In the sky above, an aerial battle of dragon and wyvern unfolded.
Within that, Sakuya fought the gora to help out Izumis retreat.
The party fled across the battlefield-turned wasteland. No one around knew the right words to call to Aleist. By the enemys words, Aleist had been the cause of all of this.
(I shouldnt take it at face value, but)
Izumi thought, yet still ended up raising her guard to the silent Aleist. Whether he noticed her attitude or not, Aleist wouldnt open his mouth.
At times, the breath of a wyvern or dragon would pour down and raise an explosion. Heleene flew to protect the fleeing members, and once they had distanced themselves from the battle, Millia appeared before them.
She had brought allies.
While they were too few in numbers to call reinforcements, it was a reassuring addition.
With a large wave of her hands, Millia faced them and called out.
Over here!
Upon crossing a low knoll, they came upon soldiers warily watching the battle between the Gora and Sakuya.
Millia had her fellow demi-human soldiers prepare a station for them. However, upon seeing Rudels state, she made a terribly frightened face.
L-lay him down over there. Well get to treating him
But Bennet was quick to inform her.
That wont be needed. His hearts been pierced. Its fatal.
To a Rudel who was already no longer breathing, Millia desperately held in her tears.
You idiot. Its because you faithfully honored such ridiculous orders. The palace could have managed just fine.
Upon hearing that, Izumi sought confirmation.
Her hand stroked Rudel, lain over a stretcher.
Is the palace alright?
Millia wiped her tears before explaining in a shaking voice.
Princess Fina used the defenders to suppress the insurrection. The archduke houses helped out too and yet, why is this guy dead?
At the end of her sights, Rudel, his eyes closed with a slight smile on his face.
Izumi strongly clenched Rudels hand. Seeing Millias tears only made Rudels death seem all the more real.
Always bringing us nothing but trouble. Yet in the end of the end, for such a meaningle
Meaningless, Izumi was about to say, when Bennet plainly interrupted.
There was a meaning. Rudel held out here alone, he made a literal last stand until the allied army could arrive. Dont say it was meaningless.
It was then that two groups made for Rudel.
Luecke and Eunius, who had only just arrived. The dragons appeared and helped transport their forces, hastening their arrival.
Move aside.
Luecke pushed his way through knights and soldiers to arrive at Rudel, opening his eyes wide when he came upon the man laid out.
Eunnius was the same, albeit, he had come clearing a path far more roughly.
And looking at Rudel, he spoke.
Damn fool. Going off and dying.
A terrible monologue. But his tone was terribly disappointed and horribly dark. Eunius yanked out the black bar wedged in his heart.
Luecke instantly hung his hands over Rudels chest. He was going to use healing magic.
Aleist opened his mouth.
Luecke, Rudel is already
Luecke, the man who looked the most level-headed of the bunch, glared at Aleist and screamed.
Shut your mouth. When it comes to magic, Im better than anyone. Better than you, and better than Rudel. Im number one. So you hold your tongue.
It was impossible for healing magic to revive the dead. No matter how many spells he used, the deceased body showed no reaction.
Izumi wanted to get a word in for Luecke to stop, but upon seeing his face, she shut her mouth.
Theres no such thing as impossible for me. A dear friend or two who would I be if I couldnt help them out? Im Luecke Halbades. Im better at magic than anyone
Shedding tears before Rudel, he desperately continued to cast his magic. Those hands were beginning to burn from the heat of magic overuse.
Eunius grabbed his arm, forcefully wrenching him from Rudel.
Thats enough! Dont waste your mana here.
Luecke cried back.
Waste? You just called it a waste!? I see. In the end, thats all Rudel was to you
When Luecke saw Eunius face, he couldnt say anymore. Eunius was crying too.
Listen here. Neither you nor I can bring back someone whos died. But you know, isnt there still something we can do? Fight to avenge him. Those imperial bastards are still here. Then its obvious what weve got to do!
