of her now. She placed her hands on his chest, marveling at the texture of man. Her fingers brushed across the line of chest hair, allowing herself to be drawn forward of her own accord.

The first taste of him exploded through her. Jackson sucked in a breath, his body trembled, his arms banding around her, inviting her to take more. Instead of being repulsed, his blood tasted of power.

Like she'd gulped vodka straight from the bottle, heat burned along her cold body. A brush of fur rubbed against her mind, and she saw the stunning yellow eyes of his wolf peer back at her. When the heat hit her center, the darkness there unfurled, and the creature all but licked her lips.

Her nails dug into Jackson's shoulders to prevent her prey from escaping. Raven tried to shake the creature's grip on her mind, but she wouldn't be dismissed. Talons sank into her chest in retaliation for fighting back. After what felt like eons, the creature released its hold.

Raven jerked back, horrified to find herself cradled on Jackson's lap, her knees pressed on either side of his hips like some lover's embrace. Like she hadn't just tried to kill him. He sat with his head tipped back, the long column of his throat exposed in surrender.

That was until she got a look at his face and the very pleased with himself smile. His obvious pleasure eased some of her terror, allowed her mind to settle enough to organize her chaotic thoughts. Raven trembled, hating that her legs wouldn't hold her. Hated the way she couldn't run away from what happened. "Is it always like that?"

Jackson ran a hand down her arm, tangling his fingers with hers. "Not like that. Never like that."

He made it sound like a good thing. The fool. "I could've killed you."

Jackson only shook his head. "Your beasts knew me. They've accepted me before. You wouldn't have hurt me."

Raven didn't hold back this time and smacked him. "I can't feel my beasts anymore. All there is left is that thing. I felt its hunger. It could've killed you before I would've been able to stop it."

When she scrambled away from him, Jackson straightened and sighed as if she ruined the special moment for him. "It's the way of being an alpha. To be claimed, we lay ourselves bare and wait judgment. A few cases of death occur each year. We know the risks going into it."

Raven backed away. "I didn't."

He stood, his jeans riding low on his hips. Dried blood was still smeared on his chest. Her teeth marks on his skin mocked her. She curled her fingers into fists to resist reaching for him and confirm for herself that he was all right. As if he craved her contact, too, he grabbed her wrist and flattened her palm over the recent wound. He shuddered as if her touch, alone, stole his breathe.

"Usually the exchange is made by the alpha male. He holds the pack. The bite heals in a few days as the bonds form."

"But not mine. You will always bear my mark." She hated the pleasure that spun through her at the announcement.

He brushed the back of her hand with his fingers when she would've spoken.

"This mark claims my status as your mate. It gives me equal status as Taggert and Durant." He took a fortifying breath as if preparing himself for a difficult conversation. "There are things you need to know about female alphas. There are less than a handful of females in the world strong enough to hold their own pack. The bonds between them and their pack are different. There is no way for a female to take blood without her enzymes binding them together. Their bite is a sign of possession deeper than any claiming."

"You're talking about mating." This conversation made her nervous. Raven didn't want to hear more, but her feet refused to budge.

"It's considered a great honor to be chosen. Most display their scars with pride. But you need to know that there are other ways for an alpha female to claim a male into her pack without the mating bonds.

"You can select one or two mated male to hold the bonds of the pack for you. It's dangerous. The bonds aren't nearly as strong as in other packs. You'll have to periodically take blood from them to keep the connections stable. If anything happens to these males, you could lose your pack."