A/N: Warning: The following chapter contains light elements of gore and excessive violence that some readers may find disturbing . Readers discretion is advised .
Sheng Feilong stormed forward immediately after he released the spiritual attack and fully released his Soul Power and Soul Rings . The conductor was shocked stiff, but the security captain next to her reacted instantly, grabbing the conductor before charging back to the sixth wagon .
"Everyone, retreat immediately! A Soul Master is taking over!"
At the same time, as the terrorists were caught off guard, three of them immediately lost consciousness while two others fell to their knees after receiving the brunt of the attack . The leader just shook heavily, having to grab the seat next to him to keep his balance, his Soul Power in slight disarray . His pupils constricted before he stared at Sheng Feilong in shock and anger . Meanwhile, the latter used the time to charge at the two people on their knees, brutally kicking them in the neck and gut, respectively, knocking both of them out as well!
All of the attendants snapped out of their stupor when they heard their captain's shout and saw Sheng Feilong take out five of the terrorists in an instant . They turned around, fleeing from the wagon as per the security captain's orders .
Sheng Feilong suddenly felt an extremely powerful Soul Power burst into action in front of him and immediate turned toward the source . He knew this terrorist leader was an extremely powerful Soul Master since he could withstand Sheng Feilong's full power spiritual attack! But to his dismay, the man was no longer standing before him! Suddenly, Sheng Feilong heard screams behind him and he quickly turned around around again, his nerves tense as steel!
The terrorist's leader had somehow rushed past Sheng Feilong in the short time it took him to knock out the other two and he had attacked the armed people heading for the sixth wagon . Blood was spilled all around him as he had already slaughtered two people and maimed a third . Sheng Feilong froze in shock; no because of the terrifying gore, his Spirit Power forced him to remain calm despite the scenes, but because of the man himself!
Yellow, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, purple, black! A total of seven Soul Rings hovered behind the man's back; He was a rank 70 or above Soul Saint . In his hand was a blood red, warped and deformed hatchet that he used to hack apart one person after the other! His a.s.sault lasted only a few seconds, but the whole wagon was painted red with corpses and body parts lying all around . Those that were lucky enough to survive were either missing limbs or lying on the ground, brutally maimed and unconscious from the shock; In just 3 seconds, he had ma.s.sacred all of the armed personnel that had a.s.sembled in the train!
The only person left standing was the conductor herself . She was only an ordinary person and now covered in blood, frozen as she stared at the terrorist's leader in complete shock while her whole body shock . Lifting his free hand, the man brutally punched the conductor in the face, directly knocking her out . She fell to the ground, landing on the body of another person, unmoving!
By now only Sheng Feilong and the man covered in blood remained standing . Turning around to look at Sheng Feilong, who still stood above one of the unconscious terrorists with his Spirit Essence active and Soul Rings suspended behind his back, the man revealed a grim expression and spoke in a deep and low voice .
"That was unexpected, boy . I hoped to be able to settle this without having to personally make a move, but it's rare to see a little talent like you . Your Spirit Power is pretty strong and, seeing your Spirit Ring configuration, you yourself seem even better . . . Is that weird symbol on your head your Spirit Essence? No, it's your eyes, right? The symbol's a bonus, ha, ha!"
He began slowly walking toward Sheng Feilong with his blood red hatchet still in his hand while Sheng Feilong's brain was running on overdrive .
'd.a.m.n it, I've underestimated them! I didn't even see him when he moved past me! And Agility Type Soul Saint that can withstand my spiritual attacks; How am I supposed to beat him without any of my stuff?! And where's the teacher that's been said to look over us students?! How can they not intercepts in such a situation?!'
"You seem pretty nervous? Ha, ha, don't worry . Rather than disposing of you like with those trash, I'd like to take you back with me . I'm sure the higher ups will be really interested in you . ", the man spoke in a terrifyingly calm tone . He was just a few steps away from Sheng Feilong, when the latter's heart suddenly turned cold; He remembered Shen Yi saying something about the staff not intervening even if the students lost their lives!
