Dragonborn Saga - Chapter 197 The Demands 2

Chapter 197 The Demands 2

A/N: From now onward, there will be no publishing on the side novel. All the +18 content will be posted here.


The first round of demands was concluded rather peacefully, not sure about the following ones though.

"The other thing we demand is to allow the worship of Talos and prevent the Thalmor from carrying out any genocide against our brethren."

Here it comes!

Before I could reply, Viscount Lucius butted in.

"The Empire demands to keep the ban over the worship of Talos and not commit any breach to the terms of the White-Gold Concordat between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion."

The two glared at each other as their demands clashed.

I had to make my standing clear then.

"As a neutral side in the struggle between the Empire's faction and the Talos faction, your requests pose threat to our standing. It is true that the Worship of Talos is banned by law but that doesn't mean I am enforcing such a thing as controlling what people worship and what they believe in. Therefore, any public construction of any Shrine dedicated to the Divine Talos will be considered a felony and its punishment is imprisonment. However, any act of worship to the Divine Talos behind closed doors is not a thing we can control and we would rather not get involved."

This was my standing.

"What about the Thalmor?" Ralof asked.

"I don't have the authority over any law enforcer dispatched by the consent of the Empire…"

The Stormcloaks and the Imperials both glared at me. It would be much better for both sides if I took a hostile standing against the Thalmor.

"... But, as a Thane with limited authorities, I am not responsible for their safety if anything unfortunate happened to them while they are in Winterhold."

The killing intent behind my smile was clear. I am not going to officially act against the Thalmor, this will make the Thalmor force the Empire to act against me.

The game of politics in this world was rather simple so I am not going to fall for such an obvious trap.

In my past life, I lived in Egypt which was the hub of all political drama in the Arab Countries. Nations like the Arabian Gulf States, Palestine, Iran, Libya, Yemen and Syria were all around Egypt both geographically and politically. As Egypt was at the center, I was pretty much familiar with the inner struggles of those nations had in their inner factions.

Also, the Superpowers in my past life used to play a game which was very simple to understand, it was called 'Divide and Conquer'. Just highlight a small faction of people and demonize them with propaganda. This small faction will naturally grow tired of the persecution and convert into the creed of radicalism then wars will start in these nations where the Superpowers don't want to invest any troops or money to conquer. Later, they would claim them under words like 'Having Shared Borders' or 'Peacemaking'.

The game was a cliche that an otherworlder like me would smell from a mile away especially when it was being played by the Thalmor. Of course, the Empire understood that too but the Stormcloaks are too hot-headed to even care about this fact. So far, Ulfric's actions have only brought nothing but harm to the people of Skyrim from the time of the Markarth Accident and how he caused a massive faction like the 'Madmen of the Reach' to become the 'Forsworn' (the sworn enemies of Nords) and his demands that caused the Aldmeri Dominion to force the Empire and start the so-called Genocide of the worshippers of Talos.

With me stepping aside from officially clashing with the Thalmor, I have taken a different route than the Stormcloaks and showed that I am a friend to the Empire. The Stormcloaks will not understand that move fully and will translate it as I am just trying to be as partial as possible. The Empire, however, will translate my actions as opening the road for them while having some privileges on my terms.

The future of Winterhold will take two different scenarios depending on who will control Skyrim in the future. Still, the power of Winterhold was fully recognized by now.

The Imperials shared their thoughts together and so did the Stormcloaks. They all nodded and with that, the second round was concluded.

The third round was about to start and it seemed that the Imperials and the Stormcloaks were about to clash in opinions again.

I had to calm down the mood this time.

"Miss Vici, I heard you got engaged to an old friend of mine, Asgeir Snow-Shod from Riften."

"Oh, it is true. Asgeir and I got engaged lately after we were introduced to each other four months ago."

"Oh, how amazing! I am almost envious at him, someone with the status, the beauty and the intellect of Miss Vittoria sure have a lot of suitors."

"Ahaha! You flatter me, Thane Jon."

"To this wonderful piece of news, I should prepare a worthy gift for Miss Vici."

"Really no need, Lady Maven Black-Briar and Queen Elisif have already sunk me head to toe with engagement gifts."

"How come you say that? Do you want people to say that Jon Dare is not generous to his friends?" I smiled and looked at Uncle Njord.

"Captain Njord, you promised me that rare horse from the finest stable in Clan Firemane, right?"

"Oh! You want that?" Njord was taken aback and seemed confused.

"That Horse will be my gift to Miss Vittoria, the rarest horse breed in Skyrim, the Snow Horse, Frost."

Everyone opened their eyes wide but the Firemanes smiled wryly.

Frost is a horse from a very unique and rare breed. It appeared in the game and belonged to Maven Black-Briar.

What I found out when I was at the clan that Maven made a deal with the Firemanes to buy this horse but the deal was canceled when the problem between the Firemanes and the Black-Briars arose because of me. Now, the horse that Maven wanted so much couldn't be hers.

On the other hand, the Vici Nobles were very friendly to Maven Black-Briar. Maven also had a good relationship with the Snow-Shod Clan and used them to establish her power in Riften. More to that, Asgeir Snow-Shod was a sissy boy that got played well by Maven and she made him put most of his Clan's wealth in her business then gave him a small management position. Asgeir Snow-Shod and Vittoria Vici got their engagement arranged by Maven so that she can link her source of money and her connection with the Empire which will provide her with a strong backing and immunity from any threat in Tamriel, with even the Thalmor's interference, Maven would be very much invincible and that is bad news for me.

