Dungeons Appeared in Real Life - Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Two more weeks have pa.s.sed since then.

First of all, the rest of the chickens also became adults, so I decided to send them to the dungeon.

With this, all 30 chickens will be active in the dungeon.

I asked the experienced chickens to supervise and instruct the newly added chickens so that they wouldn’t be unreasonable.

Thanks to that, it seems that they can definitely beat rats so far without major injuries.

I also can say that Mio and 10 older chickens are rampaging on the third floor.

When they find a monster, they approach an gathered, and it’s rashly defeated.

Now 1 chicken has the power to defeat a frog, but it’s an honest over-attack because they are attacking together, but it’s definitely knocked down so I decided not to look at it.

Looking at Mio and 10 chickens that have the same or greater power than frogs surrounding the frog, isn’t it bullying?, a little, no, I definitely think it is because they are hara.s.sing it, because I thought how about getting into it?

W, Well, as long as her ability is securely attached, let’s regard it as good.

So, we’re going to level up on the 4th floor, but we’re also steadily gaining strength.

Now, Haku and Koku, even if it’s only one of them, have enough or more power to fight with two mantises.

N? Does it feel that the growth is slow?

There is no such thing.

The mantis is just troublesome.

The mantis attacks with four blades in its arms, right?

In other words, one is equivalent to four people. In the case of two sword style, it’s 2 people.

So, if you are going two have 2 such mantises as opponents at the same time, it’s like fighting against 4 people using two sword style.

You can think of it as the same thing, I think.

It seems tough to fight four people in a row, but it’s needless to say that it’s more difficult for four people to fight at the same time.

That’s why I think that one needs the ability to defeat 3 monsters in a row.

I can a.s.sure that one will surely defeat two.

Considering that, by no means, the growth isn’t slow.

Even for me, it’s hard to defeat 2 mantises like this.

Then, with my current ability, I think that I could overcome having 3 mantises as opponents.

I can’t fight on equal terms.

Between offense and defense, the defense is more advantageous, so as long I’m committed to defense, I could manage 3 of them as opponents, and I would be killed if I try to attack.

Look, even in a battle to a.s.sault a fort or a castle, the strength of the attacking side need to be 3-5 times.

Isn’t close to that?

Ah, that’s right.

About the zone, it became possible to activate it somehow.

But it’s still not usable.

Why not?

The reason is simple, the time of usage is short.

A short time of 1 or 2 seconds, and when it’s long 10 or so seconds.

I can use it if the battle time is short, but a battle here is unlikely to end in a short time.

Even if it’s short, it takes more than one minute, and sometimes it takes about 10 minutes.

Oh, it won’t take a minute if all the members partic.i.p.ate.

It’s the case when I challenge by myself. It’s just me.

Besides, there is the disadvantage that it’s not possible to use it continuously because activating the zone exhaust my energy unnecessarily.

However, the battle becomes considerable advantageous when using it, so it’s both good and bad.

Isn’t there a way?

I only have to think about the time of use.

I only have to think about the time of use.

Now I only have to practice to make the time of use longer.

Hmmm? What about Pochi?

Yeah, Pochi.

Even if Pochi doesn’t say it, I think he understands it, but like that he’s demonstrating that he’s matchless.

For now, we haven’t fought in the plaza, but the highest war potential coming from the pa.s.sage were 4 mantises and 1 frog accompanied with 2 rabbits, and we defeated them in a short time and uninjured (faraway look).

It doesn’t take a minute.

It’s just 30 seconds at best. Haa.

Well, that’s about our combat power.

What I found in the last two weeks was that there were no changes to the boston bags.

Was it just a short period of time? I thought?

The rucksack is expanding, so it probably isn’t.

By the way, the rucksack has expanded considerably and could contain 10 mantis stomachs.

I thought about the reason why the rucksack has expanded and the boston bag not, but maybe it’s that.

That is if I am wearing it during the battle, isn’t it?

The rucksack is still carried during the battle, but the boston bags are placed on the ground before the battle.

