Dragon Monarch System - Chapter 713: - Emergency Meeting [I]

Chapter 713: - Emergency Meeting [I]

"The Istarin Empire is going to war.....!!" These are such light words, yet depending on who says these six words, the weight of these six words could be very heavy and impactful.

When these six words come out of the Istarin Emperor's mouth, then it means that the whole Dying Isle Continent and all surrounding landmasses are going to shake from the impact that these six words carry.

[If the Istarin Empire is known as the Graveyard of Empires, Emperor Aditya is its tombstone's architect.]

The words that came out from such a person's mouth are very impactful. Whenever the Monarch spoke, the world listened.

"Order the entire Istarin Empire to prepare for war. Send the message to every noble of the Empire. I want everyone to be ready for war within the next 6 hours. Those who failed to follow my orders will be removed from their status and ranks."

"Ensure that every noble in the Empire has heard my command. Failure is not an option. Within 6 hours, every noble must be prepared to follow my orders without hesitation." Watson hurriedly nodded his head while slightly trembling.

"Also, send a message to Spencer explaining the whole situation. It's time for him to return. He can enjoy his vacation later. Now the Empire needs him."

"All Imperial troops, regardless of their ranks, must be immediately put on standby mode."

"Increase the number of scouts around the Empire's borders by fivefold. I want every border area of the Empire to be covered by a scout."

Saying all these, Aditya became silent as he suddenly remembered the dream that he had just a few days ago. It wasn't a simple dream. It was a dream of Aditya's future.

'Everything is setting up that dream of the future.' Aditya thought in his mind while clenching his fists.

Under everyone's gaze, Aditya sat down and gently leaned against the back of the chair. He then closed his eyes for a second. When he closed his eyes, Aditya felt as if he could see all the sentences that he had said and thought to himself in his vision of the future.

- "Your Majesty, all of our allies have turned their backs on us. We are being attacked from all sides."

- "All nations have gathered against us just as people gather around a feast to eat from it."

- "There are no ends to those damned Homunculus. For every Istarin soldier, there are at least 100 Homunculus out there."

- "Not to mention, the troops of The Dune Sovereignty are marching towards the capital from the south."

- 'Sasha, I have failed you once. I am not going to fail you twice....!!'

"Sasha.....!!!" Saying her name, Aditya opened his eyes. Suddenly, Aditya wanted her very much. He wanted her by his side.

"Watson, send a message to Sasha and Lilith. Tell them that I want to see them." At the same time, Aditya also instructed Watson to send someone to inform Alicia to come to the laboratory.

Aditya thought that he would be able to change the future with the information he had about the future. 'But now, seeing how things are going....! I feel like everything is setting that scene from the future.' This was the first time Aditya felt this pressure on himself.

He did not feel this pressure when the Istarin Empire had no one's backing and was attacked by all Kingdoms and Dynasties in the Eastern Region.

He did not feel this kind of pressure when he learned that Duke Eastgard was going to join the enemy Kingdom, and together, they were going to attack the capital of the Istarin Dynasty.

'Given how things are playing out, I would not be surprised if the Dune Sovereignty joins my ex-allies in this War against the Istarin Empire. I cannot allow this to happen.' After all, the Istarin Empire already had enough things to worry about; if the Dune Sovereignty joined the war now, then the Empire would start collapsing.

Even if Aditya is the strongest Cultivator in the whole world, he cannot defend his entire Empire alone. He cannot be on multiple battlefields at the same time.

'In the future, they played it smart by targeting cities that were very far away from the Capital.' Aditya vividly recalls how all the cities in the Beast Continent, under the control of the Istarin Empire, succumbed to enemy attacks.

'I cannot allow this to happen. I must keep the Dune Sovereignty busy till I finish my other enemies.' This would prevent the Empire from joining the war.

'After I am done with them, I will play with the Dune Sovereignty.'

Just a few minutes later, Alicia, Nathan, and Spencer were standing before Aditya. After learning everything, they all realized the gravity of this situation.

Spencer was now regretting his actions. 'I should have held my marriage later.' He blamed himself.

'I was already seeing signs yet I selfishly chose to proceed with my marriage while His Majesty was bearing the weight of everything. When he needed me the most, I wasn't there for him.' This really made Spencer feel guilty.

If he had postponed his wedding by a month or a few weeks, perhaps Aditya wouldn't have had to leave in the middle of the ceremony.

Aditya was about to begin when Sasha and Lilith mysteriously appeared behind Aditya. Although both of them were slightly exhausted, they were still in their full power.

"You're are finally here...!!" Aditya nodded seeing them.

Sasha noticed that Aditya's lingered on her for a few extra seconds.

Today, for some reason, his eyes were really warm and protective of her.

In fact, others may not have noticed it but Amelia noticed that upon seeing Sasha, Aditya let out a breath of relief while his shoulders became less stiff.

The room was full of important people. Each person in this room held massive political power in the Empire. The Seven generals, Leo, Celestina (Governor of the Capital), and the former prime Minister and the very first Dragonian, Watson.

Everyone has been notified of the whole situation by Watson before coming here.

Now, everyone was waiting for Aditya's command.

"First of all, given how things are going, we absolutely cannot let the Dune Sovereignty Empire join this war. This would make things even more severe and leave us short-handed." After all, if the Dune Sovereignty attacked the Empire from the south or from the north, then it would be another huge headache, not to mention the huge resources, time, money, and manpower that would be spent stopping the forces of the Dune Sovereignty Empire.

"Alicia, I need your help in this." Aditya gently looked at Alicia.

"Anything.....!! Just say the word.....!!" The Goddess already guessed that Aditya wanted to use her connections and the soft power that she had built for more than a decade. Alicia's influence reached every six continents. She had eyes almost everywhere on the six continents.

"I want you to cause chaos in the Dune Sovereignty Empire and keep them occupied until we have ended this war."

"For this task, you will have half of the Shadow Guardians under your command."

"Whether it's causing a political riot, or spreading curse or assassination of the Empire's leaders or funding extremist groups in that Empire... In short, I do not care what means you use, but just keep them occupied. For this task, all resources of the Empire will be at your disposal. You're free to use the Empire's resources however you want."

Knowing that, the Dune Sovereignty Empire was responsible for Sasha's death in his vision of the future, Aditya had no mercy towards this Empire. From what he knew, the Empire's management was rotten so it's not like Alicia was going kill innocents.

Hearing Aditya's words, Alicia's face lit up with a grin. However, because of the veil she was wearing, her grin wasn't seen by anyone. Her emerald eyes had a playful yet dangerous glint in them.


Alicia, already knew what she wanted to do. Since she was free to do whatever she wanted, she planned to use this chance to deepen her influence and her business in the Dune Sovereignty Empire while weakening the Empire from inside for her husband.

"There is something that I want to do. But for that, I will need an expert Assassin." Saying that Alicia looked at Sasha.

"You can use all the Assassins in my organization to your liking." Sasha completely trusted Alicia with this.

"Thank you....!! I won't be polite then. Hehe...!!" Alicia giggled as a dark Aura appeared around her.

"One more thing, Aditya, can I command the entire Ice Lotus Dragon clan? They will be very helpful to me." After pleading their loyalty to Aditya, the whole clan has been living near the Capital. Other than a few members, the rest of the members of this clan did not join the military. But when required, the whole clan was ready to be deployed on the battlefield.

"Sure.....!! Spencer, have someone send a message to the Ice Lotus Dragon clan." Spencer nodded his head.

Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!