Grabbing a knife one of the terrorists had on him, he charged at the man with the hatchet and attacked wildly, his second Soul Skill, Mental Detection, running on full power while his the Spirit Power boosts of Mental Amplification was still active . The man easily blocked Sheng Feilong's first strike with his hatchet and blocked the second attack – a kick to the waist – with his knee, forcing Sheng Feilong back . He frowned and attacked Sheng Feilong himself, not wanting to waste more time than necessary with the latter .
Even with Mental Detection running on full power, Sheng Feilong could barely keep up with the terrorist's leader and was forced to block whatever attacks he could while occasionally being able to throw in an attack of his own . A Soul Saint's physical strength and speed were just too high and his opponent was an Agility Type Soul Master to boot!
Exchanging a number of blows, the man's frown deepened more and more . Despite being much stronger than Sheng Feilong, the latter was actually keeping up with his attacks and came out of the confrontation with minimal injuries . Granted, he wasn't using any Soul Skills while Sheng Feilong continuously used some strange ability, a difference of 30 Soul Ranks couldn't be bridged that easily, unless . . .
"Boy, you're from that eyesore Shrek Academy, aren't you? Their d.a.m.n monsters really do know how to put up a fight . You really are a feisty one . "
The third Soul Ring behind the man's back lit up and a blood red aura covered the man as his attacks grew stronger, faster and more ruthless . After exchanging attack after attack for some time, Sheng Feilong was covered in blood and the knife in his hands badly chipped . The glint in his eyes, signifying the activated Mental Detection, had dimmed down considerably by now and Sheng Feilong was breathing heavily while blood dripped from the cuts on his body . The man just showed a wicked smile in response .
"Finally running out of steam, are we? Honestly, you really are something . Let's end this with a surprise, shall we?"
His aura suddenly spiked and his muscled bulged as the hatchet in his hands ma.s.sive increased in size with a boom . Holding the hatchet in a reverse grip, the man suddenly vanished, causing Sheng Feilong to instantly tense to the extreme, only to suddenly feel a ma.s.sive impact just below his sternum . He bend over, coughing out a mouthful of blood as he nearly lost consciousness .
"A Soul Saint's Spirit Essence Avatar, boy . Consider it your honour!"
Sheng Feilong stared at the man with blood dripping from his lips, anger and hatred blazing in his eyes as he furiously bellowed in his mind .
'You want to take me with you?! No chance; You'll be a corpse before that, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!'
Sheng Feilong forced the Three-Eyed Golden Lion Skull Bone's ability, Spirit Suppression, to activate immediately . The image of a Three-Eyed Golden Lion superimposed with his own, increasing his spiritual pressure and Spirit Power again . Also spurting his Mental Amplification Soul Skill to give him another boost as he activated his fourth Soul Skill for the first time; Spirit Infestation! In the same instant, Sheng Feilong felt the rest of his Soul Power, nearly 70 percent of his total, drain in an instant, causing him to cough up another mouthful of blood from the backlash as he heard the blood covered man scream out in agony .
This time, his spiritual attack was finally effective and he could feel the poisoned seed take a hold in the terrorist leader's spirit source; His attack was a total success! The terrorist's leader backed off three steps as he held his head and Sheng Feilong grit his teeth, charging at the man once again with the chipped knife in his hand . He screamed out as he stabbed the man in the side, just missing the liver by a small margin and twisted the knife . Blood spilled onto Sheng Feilong, but he didn't have the time to rejoice over this .
The Spirit Suppression ability, as well as Mental Detection and Mental Amplification Soul Skills immediately stopped working as Sheng Feilong no longer had any Soul Power to support them . The man stared at Sheng Feilong with killing intent and furiously slammed down the blunt side of his hatchet's head into the latter's neck . A loud thudding sound and the man's furious voice were the last things Sheng Feilong heard before he lost consciousness .
"d.a.m.ned brat, you dare stab me?! See how I'll refine your flesh and blood into my own strength!"