Duke, Please Stop Because it Hurts - Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Molitias eyes grew wide open at the rather violent sound of the door creaking open accompanied by a boorish step. It was at that moment when her impression turned to a frown upon the sharp click of a heel.

Did anyone notice anything on the way in?

Molitia held her breath at the unfamiliar tone of voice.

Who was that?

It was too discreet to be the voice that belonged to one of the attendees.

No way. Thanks to you, I was able to hide at the party without anyone doubting me at all.

I really didnt expect this to go so smoothly. You dont know how reliable it was to be able to obtain cooperation. If it wasnt for you, I might be seeing blood already for todayat the very least.

We have to do well since all of us have something to do with one another.

Unlike his loud laughter, Molitia was busy contemplating. These stories that she heard were all contents that she couldnt even laugh at all.

How far are you prepared?

Its all over. Its now time to start a sensation.

Im going to devour them slowly. The Kingdom, the Empire.

When a similar story had been told in the hallway, Molitia immediately covered her mouth with her hands.

She just couldnt believe that theyre planning on devouring the Empire or even a kingdom. Every story that she heard was too bewildering for her to handle.

Who could actually do this without fear at all? The more she had heard, the closer they seemed to have gotten to treachery.

The words from those who told the story just like it was a joke were utterly ridiculous.

Thank you for your hard work.

Ha ha, youre very welcome. It would have been hard if it wasnt for you though.

This kind of sacrifice is always necessary for a cause. Isnt that right, Ferdinand?

Of course.

She breathed in at a familiar name. Molitias body instantly trembledregardless of her own will.

She thought that it was a rather familiar voice. It was so familiar to her that she couldnt even think of anyone anymore.


The voice that was calling out for Ferdinand must have been Arjans.

The hand that had been covering her mouth was gradually losing its strength. Her shuddering body wasnt something that she was able to control. As if she tried hiding her whole body, she leaned towards the wall as close as possible.

However, why didnt she think of minding the accessories that were pinned on her head?


An adornment set of butterflies that had been decorating her hair hit a pillar before falling onto the floor.

Who is it?

It had just been a faint sound, but the waves it carried were strong. At the same time it went astir, a sharp voice had shaken the lounge.

Dont hide there like a rat and get out here!

No, Molitiayou had to think properly. As he stepped even closer to the side, Molitia immediately shut her eyes before standing from her seat.

Oh, Arjan? And the Young Master as wellwhat are you doing here?

Astounded by Molitias sudden appearance, Ferdinand straight away paused at her calm words.

is something wrong with you, Duchess Linerio?

A peculiar voice. Molitia tilted her head in response to the act of looking at her.

I was just taking a break since I was a bit tired, but I fell asleep unintentionally due to the warmth. If I had known thered be a lot of people, I wouldnt have shown my dozing off like that.

You just woke up?

Yes, I did.

Ferdinand clearly showed signs of agitation at her words.

Oh, you didnt hear anything then?

Which one might you be talking about?

No, its not really a big deal, so dont worry about it.

May I leave you alone, then? Im not feeling that well, so I think I should take some rest in my own room.

Please do.

Her face had long turned white starting from her forehead. No one would have doubted that appearance could just fall down if they were to tap her even once.

Molitia then stepped away from Ferdinand, who had walked to the side. The door of the lounge that was in front of her appeared to be far away. Please, please

Molitia was struggling to smile as she nodded to the two of them. It was at that moment when she was trying to lift her head along with her hair fluttering down to her ear.

And Arjan had snatched her arm away. The golden pair of brilliant eyes were fixated on her.


Hey, did you hear them all?

Her heart immediately felt like it was sinkingas though a sinister feeling akin to having ones heart utterly crushed. Molitia tried to ignore the cold sensation that was spreading from her fingertips before raising the corners of her mouth.

What are you talking about, Arjan?

I forgot for a moment there that my sister who left home had already become rather brazen now.

Arjan then raised her taut lips.

But I guess, you really cant hide your habits. You always touch your hair with those hands of yours whenever you lie.

Molitia stopped moving her finger. She was really touching her hair at that moment.

That was undeniably her mistake. She still remembered how her body had always slumped in front of Arjan over the years. Fear and anxietya trifle habit which she had long forgotten was the one that caught her by the ankle.

No way. I was just arranging my hair. I think youre just being oversensitive to such coincidences.

It will only be a coincidence if it was just once or twice.

I agree as well. No matter how much she had heard, she would still know it if she noticed the vibe anyway.

As she felt that thing had gone awry, Molitia forcibly twisted her wrist.

Arjan, let go of me. I didnt hear it at alltruly.

Why is it me? I cant let you go, sister. My dream is no longer far off. I cant let myself be distracted with any kind of possibility.

There was a strange gleam in Arjans eyes. Her hand was still clutching strongly onto Molitias white wrist that it had left a red line onto it.

It was a disaster. The atmosphere was getting much worse for Molitia.