Dragon - Dragon Companion - Dragon - Dragon Companion Part 37

Dragon - Dragon Companion Part 37

"I seem to recall meeting you long ago," Manda said. "Didn't you bring a present to me on my fifth birthday?"

"No, that would be my father, of the same name," said Strongoak, shaking his head. "He passed awaya-"

"Six years back," interrupted Manda. "I recall the sad news coming to Momingside. Killed by a wild boar, as I remember."

"That's true. My father brought a pair of pups to the ward of Granger Gantrell," said Strongoak.

"No, it was my forest pony," cried Manda. "Adorable, gentle little Charade! I was so sad when I grew too big to ride him about Uncle Granger's meadows and gardens."

Strongoak listened gravely but said no more until, several hours later, he sat with them over a plain but hearty supper on trestle tables set under the oaks in the cooled evening air.

"I know no absolute way to confirm your identity," he began when they settled back to relax after the meal. "I must say I personally am convinced you are who you say you are, but feel I must have proof positive. I owe it to you. Princess, for I am responsible for the safety and management of your lands here."

"Even if I am not your princess?" asked Manda with a laugh. "Well, I can't think of anything more to say to convince you. I am who I say I am, and so are these others. We wish to be protected from my wicked Uncle Peter, and escorted to Lexor to join my father, the king, at Pall Session. You are aware of the importance of this Session, aren't you. Chief Forester?"

"Very much so," replied Strongoak. "I was about to depart myself to attend, carrying the fealty of my people, especially if Gantrell makes trouble for you. Princess, in the matter of becoming queen."

"Do you know where my desires lay on that?" asked Manda, suddenly.

"Ia I have heard you do not wish to wear the Trusslo crown or to sit the throne," Strongoak hesitated.

"It's true, however. My father now has a son. Prince Ednoll, who is his clear male heir. Once Peter of Gantrell thought he could control the crown by holding fast to me, marrying me to one of his nephews or taking me as bride himself, perhaps. I ran awaya-to Overhall. All this will be brought out at this Session, you see, and Gantrell will be much reduced in power, perhaps even sent into exile again when the freemen and nobles hear my story in full."

"I can see why Princess Alix Amanda would hasten to Lexor," conceded the Chief Forester.

"The point is," interrupted Murdan, "that the proof of Manda's identity will come if you were to escort us to Lexor."

"No one should doubt you," cried Momie, suddenly. "Anyone who met you should see that you are the Princess Royal!"

"But here is Strongoak, doubting me, even now!" exclaimed Manda. "Oh, if it were not for the life and happiness of my father and Queen Beatrix and the little babies and all, I'd say return to Overhall and let Gantrell have his way!"

She began to weep quietly, which disconcerted those who saw it, Strongoak most of all.

His wife. Ermine, who sat at the other end of the table, stood and came to Manda, putting her arms about her shoulders and calling out to her husband, "Stop your harassing the princess, husband! I, for one, believe her. You can no longer pretend to doubt!"

"My wife is my conscience," the Chief Forester said with a rueful grin. "And she is perfectly correct! I have not doubted, not since your first words. I am so sorry. Princess, but I felt a"

"It was your duty, I know," said Manda, accepting a handkerchief from Tom to wipe away the tears of frustration and weariness. "I cannot fault your faithfulness, Strongoak. I forgive your seeming doubt."

From the applause, even from the servants who waited upon their table, it was evident that all the foresters agreed with Mistress Ermine.

"Lord Murdan; gentlemen! I would feel better if you forgave and understood, also," begged Strongoak, rising.

"Nothing to forgive, forget, or misunderstand," said Murdan. "You have shown yourself a most faithful liege man, and that's much more important than mere words."

Tom, Momie, and Clem nodded their agreement.

"Now, after a good night's sleep and perhaps a day of 286.

Don Callander rest here, we will lead you through the heart of your forest to Lexor, Lady Princess," promised Strongoak.

A forester came to them as they sat talking. He reported that Gantrell's men-at-arms, or so he presumed from their livery, were preparing to cross on the ferry and enter the forest.

"Bad news!" cried Strongoak. "We'll have to turn them back!"

"Just hold them for the night and morrow," suggested Clem. "That's enough time for us to get a good start, I think."

"I'll go down to the river ferry myself," decided the Chief Forester. "I can delay them, if you don't want us to outright fight them. Princess."

"Once we're away to Lexor, I don't think they'll bother you, Strongoak," said Manda. "But we do need a night's rest. Hold Uncle Peter's people with diplomacy at least that long. We'll ride on, tomorrow morning."

