Dungeons Appeared in Real Life - Chapter 34

Chapter 34

What I want is a s.h.i.+eld, but a little detour before that .

I went to the section that sells armors .

It’s to try to re-challenge whether it’s possible to lift the armor made with that thing like alligator skin which I couldn’t lift when I came before .

I looked around the corner that sells armors and came to the same place as before .

Then, there was the armor made of the thing like alligator skin .

I understood why it wasn’t sold seeing the price .

The price of the armor is, what?, 12 million yen!!

Looking at the price and I spontaneously thought that it would be possible to buy a cheap house .

If this is the price including the processing cost, then the materials alone will cost millions .

Which floor can one get such high-cla.s.s material?

Because it costs more than 50 times the mantis sickle, is it 50 floors ahead?

No, no, it shouldn’t be so far .

When looking at how the price of the mantis sickle jumps from the price of the rabbit ear, about 6 to 10 times and advancing 2 floors .

When it comes to that, does it rises about 2 . 5 to 3 . 2 times when one advances one floor?

Even if the sickle is at least 20,000, it will be more than 50 times, then one floor ahead will be 2 . 5 to 3 . 2 times, 6 to 10 times two floors ahead, 15 to 32 times three floors ahead, 37 . 5 to 102 . 4 times four floors ahead, 93 . 75 to 327 . 68 times 5 floors ahead . By the way, I calculated this using the smartphone calculator app . This calculation can’t be done with mental arithmetic without training .

Then that material will be four or five floors ahead because the mantis is on the fourth floor, does it mean that if I go to the 8th or 9th floor I’ll get that material?

Wait, wait, wait a minute . This is strange .

It’s about 200,000 on the 8th floor in a dungeon with the same degree of difficulty as my dungeon .

That means that this calculation is wrong .

When it comes to other methods of calculation, how about multiplying the number of layers?

With this method, advancing 2 layers is 6 to 10 times, so it’s divided by 2 then it’s 3 to 5 times .

On the 8th floor, it would be 4, so 12 to 20 times .

And, multiplied by the price of the mantis sickle .

Then if it’s 12,000 it’ll be 144,000 to 180,000, if it’s 20,000 it’ll be 240,000 to 300,000 .

Yeah, this one has a smaller error .

Let’s do it by this calculation method .

With this calculation, if 50 is divided by 3 layers it becomes 16 . 6666, so 17 right? If it’s 5 layers it becomes 10 .

If I do that it’ll be the 14th to the 21st floor .

From the 14th to the 21st floor, the range is wide, but this number still makes sense .

If that’s the case, it’s going to be so~o far into the future .

And, if it’s an armor made using materials from the 14th to 21st floor, even if I can’t hold it, I going to understand it .

Well, I don’t know if this calculation is okay .


Wait a minute .

If this calculation method is also applied to the strength of the monsters, then the strength of the mantis is the same as three to five frogs!?

Well then, Haku and Koku can’t win .

That number is hard even for me .



Having said that, that fight was really lucky .

Let’s take action after applying this calculation next time .

Oops, the story diverted .

Then, let’s try this armor, right?

I take a deep breath and fix my mood .

When my heart is ready, I reach for the armor .

And, my hand touches the armor .

Then, I felt that I lost my power as before .

Like this, all my power will run out and I will collapse .

I have to take off my hands before that .

I grasp the armor with both hands and put power to lift it .

However, even if I try to put power, the power escaping is stronger .

Like that, I make the same mistake again .

Is that so?

The power that I put now is good just for a moment, so it surpa.s.ses the power that escapes .

I will put all my might in that thought .

Then, I put the power in my hands that grab the armor .

However, it can’t be lifted .

I managed to lift the armor somehow and keep holding it several minutes .

Even though it was only about 1 cm .

Even so, I was able to lift it .

That means I have the power to lift it .

It was worth having challenged it just to understand it .

Next, I go to the section that sells s.h.i.+elds .

I want a small and circular s.h.i.+eld .

There are many kinds of s.h.i.+elds, different in type and size .

There is a big one, it’s big enough to hide people .

Is such a s.h.i.+eld called a Tower s.h.i.+eld?

While looking at such things, it’s hard to find what I want .

Because there is no choice, I asked the clerk who was nearby .

“Excuse me . I’m looking for a small type of s.h.i.+eld attached to my arm, where they are?”

“A small s.h.i.+eld? Something like that, it will be here . ”

I was guided by the clerk to the desired s.h.i.+eld .

Anyway, let’s listen about the recommended s.h.i.+eld .

“Which one is good?”

“How much is your budget?”

“About 1 million”

“Is that so? Then, how about this?”

I look at the s.h.i.+eld the clerk showed .

It looks like a metallic s.h.i.+eld .

It’s quite heavy when I take it .

I can’t hold it with one hand, but it’s a weight I have to hold it with both hands .

It’s not much but I didn’t feel that I could handle it .

