TN: Well, I think it's over with the author or maybe he will return in the future, but now he has erased his syosetu account and twitter. But, I'll continue the novel with the books but only the chapters that are equal to the web novel.
Pochi immediately reacts to the rats who have rushed and intercepts them.
One is trampled on the head with his front paw, he bites the neck of the other, and like that chew it and kill it.
The rabbits come aiming for that, Pochi wields the rat which was held in his mouth and send the rabbits flying.
When he finishes, the momentum of the swing was too strong that the neck of the mouse can't bear it and is torn off, I heard a crus.h.i.+ng sound when hit the wall.
The rabbits that were hit by the rat so vigorously without finis.h.i.+ng them, were nearly dead bodies.
Finally, the frog came with a body blow to Pochi.
No, it's not a body blow.
Because it's opening its mouth, is it trying to swallow Pochi?
But, when Pochi avoids such attack quickly, the tongue of the frog extends.
However, Pochi bits the growing tongue and swing the frog like that.
The frog is beaten on walls and floor, but the damage caused isn't so much, I can see that it has endured it.
Pochi understood it, releases its tongue, gets under the frog floating in the air.
And, Pochi jump aiming at the frog's stomach.
However, it's not a jump.
He jumps spinning like a bullet.
The momentum of Pochi is tremendous, he's so fast that I can barely see him, and he strikes the frog's belly, he sinks in the frog's belly and pierced through its back like that.
Pochi who jumped out of the frog lands.
Pochi isn't bathed with blood, from that state one can see how strong the strike of Pochi was.
The frog was definitely death and was twitching by a spinal reflex.
The event last tens of seconds.
Still, it was before Haku, Koku and I reached mantises.
As expected of Pochi.
He quickly dealt with the small ones.
With this, we can focus on the mantises without being distracted.
Pochi will look at Haku and Koku for me.
I calm down and head for the mantis.
Nonetheless, the mantis doesn't move and doesn't break the waiting stance.
Apparently, the mantis seems to take something similar to the waiting posture.
Haku and Koku also move slowly as imitating me.
Then, the attack of the mantis comes after advancing a certain distance.
I repel it with the weapons on both hands.
I have noticed something by repelling it.
I felt slightly light the power of the mantis.
Not only that, it turned out that the speed of the swinging of my weapons was slightly better.
Is it about 0.1 second?
Perhaps, it may be a little less, but I realized that the speed went up.
Maybe, it's probably the rise in physical ability by knocking down 1 mantis, but it was the first time I can feel the rising up to this point just by defeating a monster.
Even with frogs, I had to defeat several in order to rise it like that, and if I'm unlucky, I had to defeat at least 10.
In fact, 1 mantis gave an increase in the physical ability almost equivalent to that.
What I want to say is that the mantis is profitable.
However, the condition attached is if Haku and Koku can defeat a mantis.
I was able to enter into its range more easily than before with my risen physical ability.
I enter into its range and unilaterally attack it, but unlike the previous battle, the mantis can't prevent my attacks.
In the previous battle, I was attacking unilaterally as well, but the mantis managed to prevent my attacks.
In fact, this time there are several occasions where my speed of weapon swinging make it in time to defend, or, it managed to connect somehow and some part of its body is cut strongly.
In other words, even if I don't forcibly cut off a sickle, my attacks have become effective enough.
While doing such a battle, finally, the sickles that were defending from my attacks are repelled.
I didn't miss that gap and my hatchet caught the head of the mantis.
The battle time ended in the same or slightly earlier than before.
I'm worried about what happened to Haku and Koku and turn to look at them.
Then, Haku and Koku were still fighting.
But, judging from what I see, it seems that it's hard for them to fight.
it seems the same for the mantises.
Haku and Koku have some problems with the frequency of the attacks of the mantises and couldn't approach easily.
Also, Haku and Koku are too small and the attacks of the mantises don't seem to be working.
The species of Haku and Koku is silky fowl.
Their size is about 30 cm.
Because of their size, the upper arms of the mantises are almost useless.
Because they're on the top, somewhat don't reach Haku and Koku.
Therefore, the mantises are attacking only with the underarms, but that's a relief for Haku and Koku.
If the upper arms are added, then Haku and Koku might have been torn down.
They have fallen into a complete stalemate.
I'll try to help because it's likely to be not settled like this.
I cut off two sickles of the previously killed mantis.
Taking the sickles, I threw them like that to the mantises fighting with Haku and Koku.
This attack seemed to have been unexpected for the mantises, and the mantises didn't have a good reaction.
The one fighting with Haku was. .h.i.t on the left underarm and cut it off.
The one fighting with Koku was pierced in the chest.
I was surprised by this result.
Because I just threw it as a diversion, and it turned out more than expected.
This was the deciding factor, Haku and Koku approach the mantises at once and increase their attacks.
Of course, the mantises also goes out to counterattack, but it becomes an awkward and slow attack in comparison with earlier, and those attacks weren't so much a threat to Haku and Koku.
Haku and Koku, like that, succeeded in defeating the mantises at the end.
Fuu, did they managed to defeat them?
They had a little help, but it's good that they're able to beat them.
It seems that Haku and Koku may need help for a while, but it seems to be doable.
Besides, considering the rise in physical ability by defeating a mantis, I think that they'll be able to do it alone if they defeat at most ten.
For the time being, I'll dismantle the mantises.
First, I detach the sickles form the defeated mantises.
Because there are 3 of them, I got 12 sickles in total.
Then I cut off the stomach and try to put them in the rucksack.
The result was that I succeeded in putting the 3 of them somehow, but it is likely to enter anything more.
If I'm going to put something in, I'll need to take one stomach out.
Well, it seems that Haku and Koku are going to manage it somehow, should them fight a few more times?
If there aren't a lot of enemies, I'll give Haku and Koku priority to fight.
After this, we advanced and fight three times.
The first one was with 1 mantis, the second was with 2, and the third was 1 again.
Of course, there were a few frogs and rabbits, but there weren't particular problems.
Apparently, the mantises often appeared in 1 or 2 of them.
That said, it seems that it was bad luck when we came and found 4 of them.
At that time, if there were 1 or 2, we would have more room, if that happened, we would have been capturing this level faster.
Well, I can't do anything if I say such thing now.
When the third battle was over, I felt that Haku and Koku were quite fatigued, so I decided to return from here today.
I defeated 2 mantises, Haku and Koku defeated 3 of them, Pochi was 0, but Pochi was still the strongest and that didn't change.
How many mantises I should defeat to catch up with Pochi?
I'll have to defeat at least 10 or more.
How strong is a Pochi who got serious?
Perhaps, if it's Pochi, is it possible for him to go to the 5th floor?
If so, we will be holding up Pochi.
Hmm, that's bad.
I have to defeat a lot of mantises and catch up with Pochi.
I don't know how long to catch up with him, but I have to shorten the difference a little.
Before that, we have to make sure that Haku and Koku can defeat a mantis alone.
We'll have to do that for the time being.