"LORD King," said a freeholder named Triple. "I yield my time and place to my lord of Gantrell."

"But you have entered a petition, I believe, that deals with a serious matter between yourself and the Fishermen's Guild," objected Eduard, leaning forward. It was the mom-ing of the fourth day of the Twentieth Fall Session of his reign. Gantrell was making a move.

Triple coughed nervously and paled, but insisted that he would step aside for his liege lord, which was in accord with the rules.

"Very well, then, right after lunch," decided Eduard at last. "We'll hear Lord Peter on a full stomach, at least."

A few in the audience laughed aloud at his quip but most looked at each other with worried frowns.

^26^ Feints and Thrusts "You realize," Tom said to the Historian, "that we don't have our prisoner anymore. He was released when Gantrell captured you and Manda?"

"Of course," snapped Murdan. They were riding side by side through endless aisles of oak, ash, elm, and lesser hardwoods of Greenlevel Forest.

"How can the king try Freddie if he doesn't have Freddie?" the Librarian asked.

"The important thing is the testimony against Brevory, and we can give him that," said Clem.

Tom shook his head in disagreement. "Even Freddie deserves to be present at his own trial and to speak in his own defense. Besides, I rather expect him to rat on Peter, if it came to that."

" *Rat'T' wondered the Historian.

"Squeal," explained Tom. "Uha turn king's evidence. Testify against Gantrell to save his own neck."

"Ah, I see! Rat! Very good!" Murdan laughed.

"Under our laws, the King can try a felon even though he is uncaptured and not present," explained Manda. She had heard the discussion from ahead of them, where she was riding with Strongoak. "Freddie need not be there. I admit he probably would *rat' on Uncle Peter, given a good chance."

"But this, goes beyond the trial and its results," Tom argued, somewhat stiffly. "If Freddie is tried and convicted without being there to speak up for himselfa"

"He deserves it!" cried Momie.

"Well, yes, you and I know that," said Tom, "but what about the nobles and the people who are considering siding with Gantrell against your father, the king, Manda? Or feel that a grown, experienced Regent like Peter is better than 287.

288 Don Callander a huffy old Historian? If they're convinced Eduarda er!a diddled a Freddie and your Uncle Peter, it will strengthen support for Gantrell. A free and open trial, a fair and public hearinga-that's the important thing, not just tweaking Peter's black beard in public." Manda turned in her saddle to nod at him. "You're right, as often I find you are, beloved Librarian! Thank you, but what can we do about it?" "Find Freddie," said Tom, glancing back in turn at Clem.

"Once we're clear of this forest, Clem and I will join with Retruance Constable and search the Sponge out. Give us a few days. Delay, as I counseled the king. We'll bring Freddie to Lexor for trial."

Manda made a wry face at the thought of her young man going off once again without her, but she was her father's daughter, and deeply aware of the need for her at court.

"We'll part at Two Mills, then," said Strongoak with a nod of his head. "Later this afternoon."

"I'll get Retruance to meet us there," decided Tom. "If he can get away from the court."

"He'll be there!" insisted Manda, dropping back to ride contentedly beside him.

LOOKING somewhat pale and tireda-he had rushed to the capital the morning after his prisoners had escapeda-Peter of Gantrell made a studied, magnificent picture standing before the throne, dressed completely in somber black yet showing his power and riches with diamonds sewn across his broad chest, forming the Standing Bear blazon.

He was a show in himself and the delegates were eager for the action to begin.

"My liege!" Lord Peter rumbled. The hall fell absolutely silent.

"Lord Peter?" responded King Eduard softly.

"I wish to bring before you. Majesty, the matter of certain accusations made against one of my knights. Sir Fredrick of Brevory."

The king nodded, leaned back in his great chair, and steepled his fingers.

"The crown is unaware of any accusations made against one Fredrick of a where did you say?"


"Brevory, Majesty. A small Achievement just to the west of here, perhaps fifteen miles from where we stand." "Ah, I recall it. Part of your demesne, is it not?" "Yes, Your Majesty."

"As I said, we have no information and no complaint about this man. Lord Peter. Perhaps you could tell us of what this Brevory is to be accused, and by whom."

"Of course, I cannot speak to that. Lord King, as the accusation is totally false. I do know that my man Brevory was recently imprisoned by Murdan of Overhall, who let it be known he intended to bring Brevory to trial before you at this Session."

"I recall Lord Murdan writing something about it, now that you mention it," conceded the king. "But as Murdan hasn't yet arrived, he couldn't have brought a complaint before Session, could he?"

