Electric Moon - Electric Moon Part 25

Electric Moon Part 25

Not willing to delve too deeply into his comment, uncomfortable under the admiration she'd done nothing to deserve, she leaned back and hesitantly stroked the necklace. "Why doesn't my body react as everyone else?"

Jackson sat, not bothering to dust off. "I'm not sure. There are many things about you that are different." Then he turned toward her with a suddenness that took her off guard. "Promise me you will not remove this necklace until after the conclave."

Raven studied him, trying to read past the demand, but couldn't riddle it out. "Why?"

"It's silver. If a shifter comes after you, it can be used as a weapon." He grabbed her wrist in an unbreakable grip, expecting her to deny him. "Promise."

The piece was beautiful and obviously cost a fortune. What meant more to her was the thought and consideration he put into his gift. Even though it would raise questions, she couldn't refuse him. "Until after the conclave."

His face relaxed a fraction, and he bounded to his feet. "I'm starved. Let's see if they saved us any food."

Raven accepted his hand, surprised when he didn't release her as they walked toward the house. She brushed off her clothes as they entered.

The low level of smoke in the room made Jackson groan. Raven couldn't help it, she laughed. "You're wish was granted. There will be plenty of food remaining. Must have been Dina's night to cook."

His hand gripped hers almost reflexively, maybe remembering when she abandoned him to his first meal here. She took pity on him, not wanting the evening to end. "Why don't you see if there is anything left intact. It's still our date. We can have an alfresco in my room."

"Give me ten minutes." Jackson strode away, full of purpose, a contented whistle on his lips now that they had a plan.

By the time Raven finished her quick shower and a change of clothes, Jackson was back. He pilfered the blanket from the bed and arranged it before the opened balcony doors. The evening air held a soft breeze. He turned off almost all the lights, so that the stars were spread out before them.

A bit nervous being alone with him, Raven hesitantly crossed the room. Jackson had his back toward her, a rare beer in his hand. Shifters didn't usually drink, their metabolism running through the alcohol too quickly.

He changed into a pair of jeans. His black t-shirt fitted him like it had been finger-painted on him. In a fight, no one could grab your clothes and use it against you. The effect on him was stunning.

But what caught her attention was his bare feet. It changed his appearance to someone more approachable, made him not so indestructible. Then it dawned on her what made him look different. It was the first time since his return that she'd ever seen him relaxed.

"Any trouble?"

He raised a brow as if anyone would dare stop him. And he was more than likely correct.

"How is your room with Aaron?"

"More than adequate." He purposely didn't look at the couch where he'd slept on his previous stay, but he had to notice that she hadn't removed it.

His couch. Just waiting for him.

The meal went quickly, Jackson attending her by keeping her plate full and sharing entertaining stories. When Aaron peeked his head in the door, Jackson's face shut down as he stood.

Raven gained her feet slower, suddenly anxious as she waved Aaron into the room. "We're ready for you."

He headed to the couch, his hands full of bedding.

A snarl rose from Jackson, his wolf tracking the kid's every movement, waiting for the chance to lunge for his throat. A sudden bout of nervousness shot her speech all the crap. When Jackson tensed to leap, she blurted out her invitation, her face burning at the awkwardness. "Aaron volunteered to be our chaperone for the night."

Jackson pivoted toward her so fast, she nearly retreated a step. One did not run from shifters unless you wanted to be chased. The ferocity on his face had her wonder if she made a tactical error. "If you want."

He gave her a short nod then bent to pack up the supper. When she went to retrieve her pajamas, his gaze trailed after her, every inch the wolf stalking his prey. She prayed she hadn't made a big mistake.

Raven woke to movement. She cracked open one eye to find Jackson with his head resting on his hand, staring down at her. The dead serious expression on his face stopped her smile short. That was not a look of a contented man.

Trouble had found her again.

She jerked into sitting position, the hope for a few moments of peace shattered. She scanned the room, noting they were alone. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Aaron went down to breakfast twenty minutes ago."

Raven's brows furrowed, and she stopped scooting toward the edge of the bed. "Then why..."

"My day is almost up. I didn't want to miss even a second of our time together."

A half smile tipped her lips, some of the tension easing as Raven pulled the blankets back up. "You'll be back in the pack soon enough."

He nodded, but didn't appear appeased.

"Are you doubting me?"

He didn't blink as he stared. "You don't know how persistent Vivian can be. She gave up too easy. She's planning something."

Though Raven didn't know Vivian like Jackson, she agreed with his assessment. "All we can do is be prepared."

"I want you to promise me that if anything happens, you will do whatever necessary to keep safe."

Raven realized his expression now, the one he'd worn since he'd been returned to her. He didn't expect to survive. "You worry too much, Jackson. I know I'm new to shifter protocol, but I'm a lot harder to get rid of than you might expect. I'll do whatever's necessary to keep my pack together." And if he didn't know it yet, that meant him. She caressed his jaw, the stubble prickling her fingers.

He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch as if relishing it for the last time. Raven didn't understand how shifters could live with the constant uncertainty in their lives.

Once a shifter entered a pack, it was near impossible to break the bonds, no matter how desperate they might want to escape servitude to their alpha.

Jackson caressed the warm stone of her necklace. The clock revealed they had ten minutes remaining before their date officially ended. Likely the last few minutes they would have alone until after the conclave.

When she opened her mouth to ask him a question, he lunged forward and kissed her. This was no light brush of lips that they'd shared in the past. He devoured her, unable to get enough of her taste. Tongue and teeth dueled. He cupped the back of her head, pulling her closer.