On those words, Luecke made a fist with his scalded palms. His subordinate Vargas held in tears, as he ordered those around him to heal him.
Izumi touched a hand to his cheek.
Rudel, look how many people youve made cry and yet, youre the only one smiling. You really are a terrible guy.
There, Aleist exclaimed.
I-Ive got it. Rudel can still make it, I think
Rudel was in a white, a very white space.
Hazily taking in his surroundings, the words that came out
This is the second time Ive come here. The first was when I parted with Sakuya, perhaps?
As he calmly weighed his situation, a cracking sound came from the fist lowered on his head.
There was Sakuyathe former goddess Sakuya, floating in the air in human form. Tears welled in her eyes, her cheeks were puffed up and her face was red.
Rudel, you idiot! Idiot, idiot, huge idiot!
Before the girl who continued smacking both hands into him, Rudel laughed.
So you came to get me? Guess that means I really am dead.
Sakuyas crumbled into tears.
How many times did I tell you!? You have to fight together! And yet, why did you leave your own partner? We worked so hard so we could fight together!
Seeing Sakuya cry, Rudel dimly perceived this was the afterworld.
Sorry. I tried my best but it looks like I failed.
He had lost to fate. While Rudel thought so, he didnt make a regretful face.
Why do you look so refreshed!? Everyones crying for you!
Rudel sent her a bit of a sorrowful smile.
I wont say I have no regrets. I fought to triumph over some fate or another. And Im only half the dragoon I want to be. I hate that I couldnt use the chance that you gave me. But you know I fought with my all. I exerted myself so hard that even looking back, I am certain I couldnt have done better.
If he lost on top of that, there was no space for excuses.
Rudel said so and stroked Sakuya. Despite the nostalgia he felt, it also brought to mind his own partner dragon.
Sakuya looked at Rudel with a serious face.
Are you satisfied now?
To that question, Rudel
Satisfied? Im not. I am definitely not satisfied. I wanted to ride a dragons back through the sky some more. I havent even become the strongest dragoon. My seniors are strong, see. I won once, but Im still so far from my ideal/
In that case, try looking a bit irritated.
You sure are stupid. Ill never be satisfied with myself no matter how far I go. Even if I overcame, to die when the years caught up, Id never achieve satisfaction
(But thats fine. Either way, I fought hard enough to think so)
To Rudels words, Sakuya floating in the air breathed a big sigh. She scratched up her blonde hair and touched her left hand to her hip.
Theres a possibility of you coming back, but if youre already satisfied, then
The moment he heard of a possibility, Rudel snatched Sakuya out of the air.
Hey! Up to a moment ago, you were all like, Im not satisfied, but perhaps thats fine!
Fool. If I can live, then of course Im going to live. Ive only just become a dragoon. I havent turned those imperials back. Theres a mountain of stuff left to do.
As Rudel shook her up, Sakuyas eyes spun as she forced her way out of his grip and unsteadily teetered into the air.
Im just bringing up a possibility! And, and itll need Aleists cooperation.
Rudel tilted his head.
Aleists cooperation?
Sakuya nodded.
That guy has the exchange stone, doesnt he?
Exchange stone. It was what Aleist received while carrying out a mission in the Celestia Kingdom.
Now that you mention it.
He always had it on him, so Rudel did remember.
If that idiot notices, it might work out. But the probability is low. And theres no telling what hell have to give up. Though honestly, hed be a fool if he didnt keep it with him.
Hearing of what would be lost, Rudel asked Sakuya.
What will Aleist lose?
Sakuya took her time explaining to him what had happened hitherto. It was the truth of this world, and about Aleists existence.
I-Ill save Rudel. I can still make it.
His body clad in black armor, Aleist pulled off his helmet and produced a blue stone from his breast. It was the exchange stone.
Seeing it, Izumi recalled its purpose and turned to Aleist with a shake of her head.