“It’s too heavy . It’s not much, but I can’t handle it”

“Is that so? Then, how about this one?”

When I look at the new s.h.i.+eld shown by the clerk, this time it was a s.h.i.+eld with the surface made of scales .

I hold it and although it’s not like the first one, still it feels heavy .

It seems to be able to handle it with both hands, but it’ll be tougher with one hand .

“This is also heavy . It seems I’ll be able to handle it with both hands, but with one hand it’s a little……”

“Is this also no good? Then……”

The clerk looks for s.h.i.+elds while saying that .

And, it looks like he found the s.h.i.+eld he was looking for .

“It was here . What about this?”

The next s.h.i.+eld was a stone-like s.h.i.+eld .

It feels smooth like touching marble .

I try to hold it, but it doesn’t feel heavy .

I might be able to handle it .

“May I try wearing?”

“Yes, please”

I got permission, so I try to attach it to my arm .

I tried putting the s.h.i.+eld on my left arm, and I didn’t feel

feel it was particularly heavy .

On the contrary, I felt that it fits perfectly in my arm, it feels like a part of my body .

Like that, I move my left arm and it doesn’t feel uncomfortable, there seems to be no problem .

“This is good . How much?”

“Yes, this one is about 350,000”

“350,000? Yeah, let’s get this”

“Then, are you sure you want to buy this one?”

“Yes, I’ll buy it”

“Thank you!”

The clerk happily said that .

“Is there another one?”


“That’s right . Then I can wear them in both arms”

“Ah, I see . Wait a moment, please . I’ll check the stock”

The clerk leaves the place to check the stock of the s.h.i.+eld .

After a while, he appeared with one s.h.i.+eld on a pushcart .

“Thank you for waiting . There was still stock, so I brought it . Here it is”

The clerk put forward the s.h.i.+eld keep on the pushcart .

I thought why he wouldn’t have it, but this clerk may not have it .

I pick up the s.h.i.+eld while thinking so .

I hold the s.h.i.+eld, but the weight on the s.h.i.+eld on the left arm doesn’t change .

I equipped it on the right arm for trial, but I felt the same as when equipped on the left arm .

I try to move, and this one also doesn’t feel uncomfortable .

Yes, there’s no problem with this .

With this, I can prevent attacks from either left or right .

It’s good to have taken off the s.h.i.+elds of both arms, but is slightly heavy move around holding them .

So, let’s borrow the pushcart that the clerk brought .

“That pushcart, may I borrow it?”

“Yes, I don’t mind it”

I could borrow the pushcart, so I put the s.h.i.+elds on it .

“Also, is there a magic tool that can increase the physical abilities?”

“There is . Do I guide you there?”


“Well then, it will be here”

Following the clerk, the place where we arrived at was the accessories section .

“That-, what I want is a magic tool?”

“Here it is, those are magic tools”


I turn my eyes to the accessories in a hurry .

However, no matter how I look at it, they only look like simple accessories .

By the way, they looked like a simple accessory even at the shop I search on the net .

Unless I’m told that it’s a magic tool, it’s not possible to distinguish it just by looking whether it’s just a simple accessory or not .

I thought there was a little difference, but wasn’t it?

“So, what kind of effect they have?”

“Let’s see . First, this”

The clerk took a ring with a red stone fitted in it .

“This ring increases the strength . Continuing, this”

Now he picks up an earring . The earring has a green stone .

“This will increase the speed . And this”

This time it’s a bracelet . It has a yellow stone .

“This makes the body st.u.r.dy . This is the last one”

The next thing he picked up was a pendant . This has a blue stone .

“This will increase the stamina . What I have now is the most effective magic tool in our store”

“I see . Even if the ability drops, does the same thing have the same effect?”

“Yes, it is . The effect seems to be divided by the color of Stone, red increases the strength, green speed, yellow st.u.r.diness, and blue stamina . We don’t know yet if the type of the accessory is related”

“Hmm, is the effect different according to the color?”

I look at the accessories that are lined up .

Then, among them there are accessories that have white and black stones, and there were some with transparent stones .

“There are

“There are some with white, black and transparent stones attached, what about those?”

“Oh, those? The effect on those stones hasn’t been found out yet . For that reason, the price is rather cheaper than the others”

“Do you not know the effect?”

“Yes, those who purchase them are extremely few”

That can’t be helped .

There wouldn’t be anyone who buys things and don’t know their effect .

It seems to be worthless as a jewel and the design isn’t elaborate, so there is no person who buys it .

But, white, black and transparent?

If it’s like a game, the possible effect would be something like mind resistance or physical resistance .

Usually, the mind resistance works with something like bewitching or confusion, and physical resistance with poison, paralysis, petrification, etc .

Of course, the effect will be lower compared to the exclusive abnormal resistance, but it’s preferred to have a wide range of abnormal resistance .

That’s it, even if only two are applied .

One is a surplus .

Is there another effect?

