,, 6. Under G.o.d's wrath: Eph. ii.
Therefore requires two things, viz. Forgiveness of Sin and Change of Heart.
LECTURE II.-_Forgiveness of Sin_.
1. The blessing of it: Psalm x.x.xii.
2. Examples of it: Mark ii.; Luke vii.; Luke xviii.
3. Given us because our sins were laid on the Lord Jesus Christ as our subst.i.tute: Isa. liii.; 2 Cor. v.; Gal. iii.; Eph. i.; 1 Peter ii.
LECTURE III.-_Change of Heart_.
1. Necessary: John iii.
2. Compared to Birth: John iii.
,, Resurrection: Eph. ii.
,, Creation: Eph. ii.; 2 Cor. v.
3. Wrought by G.o.d the Holy Spirit: John i.; John iii.; Ezek. x.x.xvi.
4. Prayer for it: Psalm li.
LECTURE IV.-_First Promise made in Baptism_.
We promise to renounce three things.
1. The devil: Gen. iii.; John viii.; 1 Peter v.; 1 John iii.
2. The world: Rom. xii.; 1 John ii.; Psalm xvii.
3. The flesh: Rom. viii.; Gal. v.
LECTURE V.-_Second Promise made in Baptism_.
We promise to believe in the Lord Jesus.
1. The three articles of Christian faith: Catechism.
2. Examples of faith: Gen. xv.; Rom. iv.; Matt. viii.; Matt. xv.; Luke i.; Luke vii.
3. Salvation given through faith: John iii.; Acts viii.; Acts xvi.; Eph.
LECTURE VI.-_Third Promise made in Baptism_.
We promise to obey the Commandments.
We should obey them In both their parts: Matt, xxii., and Church Catechism.
,, From the heart: Deut. xi.; Rom. vi.; Eph. vi.
,, With delight: Psalm xl.; Psalm cxix.
,, In all things: Josh. xxii.; Gen. vi.
,, From love: John xiv.; Rom. xiii.; 2 Cor. v.
Lecture VII.-_Prayer_.
Promises to prayer: Luke xi.; John xiv.; John xvi.
Prayer should be From the heart: Matt. xv.
,, Earnest: James v.
,, Persevering: Luke xviii.; Eph. vi.
,, In humility: Luke xviii.
,, In faith: Matt. xxi.; James i.
,, In the name of Jesus: John xiv.
Lecture VIII.-_The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper_.
Was appointed by the Lord Himself: Matt. xxvi.; 1 Cor. xi.