Dragonborn Saga - Chapter 62 The Alexandria

Chapter 62 The Alexandria

Captaining a ship?

The idea seemed likable for some reason! If I remember, the Fire-Manes are famous sailors and I guess that their younger generation is the same.

Wouldn't I look bad among them if I am not a good sailor?

"I will do it."

"Oi lad, that was fast! Fine, she's yours to captain! If the sailors deem you worthy when we reach Dawnstar, I'll make the whole ship yours!"


"Aye! Yours hahaha!"

Captain Geldof slammed my back and left to his ship.

Before he leaves he had already looted most of what was in here!

He gave me a share equal to his and it was a lot money, some money also will belong to the ships for the sake of repairs!

And now I have Fraki, Jull, Trudvar and ten other sailors. Not a bad number to sail this ship with ease!

"Captain, we are fixing the two ships and will set sail on first light!" Fraki reported.

"Thank you Fraki! Please include Trudvar here under your command and put him to training!"

"Yes Captain!"

"Trudvar, while we are at it. Follow Jullanar here to my cabin on the Icicle and bring my stuff here.... before you go."

I halted him and headed to the Captain's quarters, the place was a complete mess and felt not clean.

"Bring me the bed too."


To sailors, an unnamed ship is a bad luck, and sailors are mostly people who strongly believe in luck. There is a god that is not that famous called Sai and it's the God of Luck, most sailor pray to him only once before every trip! Praying to this god a lot would cause an opposite effect. His sign is the wolf, so Nords don't kill wolves unless it's necessary, in respect for a god that helped them once too.

In that case we had to avoid all sources of bad luck, one of them is an unnamed ship.

My first idea of a name was 'Alexandria', no one in this world ever used it and it's the name of a city I love dearly so it was named this way.

The 'Alexandria' has three masts with lateen sails, a foremast in the front, a main mast as the biggest ine in the middle, and a mizzen which is the small mast on the back. It is light, easy to maneuver with, twenty meters long, and felt really agile. The inner cabins needed a bit of cleaning so the sailors had to do that and I had to lord over them.

In a ship, relationships are complicated than normal. The Captain is the law and the absolute power, in extreme cases, he may decide who lives and who dies. Basically, he is the king of the ship and he must maintain a clean appearance, strong character, and wise air. A captain with respect and popularity among his men is a worthy lord to serve. Also if the Captain showed any weakness, the act of a mutiny is possible that time.

In my case, I showed my crew how the word 'Power' can be manifested in a real form they can see, feel and smell. They know how much power I can muster and power is dominance. I am now responsible for making that dominance into both the right amount of fear and the right amount of respect. After all, Captains are the most charismatic people and I will try to gain experience by tomorrow in commanding those men.

Good thing is, my mind which was a bit cloudy before, is now having good ideas with how to sail this thing. As Captain Geldof said, it is a good distraction.

After the fast repairs the sailors were cleaning the place from the pirates' filth and blood. And now all the things we needed came from the 'Icicle'.

The moons looked pretty this night, even though we can set sail, we had some injured comrades that needed a lot of healing and I was the man for the job.

Trudvar was getting along with the crew on the opposite of Julls who went into the captain's cabin and didn't go out. She is not good around people in normal cases.

I also had to get along with the crew and drink a toast for a peaceful voyage.

After making sure everything was good. I returned to my ship and gave the roles for those who will stay the night and who will go and sleep. Trudvar along with other three were picked for the watch.

The Captain's Cabin is where I am going to stay, it's a wide enough room under the 'Quarterdeck' (back of the deck).

Julls, lit the place with magic as she learned and it looked cleaner than before.

A table in the middle with a map and some navigation tools, the bed on the back and above it a window that views the scenery from the behind the ship, my bag and the stuff I brought as well as my share of the loot.

"Do we have drinks here?" I asked.

"Of course!" Jull brought me a clean tankard and wine.

"Why are you so excited?"

"Hmm! We killed a lot of filty people today!"

"Is that a good thing?"

Jullanar was looking at me as if I said something strange, "Don't you think so?"

Hmm! I do think it was necessary though! Pirates are the lowest sort of scum.

"As long as they deserve getting killed!" That was my reply.

"*Giggles* I wrote about it few words."

"Don't want to here them!"

My mind was in no right mood to hear her nonsense right now.

I just drank and sat on the bed. Jull came beside me and started removing my scaled armor. After that I got some seriously good massage, she was like a real expert!

And as our new habit goes, we sleep beside each other every night.


*RingRing* *RingRing*

The bell of the ship made the waking up signal, all sailors were gathering on board. The sky barely had any light and we were done with the rest after battle. Now everyone ate what could be eaten and took position.

With the first light the 'Icicle' set sail and we followed after it. My job was simple, set speed and directions, receive reports, detect faults, and look dignified.

