Electric Moon - Electric Moon Part 22

Electric Moon Part 22

He blanched, his body tensed, all but quivering under her gaze, but he didn't run.

Then Raven understood.

Because of his brother.

She'd bet everything he'd done had been to protect his younger brother.

"I propose we keep that incident between us. I will assume you were coerced into the job. That's fine. We've all done things that we're not proud of in order to survive. But that stops now. If you're in trouble, come to me. Do this and we'll pretend nothing happened." Raven stood and walked toward the door, remembering nights in the labs where a desperate few shifters had snapped and turned on their own for a chance at freedom. They'd become jailors, almost worse than the white lab coats. She pushed the memories away. This time would be different. This time she could stop it. "Do we have a deal?"

He rose slowly to his feet, the brash teenager knocked out of him. "My brother-"

"Is safe and will not hear a word of it from me. My pack knows of the attack but that's it. If you decide not to stay, he will remain safe. I don't punish people for crimes they didn't commit."

He looked troubled. His dark brows lowered as he walked toward her.

"If you stay, I will assume you've agreed to my terms."

Kyle nodded and passed her.

"One question, though."

He paused, not looking at her.

"Who hired you?"

He slowly lifted his head and gave her a blank stare, his eyes a light green, almost washed of color.

"I'm guessing your alpha gave the order. Do you know if he ordered the hit himself or took it on as a job?"

"I don't know. They just told me what I needed to do." His voice was a rough whisper.

And no doubt was punished when he failed. "Good enough. Use your stay here to learn from the pack. Teach your wolf how to survive."

As they headed up stairs, Raven turned out the lights and followed them. She lingered outside her door, talking herself out of why going down the hall to Durant's room would be such a bad idea.

She liked him.

She was attracted to him.

It only made the situation all the worse.

She could well imagine women throwing themselves at his feet. She wanted to use his past to put distance between them but for one important fact. If Durant loved a woman, he would never let her go.

She cast one last glance down the hall, mourned the loss of her goodnight kiss, but accepted that it was for the best. She entered her room.

Only to have her feet freeze to the carpeting.

It wasn't that the room was clean, the bodies gone. No, it was Durant lying in her bed waiting for her. He was stretched out on her quilt, his hands behind his head, wearing pajamas bottoms, a concession for her, no doubt, looking way too at home. Her heart lurched. "What are you doing?"

"You gave us one day each. My date doesn't end until my twenty-four hours are up."

Heat prickled her skin at the thought of lying in the bed next to him. Touching him. Being touched. Her throat went dry. "But-"

"Sleep only. You have my word." He rolled over to his side, propping his head up on his hand. "It will help you sleep through the moon."

She had no reason to think that he was lying, but the way his pajamas rested low on his hips distracted her from voicing the questions she should be asking. His stomach was ribbed with muscles, not an inch of fat on him. Her fingers itched to explore and see if she was right.

Running more from her betraying thoughts than him, she grabbed her clothes and hurried toward the bathroom. Changing didn't take long enough. She smoothed the leather material of the gloves on her discarded pile, debating the wisdom of her choice. They'd been a part of her life for so long, it felt wrong to be without them.

Durant was on the other side of the door waiting for her. She rested her head against the wood, clenching her eyes shut, half debating if it wouldn't be wiser to flee before things went further.

A knock sounded. Startled, Raven gave a girly squeal and leapt away, tripping over a pile of stacked rubble. The door thudded open, and Durant charged into the room, ready to rip apart anyone he found.

Even as she teetered, he grabbed her arm and hauled her toward him until she was flush against his naked chest.

She couldn't say she hated the way he cradled her so close. She should have pulled away, but his warmth and leather scent drew her. Despite the tension in him, Raven relaxed.

"Was it a mouse?" A teasing smile curled his lips.

"Ass." Her reply was muffled against his chest, but his amusement was infectious. He rubbed his large palms down her arms until he came across her exposed hands. He stepped back, stealing all that delicious warmth.

"Come. Tomorrow will be here all too soon." He retained his hold on her hand, but left the choice up to her.

Raven's fingers tightened reflexively on his, trusting him to pull her out if she started to drown. He drew her into the bedroom, her tension building walls between them.

Durant didn't seem to notice.

Or refused to take heed.

"Crawl up into bed. I'll lock up."

It was easier to get into bed without him in it. She dove beneath the covers, pulling them up to her chin. Durant chuckled, and her gaze jerked toward him.

His smile was gentle when the lights flickered off. The bed dipped, and she lay rigid. Five minutes later, Durant sighed.

"Come here."

His arm reached out of the darkness, dragged her closer. The coldness that'd encased her since the creature had made itself known began to thaw. It was only when he arranged her over his chest that her chaotic thoughts shut down. Unfamiliar peace settled over her.

The scent and heat of him slowly seeped into her skin. He tangled his fingers into her hair as if to keep her tied to him and gave a contented sigh of pure pleasure. Despite the repressed lust cocooning them, she couldn't be more surprised when she woke the next morning, completely relaxed with the first good night's sleep in ages.

