Dragon Monarch System - Chapter 711: - Greatest Alchemist in History

Chapter 711: - Greatest Alchemist in History

"You only have 1/3 of your total Mana." Riya looked at him. Hearing this, Aditya chuckled. He then replied while patting her head. "Well, I did go to the battlefield." It was usual for Aditya, but the Goddess was worried about him. "Those Voidfigures have been appearing almost everywhere in the Istarin Empire." The girls could tell that Aditya had been bothered by this.

'I swear once I get through this, I am going to take a lot of new initiatives to make sure that something like this never happens again. Even if something like this were to repeat again, I would make sure that the Istarin Empire was 100% prepared to deal with it.' This whole experience has given Aditya a lot of new ideas.

Before, he may have lacked the resources and money to implement some of his ideas, but now the Istarin Empire has everything. Aditya needs to start working on them.

"Aditya, have you seen Lilith?" Julia asked. Knowing her character, Lilith at least would have visited them once in the last 24 hours yet Lilith never came here. So Julia was kind of worried about her.

"Lilith and Sasha have been helping me fight the Voidfigures." Although Lilith's charm did not work on the Voidfigures, she was still a Peak 5th-order cultivator. Just her presence on a battlefield is enough to turn the tide of the battle.

The same could be said for the Goddess of Lust. Sasha could easily kill hundreds of thousands. With their speed and experience, the Voidfigures wouldn't be able to get near them.

Lilith had gone to Vrane City to help Duke Marvin Sarlus.

Sasha went to Zraka to help Duke Zayne.

Both cities had been attacked by over a million Voidfigures. If not for both of them, Vrane and Zraka City would have long fallen.

Both of them played a significant role in making sure that Vrane City and Zraka City were protected. Even now, both of them were on the battlefield. Both of them have been fighting at the front line for more than seven continuous hours now.

"Tell me, what have you found?" Saying that Aditya had pulled the chair and sat on it. Due to everything that has been happening in the last few days, Aditya's appearance was a mess. His hair was messed up. For the sake of simplicity and to save time, he just tied his Hair into a messy ponytail. Aditya did not have time to waste. He hoped to find some kind of clue that would help him locate the mastermind behind all of this. And once he finds the mastermind behind all of this mess, Aditya is going to torture him so brutally that he will beg for death. "First of all, just as I suspected, these creatures are not natural."

"What I mean is, they were artificially created beings. This means that these creatures's existence is against the laws of nature. This explains the reason why I felt so repulsed and disgusted while being near these creatures." Something about these creatures made Riya feel so disgusted that she felt like vomiting. Even while studying the Voidfigure's body, she almost vomited multiple times. If Julia and her mother hadn't been there, she would have vomited.

Aditya nodded his head. He also had expected this to be the case. This would also explain why he did not receive any points of experience when killing these creatures. It's not that gaining experience points from such weak monsters even mattered to Aditya. There was also the fact that whenever these creatures died, after a certain period of time, their bodies just transformed into black mist. These monster's bodies just evaporated without leaving a single thing behind.

"Actually, calling these creatures Voidfigures is not perfectly accurate. In the alchemist community, this type of creature is commonly called Homunculus." "You mean, there has been an alchemist who has created Homunculus?" Aditya asked back. "Yes, though, the Homunculus that the alchemist has created is nowhere nearly perfect as the Voidfigures. I would say that these Voidfigures are something that one could get closer to creating the Perfect Homunculus."

"The history of Homunculus goes way back. The History of Homunculus is even older than The Ages of Cruelty."

"To put it into a simpler context, there were genius alchemists in the past who had created level five or even level six, according to some speculations, Homunculus, even hundreds of thousands of years before the first Invasion of the Demons took place."

Hearing this, Aditya was shocked. He never thought that the history of Homunculus was this rich. "In the alchemist community, there are levels assigned to measure the perfection of a Homunculus. Level one Homunculus is the lowest ranking/ lowest leaving Homunculus. These Homunculus are capable of walking and running. They are capable of moving simple objects. These creatures understand simple commands and can perform basic tasks. These creatures do not have any emotions."

"But their lifespan is limited to only a few months. Some alchemists use level 1 homogenus to perform daily tasks and activities." "Then there is level 2 Homunculus. These Homunculus are improved versions of level 1 Homunculus. These homunculus could lift heavier objects and move faster, just like normal humans. They can say simple words and phrases such as "Thank you" or "Sorry." "They can live up to one year." "There are some level 2 Homunculus that cannot speak. It's the same for level 3 or level 4 creatures. Basically, the level of a Homunculus is very difficult to judge. I even believe this whole level system is flawed."

"And this continues until level 7. But it's from level 8 onwards where the lines defining each level get blurry. It becomes almost impossible, if not impossible, to judge if a Homunculus is a level 8 or level 9."

"But throughout recorded history, there has been one Alchemist who dedicated his entire life to trying to create the Perfect Homunculus, which is a level 10 Homunculus. It was he, in the beginning phase of his life, who developed the level system to measure the Perfection level of a Homunculus."

"His name is Thaddeus Arcanum."

"Arcanum is known to be one of the Greatest Alchemists in history. Thaddeus Arcanum's work laid the foundation for future alchemists, and his level system remains a standard measure of Homunculus perfection."

"In fact, some Alchemists argue that if Arcanum hadn't dedicated his entire life to the creation of the perfect Homunculus and instead had focused on other fields of Alchemy, then he would have been called the Greatest Alchemist in History."

"When I began my Alchemist journey, I learned so many things from him. The notes and the techniques that he left behind are widely used." "Since Arcanum lived such a long time ago, 99% of recorded things about his life and his work have been lost. But what I do know is that, in the last phase of his life, Arcanum completely isolated himself." "Mind you, before that, he already had shown the world that he had created the first ever level 7 Homunculus. And a level 7 Homunculus had the ability to cast spells and enchantments. They had the ability to strategize and solve complex problems. They were also able to heal serious injuries faster."

"And according to Legend, after going into Isolation, he lived for another 1000 years. In fact, no one even knew that he had died. It wasn't until 102 years after his death that his dead body was found. But none of his recorded work or anything about it was found along with his body." "Now, seeing these Voidfigures makes me believe that Arcanum had managed to create Level 10 Homunculus before his death. And the mastermind must have been able to find his work somewhere."

"That's a bold claim?" Aditya said, but he also knew from Julia's words that he was the only person in history who could make these Voidfigures. "Because the level 7 Homunculus that he showed to the world was made very uniquely. In fact, it had caused controversy, which is why he went into isolation. It was made using the Heart of a Cultivator." Hearing this, Aditya couldn't sit still. He finally understood why the mastermind tried to steal the Mana Hearts of the dead Istarin soldiers. "Many people wanted him to stop this evil practice and find an alternative. In fact, some sects were so against this that they openly issued a bounty on his head." After hearing all of these things, Aditya suddenly felt that everything had become very complicated. "I have contacted a few other Alchemists. Everyone seems to agree that these Voidfigures are a level 10 Homunculus." Hearing this, Aditya rubbed his head. "So, did you find any weakness in these creatures?" Aditya asked. "Well.....!!" Hearing this, Julia paused and looked at Riya. "Riya, you can take over." Riya just nodded her head.