I didn't go on 'Full Sail' just yet so I didn't give the sails enough wind. Of course and unlike many games, we can't just take the sails down every time we want to reduce speed. And of course, I can't shout 'Full Sail' and 'Half Sail' like an idiot. 'Full Sail' is actually a term when you give wind to all the sails, but there is nothing called 'Half Sail', we however say 'Reduce Sail' for reefing the mainsail. All in all, it depends on the wind.

Now, I wonder if I managed to change things with 'Wind Magic', it's dangerous to go against nature in such a way but I may try it on a small sailing boat some time in the future.

I also hated how the ship have no canons. A ship with no canons is so unsightly. My inner 'PotC' fan boy was crying with a broken heart.

Fine, I'll invent some canon like staves that can cast 'Fireballs', maybe add four of them on each side.

Seriously, what am I thinking about? Shouldn't staves be enough, more practical, and easy to maneuver.

No! Canons on ships are justice!


Now I can't think clearly anymore, this isn't getting me anywhere.


As I look forward, I saw the 'Icicle' getting farther!

Fine by me!



I admit we were lucky, the 'Alexandria' caught on good of wind and went running.

Normally a Captain won't take the wheel unless it's necessary if he was short on men or something, but I couldn't resist taking in from Fraki and controlling it a bit.

The Wheel was the tool to control the Rudder, the movable fin at the rear of the ship that effects water flow around the ship and as a result contributes to the rotation (turning) of the vessel.

I started to use 'Scan' to detect under the water but it was hard. I now can detect the wind so it was not that bad.

After immersing myself with the experience, the 'Icicle' gave a signal. It appeared we reached Dawnstar.

Not long after we followed, we really detected a big settlement on a small bay, this was finally my destination.

The ships lowered their speed at the mouth of the bay, the 'Icicle' was easily allowed to enter as she is a usual visitor, but the 'Alexandria' had to wait for the guards to come on a boat!

After a while, some guards came on a boat and inspected the ship, of course Captain Geldof gave a word for the ship and the guards seemed familiar with Fraki so everything was done quickly. Now, we can enter the docks.


Anchoring the ship was an easy matter with some guidance, we sent sailors and some people to pull the ship from the land with ropes. That's how normally things get done.

I believe if there was an engine in ships, captaining things would have been much easier. Alas there is no way to have engines unless they were magically made, and machines with magic needed a source of power like the soul gems which are too expensive even if I made the hunters trap every petty and lesser soul they see.

Now, let's put aside these sad thoughts now, I want to see the town.

After taking out everything, we informed the guards about the pirates and the ship. Normally anything we loot is ours unless it was stolen and its owner came after it, it can be returned with a price.

Ships however didn't fall under that law and Jarls can be really nasty when it comes to such a fine boat, yet I won't let go of it. I'll even go clash skulls with Skald the Elder. After all he is the one that can give me a 'title deed' for the ship.

Captain Geldof and I were ready for this confrontation but before that I had a harder task. I need to have a crew willing and loyal enough to sail in the ship with me.

Luckily, the man I came to talk with is actually a good candidate if he wanted to work with me on the ship.

But first I wanted to see the town, which appeared to be completely different from the game.

Dawnstar, in the game was no different than a village. It was covered in snow and had few number of houses along side two mines that were rivaling each other, even its population didn't exceed forty or so.

However, what appeared before me was something largely different. Even the buildings looked different.

First, there were not that much snow and the road was not made of stones like the game. Actually the town was full of wooden houses and muddy roads, the houses were wooden and the their roofs were long and reaching the ground, to go in a house you would actually take few steps down.

The dock had few wooden buildings based on the nature of the place. It also had a ship building workshop that can be paid for repairs.

What peaked my interest was a ship with a banner I am familiar with, once I saw it, I went near to Captain Geldof.

"This ship..."

"Aye, Fire-Mane! You have good eyes kid but keep them away from people like these."

Captain Geldof won't get tensed that easily.

But there are Fire-Manes around these parts now! I wonder if trouble would arise if I run into them.

When I looked at their ship I saw some fearsome looking sailors in a matching uniform set! So it was true that the Hidden Clans have private militias and all that.

Good lord! I always wanted to make my private security force for my establishments in Winterhold but I guess I didn't come up with anything new! I can even learn a thing or two from these private forces.

Still, I won't lose!

Now, the first step is to take that ship!

"So, we go meet the Jarl now?"

"Yes, Skald the Elder is a stubborn old fool but he likes money, so make sure you are loaded when he gives you a price."

What a pain! I will waste the money I just got now. Well! Money is for that purpose of spending. All I need is just to convince that Jarl to hand me the ship.

Walking in Dawnstar, it was actually a pretty place that gave the vibe of a normal sea town more than Winterhold. I could see that the two big mines had a lot of miners along side big industrial grade smelters. The docks were busy with workers and ships, there were a lot of work here and there. It made Winterhold feel like a ghost town.