"You're awake."

She turned, stretched, and encountered an empty bed. Rolling over, she spied Durant walking out of the bathroom. She wasn't sure how she should feel. But she knew one thing. "You were right. Thank you."

Tension dropped from his shoulders, and he smiled. "My pleasure."

"You're leaving."

He gave a short nod. "My time was up fifteen minutes ago. I need to get back to work and make up for the time I missed yesterday. I'll be back tomorrow night." He strolled toward her, dressed in the work clothes he wore like armor. His face softened when he peered down at her, taking pleasure at seeing her disheveled in a bed he'd just left. "Call me if you need me."

"Not much of a date, huh?" She fiddled with the covers of the blanket, suddenly insecure.

"I wouldn't change a thing." He pressed his mouth to hers, a barely-there brush of his lips that left her tingling from head to toe.

She shivered when he straightened, nearly pulling him down on the bed with her to finish the promise in his kiss.

"Don't forget me on your next date." With that, he turned and walked out the room all confident and too sexy for her own good.

Chapter Nineteen.

TWO DAYS UNTIL THE FULL MOON: JACKSON'S DAY Feeling more than a little trepidation to face Jackson again, Raven trailed down the stairs. Things haven't been right between them since he'd returned. She didn't want their strained relationship pushed to the breaking point.

She pushed opened the door to the kitchen, only to deflate when she found no one.


Part of her was relieved to put off their next confrontation. She wandered into the kitchen. Aaron stood at the counter, building a sandwich, his movements agitated. "Aaron?"

He barely glanced up at her. "Jackson's in the bathroom getting ready."

"Oh?" Raven walked further into the kitchen.

"Just be careful with him, will you?" He slammed the condiments back in the fridge one at a time.

"What's wrong with Jackson?" Her heart gave a nervous leap at the thought of the indestructible enforcer being hurt.

Aaron whirled on her, his face set in angry lines, but he paused before he spoke. "You don't know."

"Know what?"

"Ask me to go with on your date."

Raven's brow wrinkled at his abrupt about-face. "It's not safe for you to be out in public."

"I'll be safer with the both of you than here alone."

It didn't sound like a threat, but Raven was leery. "Are you sure that's wise with your mother?"

"She'll try to get at me either way. At least out in public, I'll have the two of you to protect me. You'll be expecting her."

"Would she really try to kill her own son?"

"The sooner the better." He didn't show any emotions. He took a bite of his breakfast sandwich and chewed, studying her with a calculation frightening for one so young. "I can guarantee you a day with Jackson without the moon's call interfering."

His generous offer stunned her. Temptation whispered her to grab the offer and quick, before he changed his mind. Instead, Raven walked around the table, unable to place the worry that niggled at the back of her mind. There were always consequences to any route she chose. "Are you able to hold your power all day without any ill affects?"

Aaron shrugged. "Nothing I can't handle."

"Tell me."

"Headaches. Extra tired. I need to consume more calories to stay balanced. Jackson is vulnerable to you, and he doesn't know how to react. Not with you, not while being an enforcer of another pack. He's wound tight. All the distance between the two of you is driving both him and his wolf crazy."

The door opened behind them with a whoosh, and Raven whirled. Jackson had halted on the threshold, stunned to find her there, like he hadn't expected her to show.

Fear and possessiveness whirled in his eyes.

His hands clenched until his knuckles whitened, but otherwise, he gave no other reaction. Raven was shocked to realize that Aaron was correct, and a little jealous to realize that the kid knew Jackson better than her.

She made him vulnerable. If she wasn't strong enough to hold Jackson to her pack, she wasn't sure he would survive. Not the Jackson she knew. But she could do one thing. She'd show him what it could be like to be a member of her pack and demand that he fight for a chance to be with her.

Pack. Raven mentally flinched at the slip. Fight for a chance to be with her pack.

"Aaron is going with us."

As if she said a chant, the raw emotions plaguing her, made her second-guess her every decision, immediately toned down before it finally dissipated.

The relief was instantaneous.

What surprised her was that she missed the little hum her animals emitted at the back of her mind. She hadn't realized they were awake and aware, helping her get through the day.

Jackson swallowed. "Agreed."

"Aaron, why don't you get ready. We'll meet you outside."

The boy left without a word, scooting around Jackson to escape the kitchen. Raven walked forward, stopping right in front of him.

She had one more thing to do before she forgave him.

She drew back her hand and slapped him. Her palm stung. His head whipped to the side, and he rubbed his face, working his jaw as he turned toward her.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again. If you leave me, at least have the balls to tell me to my face." She couldn't bear to have him vanish on her again.

He gave a brief nod.

Unable to help herself, she closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around him. He stiffened in her embrace then very slowly hugged her in return, almost afraid that if he touched her, she would vanish.

He ducked his head next to hers and inhaled slowly, and some of the strain finally peeled away from him.

"Are we ready?" Aaron swung open the door then backed out.

As reality intruded, Raven pulled back. His arms took longer to drop, but when he drew away, some of the Jackson she recognized was back.