Dragon Monarch System - Chapter 708: - Lightning Formation

Chapter 708: - Lightning Formation

Aditya was about to leave the Dragon Monarch when just like the other morning, he saw Amber walking towards the library. He stopped her for a quick chat. Amber was startled when Aditya, out of nowhere, appeared before her. Seeing his face suddenly, her heartbeat quickened for a second. "Your Majesty....!!" "Those creatures have finally come here." Hearing this, her expression became very serious. "Should we join the fight, Your Majesty?" Amber asked before Aditya could leave. Aditya shook his head and responded. "Let me take care of them. Meanwhile, inform the other generals and imperial troops to be prepared to depart at any time. Other cities of the Empire may be attacked by these creatures." Amber nodded her head. Aditya was about to leave but then he stopped. He turned around and looked at her face. "Instead of calling them 'Black Beings, ' which sounds really awkward, I suggest we call them 'Voidfigures.'"

The name was much better than having to call them 'Black Beings.' For some reason, the previous name didn't sound right. But the current name really describes these creatures perfectly. "Alright. I will spread the word to everyone." Amber nodded her head. -

Scene Change______

The sky was just starting to brighten outside.

The whole Azure City and its surroundings are still covered in the early morning fog. Everything was eerie silent. At this time, everyone was still sleeping. Hardly anyone in the Azure City was awake at this time. At this moment, the Dragon Monarch was flying 500 meters above the Dragon Palace. He could clearly see the walls of the Azure City not so far away from here. Crimson Wrap Flash!

Using 'Crimson Wrap Flash' that he gained after obtaining his 4th Mythical Class has become a very day thing for him. Aditya frequently used this skill. And when he was within the range of his Dragon Palace, the time needed for him to teleport only became faster. To the eyes of others, he was almost as fast as lightning. Though he was still far from reaching the speed of Lightning. The guards had no idea what was coming. They were standing on top of the walls and faithfully doing their duties. Some held their spears in their hands, some kept their weapon on their waists, and some kept their longer weapon on their backs. Their bodies were covered in full body armor. The guards had no idea what was coming. They were standing on top of the walls and faithfully doing their duties. Some held their spears in their hands, some kept their weapon on their waists, and some kept their longer weapon on their backs. Their bodies were covered in full body armor. The captain of the guards was sitting on a chair and was observing everything. He was an elderly man with white hair. Even before Aditya ascended to the throne of the once-known Istarin Dynasty, he was the Captain who protected Azure City.

There was a time when many of the old officials were replaced when the Istarin Dynasty changed to an Empire. Many incompetent guards, officials, and servants were replaced with individuals possessing superior capabilities and skills better suited for their roles. But he was the only one who wasn't replaced. Rather, his Majesty gave him a chance. Ken was grateful to the Emperor for not being replaced. He was eternally grateful to the Dragon Monarch for giving him a chance to become a Dragonian. Despite being the Captain of the guards, he never left the walls that surrounded the Azure City. He even had his food on top of the walls. The only time he left the walls was when he needed to go to the washroom or take a shower. "It's a peaceful day.....!!" Ken said as he dipped a piece of beard into his tea. Staring at the distant mountains while sitting on top of the walls filled Ken with an unexplainable sense of peace. Ken was about to eat when he saw a shadow in front of him. When he raised his head, upon seeing the face of the Emperor, Ken threw away the tea cup and the beard in his hand and hurriedly stood up. "Yu.....Your Majesty...!!!" Ken was startled to see the Emperor here so early in the morning. He was feeling slightly nervous as well since the Emperor caught him eating during his duties. 'I really hope I won't be fired for this.' Ken prayed in his heart. As for making excuses, that thought never even crossed his mind. Ken could never bring himself to lie in front of the Dragon Monarch. "Ken, order the troops to close all the entrances of the Azure City. At the same time, prepare for a big battle." "Your Majesty, who is the enemy?" Because Ken knew that no weak enemy would dare to attack the Capital of the Dragon Monarch. This means the enemy was very strong or an idiot who did not want to live anymore. Only an idiot would offend the Dragon Monarch. "Our enemy is the Voidfigures." Seeing Ken confused, Aditya quickly explained. "Voidfigures is a name that I have given to the 'Black Beings'." "The 'Black Beings' are here?" Ken was shocked. As the Captain, of course, Ken was informed about the Voidfigures even though he hadn't faced them on the battlefield yet. Before this, Ken always assumed that Azure City would be the last place the Voidfigures attacked since it was the home of the Dragon Monarch. This was the home of the Strongest cultivator in the six Continents. "Also, activate the Lightning Formation." Aditya disappeared from Ken's view. The Lightning Formation was a formation that Aditya had developed a long time ago. He made this formation back when he was a 3-star runemaster. The lightning Formation hasn't been used even once. "Everyone prepare for battle."

"I want all the four main entrances of the Azure City to be closed." With Ken's orders, all four gates of the City were closed for the first time. "All guards gather on top of the City Walls for battle." The guards who had been resting, eating, or had just completed their shifts immediately returned to the top of the walls.

"Prepare the Solar Cannons." The guards who were in charge of firing the Solar Cannons began to get everything. The Solar cannons on top of the walls were being loaded for firing.

"Archers, get ready to shoot arrows on my command." The guards armed with bows and arrows took their positions to shoot.

"Mages cultivators, get ready to fire our strongest spells at my command."

Meanwhile, in the sky, Aditya silently watched thousands upon thousands of Voidfigures run towards the Azure City from all directions. He also noticed that these Voidfigures did not do anything to the villagers. But whichever unfortunate villagers came in their paths were immediately killed. In the base form, although their bodies had the shapes of a human, but they did not look like humans. They had no eyes, nose, or lips. Their faces were completely blank. It was just a round head. It was as if these Voidfigures were shadows that had been solidified. But their bodies lacked anything that would distinguish them from males or females. They did have hands and legs like humans. "These Voidfigures do not have shadows of their own." Aditya noticed this from the sky. Previously, due to the urgent situation, Aditya did not have time to observe the Voidfigures. But now he was able to observe them calmy. Previously, Aditya did not receive any experience points upon killing them. And their bodies just mysteriously turned into black mist and completely disappeared without leaving any remains. Within just 5 minutes, close to half a million Voidfigures gathered around the Azure City. But just as the Voidfigures came within 100 meters range of the Azure City, Crimson Lightning struck their bodies and destroyed them. It wasn't Aditya who summoned the Crimson bolts of lightning. This happened because of the Lightning Formation. Whenever an enemy gets within 100 meters in range of the Azure City, their bodies will be destroyed by powerful bolts of Lightning. As the first wave of Voidfigures was killed, the second wave of Voidfigures also approached the Azure City, even after seeing what had happened to the first wave of Voidfigures. This led Aditya to the conclusion that these Voidfigures are unable to think or make decisions. At least in their base form, these monsters cannot think. But Aditya has seen the Duplicates make decisions. Those Duplicates seem to know what move to use and when to attack or retreat. Aditya continued observing everything for about 30 minutes. Till now, the guards hadn't attacked used. There was simply no need for them to attack because the Lightning Formation was destroying all the Voidfigures. Since in their base form, these creatures appeared to be very weak and fragile, one lightning attack was enough to destroy them completely. While Aditya was watching everything, someone approached him. "Need any help?" The figure asked him with a smirk on her face. "I want to capture one of them alive and study their bodies."

"Good idea. Let's do it." As she snapped her fingers, green veins wrapped around one of Voidfigures and captured it. "Let's bring him back to the Dragon Palace."