Duke, Please Stop Because it Hurts - Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Volume 3 Part 1: Emerging Past

Her bewildered eyelids fluttered gently.

The first thing that she could feel from her slow return was the burning sensation in her throat. Molitia immediately pulled a face at the feeling of the need to scratch her own neck with her nails at that moment.


A faint voice that could be heard from the side was calling after herself. She wanted to open her eyes right away, but she couldnt even think of lifting her heavy eyelids that easily.

Molitia, are you awake?

It was a familiar voice. The warm tone of voice that rang in her ears had lifted her up just like a sweet lie. Upon her unveiled eyes, a pair of bright purple pupils were seen to be clearly positioned.


Molitia immediately frowned, albeit slightly, at the coarse sound that was coming out of her own mouth.

How long had she been lying down? She had tried so hard not to get sick at all. But judging from her current physical condition, it seemed like she couldnt really endure it all this while.

She instantly felt sorry for those who must have been worried sick because of her. The Duchy must have been overturned yet again. Molitia then looked at Raven apologetically.

Im glad.

Raven grabbed her hand and placed it on his cheek. Molitias hand that touched his cheek had become a little slimmer without her noticing it at all.

Im so glad that youve finally opened your eyes.

He seemed to be very firm during any kind of occasion, but right now, his face appeared feeble. Heslowly squeezed her hand while whispering her name endlessly.


Yes, Molitia.

Im sorry.

Youre being sorry yet again

And thank you for being with me.

Ravens lips immediately sealed tightly. He actually had a lot to say as soon as she opened her eyes. Nevertheless, when she peered into his eyes, he could no longer think of any single thing.

There was only one phrase that had popped into his mind as of now. Raven then whispered softly, while placing his forehead right against hers.

I love you, Molitia.

When Molitia had soon regained her senses, the doctor quickly paid a visit to her.

She had already recovered her senses, but her face was still fully painted with malady.

Madame, your wrist, pleasefor consultation.

Her arm was soon revealed from under the blanket before being wrapped around at the doctors cue. Her wrist seemed to be much thinner as it appeared to be made only of skin and bone.

Raven, who was watching keenly from the side, was overwhelmed with pity. Unlike herself, who was calmly accepting all of this, his complexion had turned blue even further. As soon as the doctors hand had fallen off grasp, Raven quickly pressed on the situation.

Hows her condition?

She has gotten a lot better. All she has to do now is to recover a little more.

Despite his relief, Raven still couldnt ease up his expression at all. Rather, it was Molitia who comforted him with that natural expression of hers.

What was the problem anyway? She was actually quick to recover from the ailment of her physical condition, considering the fact that she had thrown up blood just before.

Madame, is this the first time that youve experienced a blood clot?

No, I often had that when I was still a virgin.

Then, does it run in the history of your family?

I dont think thats right. No one had been sick, except for me.

Molitias words were soon followed by the thoughtful doctors query.

Madame, did you consume anything before you collapsed?

I didnt really eat anything since I wasnt feeling good at all. So, I just popped a piece of chocolate and the medicine into my mouth.

What kind of chocolate was it?

I ate the one that was just next to the table.

The usual chocolate that was next to the table had been bought by Raven himself. When she recalled herself saying that she needed some sweet things once she ingested the medicine, he immediately bought them from the bakery.

Did you take the medicine, which I prescribed to you?

Thats right.

She had answered quite clearly, but soon corrected her words to a memory that suddenly flashed across her mind.

No, um maybe. I think I had eaten what had looked like it since I was rather disoriented at that time.

So, youre saying that you could have eaten something which wasnt concocted by me?

Most of those vials were prepared by you, so it cant be like that. Nevertheless, some of them were from the Count as well, so Im not really sure.

Then, may I take those vials? I was wondering if one of them was the one that caused these kinds of side effects. I will prepare some medicine for your symptoms soon.

Molitia gently nodded at the doctors words. She thought that it would definitely be better for her to take this opportunity and tell her about the medicines which she had taken before.