49. A city is ma.s.sacred and 1000 people burn to death because of G.o.d's evil spirit More than 1001 Estimate: 2,000 50. The Ammonite ma.s.sacre Estimate: 20,000 51. Jephthah's Daughter
52. 42,000 killed for failing the "shibboleth" test 42,000.
53. The spirit of the Lord came upon Samson and he murdered thirty men for their clothes
54. The spirit of the Lord came upon Samson and he killed 1000 men with the jawbone of an a.s.s 1000.
55. Samson killed 3000 in a suicide terrorist attack 3,000.
56. A holy civil war (It had something to do with rotting concubine body part messages) 65,100.
57. The End of Judges: Two genocides and 200 stolen virgins Estimate: 4,000 58. G.o.d kills Eli's sons and 34,000 Israelite soldiers 34,002.
59. G.o.d smote them with hemorrhoids in their secret parts Estimate: 3,000 60. 50,070 killed for looking into the ark of the Lord 50,070.
61. The Lord thundered great thunder upon the Philistines Estimate: 1000 62. Another Ammonite ma.s.sacre (and another G.o.d-inspired body part message) Estimate: 1000 63. Jonathan's very first slaughter (not counting the one before)
64. G.o.d forces the Philistines to kill each other Estimate: 1000 65. The Amalekite genocide Estimate: 10,000 66. Samuel hacks Agag to death before the Lord
67. In the Valley of Elah: Goliath
68. David buys a wife with 200 Philistines foreskins 200.
69. The Lord said to David, Go and smite the Philistines Estimate: 10,000 70. G.o.d killed Nabal (and David got his wife and other stuff)
71. David commits random acts of genocide (as a mercenary for the Philistines) Estimate: 60,000 72. David spends the day killing Amalekites Estimate: 1000 73. G.o.d killed Saul (and his sons and soldiers) for not killing all the Amalekites More than 4 Estimate: 100 74. David killed the messenger
75. David killed Rechab and Baanah, cut off their hands and feet, and hung their bodies over the pool
76. G.o.d helps David smite the Philistines from the front and the rear Estimate: 2,000 77. G.o.d killed Uzzah for trying to keep the ark from falling
78. David killed two thirds of the Moabite POWs and enslaved the rest Estimate: 667 79. The Lord gave David victory wherever he went More than 65,850 Estimate: 66,850 80. David killed every male in Edom More than 15,000 Estimate: 65,000 81. Thus did David unto all the children of Ammon Estimate: 1000 82. G.o.d slowly kills a baby
83. Famine and human sacrifice Many more than 7 Estimate: 3,000 84. David's mighty men and their amazing killings More than 1403 Estimate: 3,400 85. G.o.d killed 70,000 because David had a census that G.o.d (or Satan) told him to do More than 70,000 Estimate: 200,000 86. Solomon carried out the deathbed wish of David by having Joab and Shimei murdered
87. A tale of two prophets
88. Jeroboam's son: G.o.d kills another child
89. Jeroboam's family Estimate: 10 90. Baasha's family and friends Estimate: 20 91. Zimri burns to death
92. The Drought of Elijah Estimate: 3,000 93. Elijah kills 450 religious leaders in a prayer contest At least 450 Possibly 850 (450 was used as the estimate) 94. The first G.o.d a.s.sisted slaughter of the Syrians Estimate: 10,000 95. G.o.d killed 100,000 Syrians for calling him a G.o.d of the hills 100,000.
96. G.o.d killed 27,000 Syrians by making a wall fall on them 27,000.
97. G.o.d sent a lion to kill a man for not smiting a prophet
98. G.o.d killed Ahab for not killing a captured king
99. G.o.d burned 102 men to death for asking Elijah to come down from his hill 102.
100. G.o.d killed king Ahaziah for asking the wrong G.o.d
101. G.o.d sent two bears to rip apart 42 boys for making fun of a prophet's bald head