From this, if it’s like a game, the boston bags don’t gain the experience.

In order to verify this, I hold the rucksack that was on my back, and put one boston bag on my back, and after confirming that it won’t disturb in battle, I fight several times, I think that this guess was correct from the fact that the boston bag that I was carrying was slightly expanded.

I had verified such thing by myself, but it was found easily when I tried to search later.

Mo-re-over, this verification was announced from a certain laboratory about a year before I enter the dungeon, so if it’s from someone I knew, he was probably putting a grand tsukkomi as “It has to be around this time!”

I’m glad I didn’t tell anyone at that time.

If I had said it, I would be embarra.s.sed.

If I had said it, I would be embarra.s.sed.

Because there was such a thing, thinking that there are other things, I try searching and, your equipment is also enhanced when you defeat a monster, but if you have money it’s better to buy equipment that suits you.

If I keep on using it, it certainly will become strong, but it takes to much time.

For example, if an aluminum pipe is strengthened as much as a steel pipe, it’s faster to buy a steel pipe.

After I understand that, although is an accessory, in the past wasn’t it raised about 5%? but according to the result of the research inst.i.tute, it did not raise by 1%.

Because it was 0.8% at maximum in the publication of the research inst.i.tute, perhaps it was 0.5% instead of 5%.

There have been many other publications, but there was nothing particularly worrisome.

However, I understood that the reports from the Seekers to the research inst.i.tute are suddenly decreasing after a time.

It was caused by a certain incident, but it seems that from that time it became known to the public that the Seekers don’t hand reports to the research inst.i.tute and only keep them for themselves.

Well, that incident is pretty famous.

Is it natural to think that you should have secrets only for oneself as a countermeasure?

For that reason, I guess that there is no one to report to the research inst.i.tute what I found about the magic stone and the magic gem.

That’s what I found in the past 2 weeks.

But, I don’t care about such a thing.

There was a good event to say trivialities.

That is, what!

The birth of Pochi’s children~~!!

At that time, I was on the dungeon so I couldn’t attend the moment when Pochi’s children were born, but the children were very small and very cute.

I’ve taken a lot of shots because they were so cute.

Their size is slightly larger than the palm of my hand, there are 6 of them.

Because there were 5 males and 1 female, I thought how to divide them, but the other party who offered the female dog wanted only 1 male.

However, it’s difficult to take one.

So I decided to pick 3 of them, 2 males and 1 female.

The reason for this number is that I made the arrangement to take over half of the children born.

However, it’s difficult to take one.

So I decided to pick 3 of them, 2 males and 1 female.

The reason for this number is that I made the arrangement to take over half of the children born.

The remaining 2 will be put up for adoption.

Even if I say this, it won’t be right now, but I will take care of them after they get a little bigger.

I’m not going to pick them up right now.

I will pick them until they can be weaned until then it was decided to put them in the partner’s house.

Indeed, the newly born children are mega kawaii~~

My face is unexpectedly blurred as much as I understand it.

Don’t say it’s disgusting!!

If you look at your newborn baby, you’re supposed to be like this!

If you don’t, you don’t like animals!

I wanted to see them forever, but since I will be a nuisance if I stay, I decided to leave after a reasonable amount of time.

Then, I was going to see how are the children occasionally.

If its normal, it will take at least 2 months to separate them from their parents, so I’m going to see them occasionally until then.

Right……, If it’s every day, I’ll be a nuisance, isn’t it?

I going to see how are they once or twice a week.

If it’s this much, it’s good.

Even if someone says ‘No!!’, I’m going to.

TN: First, sorry for the delay, I’m really busy these days and I think I won’t post anything until the next year. Next, some are asking for the changes in the plot, more after this chapter, but there’s no great change only the order of chapters (the MC knowing and meeting the heroine in the 1st volume and some talks and shopping in the 2nd volume) and some chapters that the MC is shopping or talking about common sense, maybe the greatest change is buying the s.h.i.+elds. So there are no great changes, and if you want to know if we compare the event->WNCh->LNCh, then “knowing the heroine->22/23->14/15”, “meeting the heroine 2nd time->45/46->24/25”, that on the 1st volume.

Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for another year and “Merry Christmas”

Two more weeks have pa.s.sed since then.. First of all, the rest of the chickens also became adults, so I decided to send them to the dungeon.. With this, all 30 chickens will be active in the dungeon.. I asked the experienced chickens to supervise and instruct the newly added chickens so that they wouldn’t be unreasonable.. Thanks to that, it seems that they can definitely beat rats so far without major injuries.. I also can say that Mio and 10 older chickens are rampaging on the third floor.. When they find a monster, they approach an gathered, and it’s rashly defeated.. Now 1 chicken has the power to defeat a frog, but it’s an honest over-attack because they are attacking together, but it’s definitely knocked down so I decided not to look at it.. Looking at Mio and 10 chickens that have the same or greater power than frogs surrounding the frog, isn’t it bullying?, a little, no, I definitely think it is because they are hara.s.sing it, because I thought how about getting into it?. W, Well, as long as her ability is securely attached, let’s regard it as good..

So, we’re going to level up on the 4th floor, but we’re also steadily gaining strength.. Now, Haku and Koku, even if it’s only one of them, have enough or more power to fight with two mantises.. N? Does it feel that the growth is slow?. There is no such thing.. The mantis is just troublesome.. The mantis attacks with four blades in its arms, right?. In other words, one is equivalent to four people. In the case of two sword style, it’s 2 people.. So, if you are going two have 2 such mantises as opponents at the same time, it’s like fighting against 4 people using two sword style.. You can think of it as the same thing, I think.. It seems tough to fight four people in a row, but it’s needless to say that it’s more difficult for four people to fight at the same time.. That’s why I think that one needs the ability to defeat 3 monsters in a row.. I can a.s.sure that one will surely defeat two.. Considering that, by no means, the growth isn’t slow.. Even for me, it’s hard to defeat 2 mantises like this.. Then, with my current ability, I think that I could overcome having 3 mantises as opponents.. I can’t fight on equal terms.. Between offense and defense, the defense is more advantageous, so as long I’m committed to defense, I could manage 3 of them as opponents, and I would be killed if I try to attack.. Look, even in a battle to a.s.sault a fort or a castle, the strength of the attacking side need to be 3-5 times.. Isn’t close to that?.

Ah, that’s right.. About the zone, it became possible to activate it somehow.. But it’s still not usable.. Why not?. The reason is simple, the time of usage is short.. A short time of 1 or 2 seconds, and when it’s long 10 or so seconds.. I can use it if the battle time is short, but a battle here is unlikely to end in a short time.. Even if it’s short, it takes more than one minute, and sometimes it takes about 10 minutes.. Oh, it won’t take a minute if all the members partic.i.p.ate.. It’s the case when I challenge by myself. It’s just me.. Besides, there is the disadvantage that it’s not possible to use it continuously because activating the zone exhaust my energy unnecessarily.. However, the battle becomes considerable advantageous when using it, so it’s both good and bad.. Isn’t there a way?. I only have to think about the time of use.. Now I only have to practice to make the time of use longer..

Hmmm? What about Pochi?. Yeah, Pochi.. Even if Pochi doesn’t say it, I think he understands it, but like that he’s demonstrating that he’s matchless.. For now, we haven’t fought in the plaza, but the highest war potential coming from the pa.s.sage were 4 mantises and 1 frog accompanied with 2 rabbits, and we defeated them in a short time and uninjured (faraway look).. It doesn’t take a minute.. It’s just 30 seconds at best. Haa..