Now, with me giving Frost to Vittoria Vici, Maven will be pissed off but it won't change anything. At least, it would make for a good fraction between the East Empire Company and the Black-Briar Clan but that's a long term game.

Vittoria Vici and I started exchanging smiles and words of compliments until we arrived at the final play.

"We would like to talk about Japhet's Folly."

With these words, not only the Imperials and the Stormcloaks, but also the Firemanes and we from the Dare Dragon group participated in the glaring contest.

This ripe fruit is the reason why everyone was here in the first place.

Japhet's Folly is a very important place, it is the island where the last of the Bloodsails Clan and the Blood Horkers Pirates gathered. After their defeat in the Battle of Kynesgrove, the safest stronghold for these vermins was at this place. I was sending ships to patrol the area lately and according to the reports from my people and the Firemanes, Japhet's Folly was also monitored by both the Empire and the Stormcloaks.

The pirates and the remnants of the Bloodsails all gathered there with their treasures and money, they tried to hire Argonian Pirates many times but the Dare Dragon ships and the Firemanes fleet were openly confronting any coming and going pirate ships around Japhet's Folly. Still, that wouldn't stop the vultures from the Empire and the Stormcloak to lust over the treasures of the besieged pirates.

"What about Japhet's Folly?" I replied in the most unfriendly tone possible.

They all realized that this time, I wasn't trying to act peacefully and stand aside.

"These pirates have plagued the sea for years. Windhelm has lost a lot of resources and money to them."

"The East Empire Company also lost a lot of goods and personnel to those scum, on top of that we were fighting them for years."

It looks like the riches have blinded them.

I silently stood up and rested my palms on the table then spoke.

"At times I hunt bandits. When I start looting the bandits and in accordance to law, I can loot whatever I want even if it is some long lost national treasure and it will belong to me in the end. Now you lot want to take a share of the booty that Winterhold sacrificed its sons and daughters to secure?"

"Thane Jon, we understand your feelings but according to the Law, we also have a claim, we don't plan to deny Winterhold of its claim as well." Captain Mislav stood up and glared at the Imperials trying to say that it is a different story when it comes to Imperials.

"Thane Jon, beware the wrath of the Empire. We are indeed giving you a lot of face because we understand that you are the sole hope for a whole region in Skyrim. Still, we won't tolerate being pushed around." Viscount Lucius stood and glared at the Stormcloaks.

These bastards won't budge, and whether side I choose to loot Japhet's Folly with, the other will remember it and will be my enemy in the future.

Were they trying to corner me into this choice from the start?

These cunning foxes!

But Jon Dare is not the one who will be forced to pick between 1 or 2, Jon Dare will make 3.

And here comes the Thu'um.

"HI TINVAAK GOLTNU (You speak nonsense)! DUZIIRAH... Insolence is the one thing I cannot abide. My people suffered for ages, for more than seventy years this land was plagued with pirates and thugs, Its people bled so much… they are citizens of LOKOLTEI... of the Empire, they are true Sons and Daughters of KEIZAAL... of Skyrim! And you, where were you? Did any of you offer a helping hand? No, nothing... worse than nothing! You made deals and paid fees so that the pirates let you off, and who bled because of these actions? GEVILDSEOD... Winterhold."

My words, enforced by the Thu'um, overwhelmed these greedy bastards in all aspects. One can speak the Thu'um without causing any magic to be unleashed but the words themselves will echo far and wide.

With that, they who thought they are untouchable lost all their nerves in front of a Dragon Tongue.

In the end, the meeting continued and I managed to avoid being forced on a side.

After a few hours, the meeting came to a conclusion.

When the summer arrives, two months from today, anyone who has a claim to the riches in Japhet's Folly can sail to the island and try to take it by force. Whoever has the ability to claim them shall do so by their own force.

Both the Empire and the Stormcloaks have large fleets and they weren't afraid of the 'Soaring Flame' ship as they knew it was powered by Soul Gems. I didn't give in to the temptations as whoever I side with will make the other hold a grudge and I really wanted no part in the war.

As all the parties stood up to leave, Vittoria Vici approached me.

"Thane Jon, I was interested in discussing something in private."

"Oh, of course, Miss Vici. To my office?"

"Very well."

I led her to my office in the other room. Both Viscount Lucius and Legate Thorvar wanted to join but she promised she wouldn't be late.


After some time, Jon was sitting alone behind his office closing his eyes and resting his head back when he heard the door knocking.

"Come in!"

"Boss, it is Legate Thorvar."

"Let him in."

After a while, Legate Thorvar came into the room.

"Thane Jon. Miss Vici was here a while ago but we can't seem to find her."

"Oh! She asked me for a pass letter to enter the College, she took the pass and left right away."

"Right away?"

As Legate Thorvar asked, Jon's face twitched for a second but he soon managed to hold a grip.

"Emmm! Here is another pass, you can go look for her over there."

Jon offered Legate Thorvar a small piece of paper and smiled. He didn't even stand up but his smile was cold as if he wanted Legate Thorvar to piss off right away.

"Really no need, if Miss Vici is in the College then there is no need to worry... Excuse me! I will take my leave."

It seemed that Jon's show of his Thu'um was still vivid in Legate Thorvar's mind and he left the office directly, as he did so, Jon let out a sigh of relief and looked under his desk.

"See, I had to lie for your sake."

Down there, a certain Imperial girl sat on her knees between Jon's legs while polishing his spear with her mouth.

"It's... tho... huuuge *slurp*, i' cod tik m' o nigh! (It is so huge, it could take me all night)." Vittoria Vici, stripped of all nobility and dignity, spoke with Little Jon in her mouth.

Jon only smiled.

"Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time."