His arousal pressed against her, and Raven groaned. In the past, she would've pulled away. This time, she only wanted to get closer. When she shifted restlessly against him, Jackson slipped his hand down her side, his thumb brushing at the edges of her breast, before trailing his fingers lower. He cupped the back of her thigh and pulled her leg over his hip.

She gasped at the intimate contact, and he took advantage, sliding his lips against her throat. Only to hiss when he encountered the necklace.

Without a word, he left the bed. She instantly felt bereft. Before she could gather her wits to protest, he disappeared out the door. Raven fell back against the mattress and sighed.

Then his reaction hit her.

A kiss goodbye.

He thought this would be his last chance, so he took and savored what she normally wouldn't have offered.

He was so convinced that he wasn't going to survive, her heart turned heavy with dread. She rolled out of bed and shivered, vowing to make sure he didn't slip out of her hold this time.

Chapter Twenty-two.

DAY BEFORE THE FULL MOON: TAGGERT'S DAY Raven fingered the necklace, the stone a warm presence under her shirt. Today was her last date. Her last day of freedom before the conclave. A part of her wondered if it would also be her last day with Taggert if she wasn't able to gain alpha status.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed into the kitchen. Only to find she'd been stood up for the third day in a row. She refused to feel disappointment at not finding Taggert waiting for her. She hadn't realized how accustomed she was to having him near.

"Have you seen Taggert?"

Aaron shoveled a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. He shook his head, then tipped back and spoke around his food. "Hasn't come down yet."

Something was wrong.

Taggert always woke early. He'd been looking forward to his date. He wouldn't be late.

She took the stairs two at a time then veered down the hallway toward his room. She knocked but received no response. Concern grew into alarm. Shoving open the door, she scanned the room.

What she saw stopped her cold. The room was bare, stripped of everything but the furniture, as if he had no intention of staying. A bubble of pain rose in her chest at the thought of him deserting her. Her hand tightened on the knob as if, by her will alone, she could force him to choose her.

She backed out of the room, hurt tightening her throat. He was hers. She refused to let him just walk out of her life without confronting him.

She turned to find Jase standing in the hall waiting for her. She licked her lips, her heart beating a little too fast. Could he already be gone? "Have you seen Taggert? We were supposed to meet."

Jase pointed down the hall. "He's with the boys ordering some items."

Raven slowly released her breath, but the fear of losing Taggert wouldn't be dismissed so easily. When Jase didn't move or say anything more, Raven pushed away her concern and focused on him.

He appeared preoccupied, his complexion sallow, not the intent soldier from the night before. "What's wrong?"

"You're giving us too much."

Raven didn't understand. "Explain."

"We're rogues. The bottom rung. We're not allowed to own possessions. If a bigger shifter comes along, they will claim everything. None of us are strong enough to protest without getting killed."

She hadn't known the situation was so stark. "What would you suggest?"

That seemed to stump him. He rubbed his chin, the movement lifting his shirt. Massive black and putrid green bruises covered his torso.

The decision was easy. "Order what you need. Use this time to decide what type of future you want. Being a rogue is not the only option for you."

Raven nodded toward his injuries, not willing to believe one of her people laid a finger on him. "Tell me who hurt you."

Jase clutched his ribs then immediately dropped his arm. "It's nothing."

"Let me help."

He lifted his chin, pride keeping him quiet. "Then let me earn my keep. Give me something to do."

She understood the need to feel useful. If she assigned him a job, they could keep watch, find out who's beating on him and take care of it. "Go to London. He'll teach you how to fight. You'll be paired and added to the rosters to do nightly rounds of the grounds."

Jase straightened, not expecting to be selected for something so important as their safety. "Thank you."

Raven snorted. "You haven't met London yet."

Taggert hurried down the hallway in their direction, the slightly harried expression relaxing when he saw her. "Sorry I'm late."

"Not at all. You were busy." Like a sliver burrowing under her skin, it bothered her that he'd made a place for himself in her life when he had no intention of staying.

Raven gestured toward his room. "Do you mind if we talk?"

His face smoothed out until all emotions vanished. "Of course."

He entered first, his presence a stark contrast to the abandoned room.

"Do you want to be here?"

His head snapped up, tracking her as she stopped by the window. "Yes."

"I don't understand. When Durant decided to move into the house, he remodeled two rooms without a by your leave. Yet, you haven't done anything to claim yours."

"I'm waiting until after the full moon." His hair was pulled back and tied at the base of his skull. The sunlight filtered through the window, highlighting the natural streaks that tempted her to run her fingers through the strands. All the passiveness melted in his eyes, the sharp hope there painful to witness. And she realized he was allowing her to see it.

It took her a few seconds to understand what he was saying without words. He wanted back into her room. Heat filled her face. "Oh."

Pack slept together, usually in twos or threes, touch an important element to their culture. It bound them together. It could be used as a sign of favor or a punishment.

It was nothing special.

But it didn't feel that way to her.

Sensing her unease, he gave a sudden smile. "Why don't we head downstairs?"

Glad for the reprieve, Raven accepted his overture. They walked into the hall together, the silence awkward. She hadn't gone two steps when Taggert slipped his hand into hers. Surprised by the move, she nearly tripped over her own feet.

"I read up on what humans do on dates."

Raven gave a half smile, a queer little turn in her stomach leaving her feeling half a step out of sync. "Holding hands."

"Did I do it wrong?"

His question caught her off guard, made her realize how little life he had outside of being a slave. "Not wrong. Just unexpected. What do shifters do on dates?"

"Hunt. Run. Have sex." Taggert shrugged. "Humans go on dates to search for their mate. Most shifters have their mates chosen for them. Since you wanted to get to know us more..."