It doesn’t come into my mind, but there must be some effect .

Well, what to do?

All accessories with known effects are sold at around 10,000 to 50,000 .

Those with no known effects don’t reach 10,000 .

When it was a cheap one, it was around 1,000 yen .

In any case, do I buy them all?

I decided to buy all the 7 kinds .

I buy a total of 28 pieces, 4 pieces for each of us Pochi, Haku, Koku and I, but it’s over the budget when I buy the expensive ones .

So, the price of one was about 10,000 .

This is 280,000 and the previous s.h.i.+elds are 700,000, both of them are about 1 million .

I can buy a little more on the high side, but this is good for now because there might be something else I want .

So, it’s an essential accessory, but those that hang around the neck are good to buy for Pochi and others .

Is the pendant good?

Although the pendants look somewhat different, they can be divided into two large types .

One is a disc type .

The other one is a star type .

Both have a common size, it’s about 10 cm and there is one magic jewel in the center, moreover, a pentagram or a hexagram is drawn in them .

Comparing both of them have almost the same price .

What I found out was, that the stone of the one with the pentagram is slightly large and the one with the hexagram is slightly smaller .

When I noticed that, I remembered certain manga .

In that manga, the pentagram represents G.o.d’s proxy and the hexagram represents G.o.d .

I have parted with that manga now, so I don’t know it’s right, but what if there’s a similar relation?

In the case of stones of the same size, the hexagram is more expensive .

In addition, the pendant is smaller compared to rings of same price and stones of the earrings .

Is it good to think that the effect of the stone is increased by the pentagram or the hexagram?

If so, it would be better to buy a pendant at the same price .

Moreover, one with a hexagram .

The rest is only to choose whether the disc type or the star type, should I choose by preference?

If it’s by preference, I like the disc type more than the star type, so I’ll choose the disc type .

I found 28 pendants of a disc type and a hexagram drawn .

Then, without a reason, it has become from around 10,000 to nearly 30,000 .

Even so, I choose it because there was only

there was only one expensive, the others were about 15,000 to 20,000 or about 7 to 8 thousand yen .

Thereby, it will be a little more than the expected 300,000 .

For the time being, is this magic tool’s accessory good?

Is there anything else?

Looking at the pendants, I think whether there is anything else that is necessary .

And then, when I looked at the pendant, I thought .

The stone in the pendant, is not a magic stone?

I noticed that, so I ask the clerk .

“Yes, it isn’t a magic stone . We differentiate that stone by calling it Magic Jewel”

“Magic Jewel, eh? Is it different from the magic stone?”

“It’s different . Do you want to compare it?”

“Do you have a magic stone?”

“Yes, we have”

If he has, can one know comparing with the eyes?

Thinking so, I did as the clerk said .

I go to the place with the magic stones and try to compare the magic stone and the magic jewel .

The magic stone has the impression of a colored stone, and the magic jewel is like transparency jewel .

It was obvious when I compared with the eyes .

However, the magic stone is small .

All the magic stones sold here were almost the same as the magic stones I had .

The selling method was sold by weight, not quant.i.ty .

The price was 100 g for 1,000 yen .

There was 6 types of magic stones, red, blues, yellow, green, white and black .

There was no transparent magic stone .

“However, it’s cheap . The magic stones”

“Yes, that’s right . It was a little expensive before, but it didn’t sell so it was reduced, but still it doesn’t sell”

The clerk let out a troubled sigh .

Then, he lightened his expression as if he had thought of a good idea .

“Customer, if you don’t mind, why not buy magic stones? Of course, we’ll give you a service . How about 1k from 10,000 to half price 5,000 yen?”


Suddenly half price!?

“Is it okay? To have cut half the price suddenly”

“I’m not sure yet, but I think it’s okay”

“Why do you say it’s okay although you don’t have confirmation?”

“It’s just talking, but it doesn’t sell to much so we’re talking about cutting the price soon . By half the price by now . So, I think if I sell it, it’s possible to make it half the price ahead of schedule . However, it’s subject to the condition that it’s at least 1 kg or more, how about it?”

Hmmm, what to do?

It’s also possible to come after it becomes half price, but it’s wasteful to come all the way only for that .

Besides, perhaps it could be used for something .

I thought so and decided to buy the magic stones .

Even if I buy the 6 kinds at 1kg for 5,000 yen it’s 30,000 .

It fits within the budget about ten times that much, but there seems to be no 10 kg of each of them .

It’s likely to be at most 5 kg .

So, I decided to buy all 6 types .

When I convey that, the clerk was delighted and went to negotiate with the store manager, making sure to tell him to sell it at half the price .

The total of all 6 types is about 28 kg, so it became 140,000 .

When it’s summed everything, it was about 1,500,000 yen .

I have bought an unnecessary thing that’s the magic stones, but should I think that value will appear in the future?

It’s called prior investment .

Of course, the value may not appear .

I put all I bought in the car and went home .