Peter thought about this for a moment before going on, saying, "My words are more in the manner of an inquiry than a petition, Majesty. I would like to know what Lord Murdan intends in this matter. In order that my legals may prepare a defense in Brevory's behalf."

"Well, Peter, I'm sure I've no idea," claimed Eduard. "Perhaps if you were to find Murdan and ask him? I'm worried about him, to tell you the truth. He's usually quite prompt, and yet both he and my daughter are not yet here, it seems. Can you tell us anything of their tardiness?"

This last was spoken coldly and directly to the nobleman. Gantrell drew back two steps, despite himself.

"1 have no a worda of the Historian nor of the Princess Royal, sire. The last I heard, they were both at Overhall. If it is your wish, I will start inquiries for them."

"I do wish so," said the king, settling back easily into his chair. "Now, if there is nothing morea ?"

"I would like to begin general discussion on the roy-al succession," Gantrell said hastily. Too quickly, many thought.

"This is a new matter before us?" asked the king sternly.

"Yes, it is. Majesty, but one whicha-" "Will be brought before Session in due time by myself," Eduard finished for him. "When the time is right we will 290 Don Callander settle the whole matter to everyone's satisfaction a perhaps."

"May one ask, sire, when the time will be right?" asked Gantrell, barely hiding sarcasm.

"As it is undeniably a personal concern of your king," said Eduard, slowly, "you will understand that the timing must be a matter for the king and queen to decide, without undue pressure. Perhaps, as an unmarried man and never a father, you would not understand, but believe me, a father knows when it is time and when it is better to wait for such a public discussion."

The jab at Peter's unwed and unchilded state brought a rustle of comment and some laughter from the delegates, quickly hushed when Peter swung about to stare them down.

"I may at least have the king's assurance, then, that the matters I have mentioned will be taken up in this Session?" he inquired smoothly.

"Positively, yes!" said the king. "And on the matter ofa er a Psaltera"

"Brevory, Your Majesty," corrected Gantrell, strangling his anger.

"Yes, Brevory. As soon as someone files a complaint about his kidnapping of Lady Rosemary of Ffallmar and her children, we will hear evidence and make fair judgment, you are assured. Lord Peter."

Thus he let everyone know that he knew much more of the matter than he would admit, officially.

"And the matter of the Princess Royal's guardianship a ? asked Peter.

"Will be taken under consideration when I bring it forth, no sooner. Lord of Gantrell. Now, may we pass back to your friend with the fishing rights problem? That kind of fishing I am more familiar with."

Gantrell bowed sardonically to the king and stalked out without asking permission. The murmurs and chuckles in the assemblage were louder than before.

"The king," declared Eduard solemnly, "wishes to remind his loyal delegates that there are rules and procedures that all are expected to follow at Session. Without them there would be utter chaos, I fear. Ah, Sir Triple? May we hear DRAGON COMPANION 291.

your petition, now? Is the representative of the Fishermen's Guild on hand?"

IN a city overflowing with strangers from all comers of the realm, in all sorts of strange and exotic costumes and uniforms, wearing a half-thousand different house and family badges and blazons, the band of brown-clad foresters riding through the southwest Lexor gate on their sturdy, shaggy forest ponies went unremarked.

"I wish you'd let me send a message ahead," complained Strongoak. "There's no telling what sort of reception will await you if they don't know you're here. Princess."

"Never mind!" said Manda. "I don't need an invitation to enter my father's house. Oh, isn't the city magnificent! Look, Momie! They've lined the Promenade with the flags from every Achievement! How gorgeous!"

Exclaiming about the gala scenes they came upon and commenting on the personages they saw (but who didn't recognize them in return), Manda and her escorts rode across the city, directly to the royal palace.

A Royal Guard company, splendid in gold-and-red jackets and trousers; black, shiny knee-boots; and gleaming half-armor, blocked the entrance to Queen Alix Amanda Alone Palace, or Manda Palace, as it was commonly called. The officer in charge strode importantly up to turn these dusty brown riders away.

"This is the royal residence," he announced. "All seeking audience with the king must apply in the morning between nine and eleven to the royal secretary, at this door. Until then, I'm very afraid I must ask you to clear the roadway. We are expecting important guests."

Murdan leaned over and flipped his deep hood back.

"Do you recognize me. Colonel?" he asked in a very quiet voice.

"Oh, yes, Historian!"

"Then you will recognize this young person beside me."

The guard captain studied Manda's suntanned face deep inside its hood. Suddenly his face brightened as if someone had uncovered a lamp behind his eyes.

"Oh, yes, indeed I do!" he gulped. He appeared about to bow, but Murdan stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Steady! No names!" he hissed quickly. "We wish to 292.