We had to take the road in town to the White Hall, the Jarl's residence. A longhouse style building from wood and straw but looked more dignified and higher than the buildings around it.

Requesting an audience with Captain Geldof's name and my name as the tournament's champion was easy! I am not sure if Jarl Skald likes me after I beated up his team black and blue, but let's hope he is not holding a grudge.

The guard came and let us in, who received us however was the captain of the guards, his name is Captain Jod. I remember that from the game, he was one of the good guys. A tall man in a Nordic plate armor covered with cyan cloak, the color of the hold

"Captain Geldof, a pleasure seeing you in town. How can the Jarl's court assist you?"

"Ha! Where is that man you call Jarl over this town?"

"He is with guests Captain, I beg your pardon but we even had to bring Lady Brina to receive them."

"Ohoho! Afraid that old fool might embarrass you or anything!"

Captain Jod heard that and didn't even retort, he just sighed, this guy clearly is having it hard.

The talking went from here to there until we reached the pirates subject. Captain Jod got concerned and asked us many questions. Unknown pirates are a serious matter especially to a town like Dawnstar that all its business is relying on ships and trading.

Of course having no prisoners to question was due to me going berserk so I had to apologize about that.

A short while Captain Geldof got bored and urged Captain Jod to get us in. Captain Jod had to go check in first then he came back saying we got permission for audience.

Captain Geldof was not polite and walked in with no patience, he was ahead of me but suddenly he halted for a second then walked in again.

"Lady Brina, Sir!" As I went in, Captain Geldof was greeting a woman sitting on the left side of the hall and a man sitting opposite to her.

Lady Brina Merilis is an old veteran from the war and the most popular person in town, she is an exemplary Nord with a straightforward attitude. Opposite to the Jarl who is the least popular person and his attitude is that of a brat.

The other man who was greeted by the Captain was a tall person with calm appearance, he looked like a hunter of some sort as he was wearing a cap made of a wolf's fur and was stroking an owl, an actual owl standing on the arm rest of his seat.

"Old Skald! We hunted more pirates in your hold." Captain Geldof said as if he was familiar with Jarl Skald.

"What are you so proud about? You know the regulations, loot what you want and leave the ship!"

"We are taking the ship this time!"

"Taking it? Why would I give it to you?"

"You are not giving it to me! You're giving it to him!"

Skald looked at me and looked as if he was illuminated, "You are that brat! I remember you. You costed me half of my money in that tournament!"

"Only half?" He seemed displeased with me so I thought it wouldn't harm to taunt him.

"Hah! Fine, I'll give you the ship!" He said, "For a hundred Goldens."

He was seriously doing this, ha?

A hundred gold septim would buy me the best ship I ask for, let alone that small 'caravel'. But who did he think he was he playing?

"I am sorry! Half of your money is only a hundred goldens?"

Skald was baffled and tried to think of a comeback but Lady Brina was faster, "You look young boy, do you know how to sail her?"

"Yes!" This question had to be answered like this, there is no so-so in sailing ships.

"But you were only one passenger on a ship that was attacked. To actually have the right to own a ship is something that falls under many rules than just the ability to sail and captain. What gives you the right?"

I smiled at her question. Skald smiled too as he thought I was trapped by her question.

Actually her question was a very reasonable one. But Captain Geldof should answer it. After all, he is a witness!"

Captain Geldof cleared his throat in courtesy to speak to Lady Brina, "Well, Young Jon here took out most of the pirates alone. We were attacked by two ships and nearly seventy pirates, he sank one ship with his magic alone and liberated the other ship mostly by himself! From the seventy pirate, he took forty of them down!"

Lady Brina raised het brows and was taken aback, I guess my butcher image with this handsome face of mine are not going along together! Jarl Skald was staring at me like the idiot he is.

Just admit it, some people were just born this awesome.

"Hoho! What a naughty child!" Strangely enough the guest who was here before us talked, "If I remember correctly, these pirates were a band of Argonians on a 'caravel' and a 'sloop', right?"

The man's voice was calm and clear even though his eyes were sleepy, I answered him with a nod.

"I am afraid that is my fault for cornering these lizards tightly, they even had to attack a ship belongs to the College? My, my! I messed up this time!"

The man was having his own monolog on his own, he seemed rather not caring about anything.

"Fine! My work here is done!" The man said and stood up, "The boy can have his ship!" He nodded to Lady Brina and left with his owl, he didn't even look at Skald who stood up.

Lady Brina looked at Jarl Skald who was having complex expressions and gave him a 'hurry up' gesture.

Skald sent someone to take a look at the ship and write its description then he gave me a paper that proves my ownership over the ship free of charge.

Now, I own the 'Alexandria'.