You cant. If you use that, theres no telling what youll pay in exchange for Rudels life.
Hearing Izumis words, the surrounding faces looked at Aleist. A great many looked on with conflicted faces, But Aleists harem members grasped him.
They stared at him sorrowfully.
As a representative, Seli tried to stop him.
(There are people who want Rudel to live more than me, but there are some who would choose me too. Thats a bit reassuring.)
The goras revelation had raised everyones wariness towards him by no small amount. So if he said he would exchange his life, he worried they would happily tell him to do it.
Eunius approached Aleist and grasped his shoulder.
Give it a rest. You think Rudel would be happy with that? You shut up and fight the empire.
Those words were his own way of worrying for Aleist. Luecke was the same.
Youre the worst, to even bring up choosing one or the other. Aleist, think a bit more before you speak.
Aleist gave a bitter smile.
(Choosing one or the other, huh. Originally, the protagonist was supposed to pick either Eunius or Luecke, but well, thats not important.)
Aleist removed Eunius hand and reassured him it would work.
Dont worry I do have something I can give. Its not my life, and its borrowed goods, but itll be enough, I think.
Eunius grimaced at those words.
So you cant state it definitively to the end. But you should quit while youre ahead with those gambles. The result wont make anyone happy. Rudel is dead. You are alive. Thats the result.
Right, Rudel had died.
(The event was definitely carried out. And those guys said they would kill me. Which means what happens here on has nothing to do with the game.)
Aleist approached a lying Rudel and had Izumi concede her spot.
His eyes abruptly met with Millia. Millas eyes were red and swollen.
(She really does like Rudel, doesnt she. But Ill be granting her wish too.)
However, Millia to Aleist.
Youre really not going to die, right? And does that stone have that much power? If you both end up dead
Both ending up dead was the worst case.
(Ah, shes worried about me too. How delightful.)
But Aleist had no conviction he could do it.
(Its not like I never thought about what would happen If this day came. Theres far too little I can do but even so, hes a precious friend.)
When Rudel had helped him out so much, when Aleist thought he could finally repay his debt, he smiled.
(Aah, but in that case, I might become useless. Well, if Rudels there, thats some reassurance. And this is for the best.)
Gripping the exchange stone over Rudels body, Aleist closed his eyes.
A blue light enveloped the two of them. Aleist whispered, making sure those around couldnt hear
The cheat I have received I return my abilities. I dont need inexhaustible mana or talent. My noble family Im fine as long as theyre safe. I dont mind if they forget about me. So please bring my friend back to life. I dont need anything else.
The cheat he received on his reincarnation was inexhaustible mana.
(Im sorry I never managed to master it to the end.)
Along with a talent in various fields, and a charm.
(Talent alone was no good. Without the effort to polish it thank you for everything.)
To that point, Aleist had been protected by a great many cheats.
Thank you for all youve given me. Perhaps this cant be called payment. If its not enough, you can take my existence as well. My friendplease bring Rudel back to life. Im begging you!
As he strongly gripped the exchange stone, Aleist could feel the power leave his own body.
All the great powers that had helped, protected, and enhanced him.
Aleist shed a tear.
Thank you for everything.
Aleist got the feeling the last bit of power lingered around him. He got the feeling it asked him if hed be fine without them.
Ill be alright. Im sorry I never mastered you. You have my dearest thanks.
The power faded. Aleist could instinctually understand various abilities had disappeared from within him.
He looked at Rudel.
The wound had closed, and with even his armor mended, Rudel opened his eyes.
Aleist cried out, as Rudel raised his torso from the stretcher. Delight spread around, Izumi leaped forward to embrace Rudel, and Aleist warmly watched over the scene.
But the one Rudel jumped up and held tight was Aleist.
Aleist, you really did it!
Eh? Wait a second! With the way things were going, why me!?
To Aleists confusion, the suspicious eyes of Izumi and the other women gathered.