Well, that’s about our combat power.. What I found in the last two weeks was that there were no changes to the boston bags.. Was it just a short period of time? I thought?. The rucksack is expanding, so it probably isn’t.. By the way, the rucksack has expanded considerably and could contain 10 mantis stomachs.. I thought about the reason why the rucksack has expanded and the boston bag not, but maybe it’s that.. That is if I am wearing it during the battle, isn’t it?. The rucksack is still carried during the battle, but the boston bags are placed on the ground before the battle.. From this, if it’s like a game, the boston bags don’t gain the experience.. In order to verify this, I hold the rucksack that was on my back, and put one boston bag on my back, and after confirming that it won’t disturb in battle, I fight several times, I think that this guess was correct from the fact that the boston bag that I was carrying was slightly expanded.. I had verified such thing by myself, but it was found easily when I tried to search later.. Mo-re-over, this verification was announced from a certain laboratory about a year before I enter the dungeon, so if it’s from someone I knew, he was probably putting a grand tsukkomi as “It has to be around this time!”. I’m glad I didn’t tell anyone at that time.. If I had said it, I would be embarra.s.sed..

Because there was such a thing, thinking that there are other things, I try searching and, your equipment is also enhanced when you defeat a monster, but if you have money it’s better to buy equipment that suits you.. If I keep on using it, it certainly will become strong, but it takes to much time.. For example, if an aluminum pipe is strengthened as much as a steel pipe, it’s faster to buy a steel pipe.. After I understand that, although is an accessory, in the past wasn’t it raised about 5%? but according to the result of the research inst.i.tute, it did not raise by 1%.. Because it was 0.8% at maximum in the publication of the research inst.i.tute, perhaps it was 0.5% instead of 5%.. There have been many other publications, but there was nothing particularly worrisome.. However, I understood that the reports from the Seekers to the research inst.i.tute are suddenly decreasing after a time.. It was caused by a certain incident, but it seems that from that time it became known to the public that the Seekers don’t hand reports to the research inst.i.tute and only keep them for themselves.. Well, that incident is pretty famous.. Is it natural to think that you should have secrets only for oneself as a countermeasure?. For that reason, I guess that there is no one to report to the research inst.i.tute what I found about the magic stone and the magic gem.. That’s what I found in the past 2 weeks.. But, I don’t care about such a thing..

There was a good event to say trivialities.. That is, what!. The birth of Pochi’s children~~!!. At that time, I was on the dungeon so I couldn’t attend the moment when Pochi’s children were born, but the children were very small and very cute.. I’ve taken a lot of shots because they were so cute.. Their size is slightly larger than the palm of my hand, there are 6 of them.. Because there were 5 males and 1 female, I thought how to divide them, but the other party who offered the female dog wanted only 1 male.. However, it’s difficult to take one.. So I decided to pick 3 of them, 2 males and 1 female.. The reason for this number is that I made the arrangement to take over half of the children born.. The remaining 2 will be put up for adoption.. Even if I say this, it won’t be right now, but I will take care of them after they get a little bigger.. I’m not going to pick them up right now.. I will pick them until they can be weaned until then it was decided to put them in the partner’s house.. Indeed, the newly born children are mega kawaii~~. My face is unexpectedly blurred as much as I understand it.. Don’t say it’s disgusting!!. If you look at your newborn baby, you’re supposed to be like this!.


If you don’t, you don’t like animals!. I wanted to see them forever, but since I will be a nuisance if I stay, I decided to leave after a reasonable amount of time.. Then, I was going to see how are the children occasionally.. If its normal, it will take at least 2 months to separate them from their parents, so I’m going to see them occasionally until then.. Right……, If it’s every day, I’ll be a nuisance, isn’t it?. I going to see how are they once or twice a week.. If it’s this much, it’s good.. Even if someone says ‘No!!’, I’m going to. TN: First, sorry for the delay, I’m really busy these days and I think I won’t post anything until the next year. Next, some are asking for the changes in the plot, more after this chapter, but there’s no great change only the order of chapters (the MC knowing and meeting the heroine in the 1st volume and some talks and shopping in the 2nd volume) and some chapters that the MC is shopping or talking about common sense, maybe the greatest change is buying the s.h.i.+elds. So there are no great changes, and if you want to know if we compare the event->WNCh->LNCh, then “knowing the heroine->22/23->14/15”, “meeting the heroine 2nd time->45/46->24/25”, that on the 1st volume.. Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for another year and “Merry Christmas”.