Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 509

Chapter 509

After receiving Tang Hao's instructions, Xiao Wu came to Tang San's room, found Tang San, and while clinging to him and acting like a baby, she slowly revealed to him what Tang Hao had confessed.

Tang San, who was very comfortable with Xiao Wu's post, then thought about it, he cultivated in Tiandou Royal Academy, his spirit power increased rapidly, but his combat ability did not grow much, so he went to Sunset Forest to use spirit beasts for combat training , is a good choice.

Moreover, he needs a lot of highly poisonous things to refine the poison in the hidden weapon hundred solution. Going to the sunset forest, he can also collect some highly poisonous things, such as catching some poisonous insects, or picking some highly poisonous herbs.

Finally, there is the medicine garden of Poison Douluo Dugu Bo.

If you are lucky, you can find that medicine garden, maybe you can find a way to go in and investigate it, and see what the super soul master's theoretical method of absorbing the soul ring is.

Also, Dugu Bo is a poisoner after all, he must have cultivated a lot of poisonous substances and poisonous weeds in his medicine garden, maybe some can be obtained from him.

That old poisonous Dugu Bo, looking at his ghostly appearance, it is obvious that he has been severely poisoned and is dying. I am afraid that he will not have a good life for a few years.

Hehe, it's really funny that people who play drugs are backlashed by the poison. It seems that Dugu Bo's poison is still not well played.

By the way, there is also his granddaughter Dugu Yan, with bright dark purple hair and dark green eyes, which are obviously signs of poisoning.

Both the grandpa and grandson were poisoned by the poison, and they deserved it.

However, if you solve this trouble for them yourself, well, you don't need to solve it completely, you just need to alleviate it and let them see the effect.

I believe that Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan, the grandfather and grandson, will be grateful to me, and then obediently offer all the good things, let me get whatever I want.

In this way, he can boldly explore Dugu Bo's medicine garden with confidence.

Anyway, as long as he masters the method to deal with the poisonous backlash from their grandfather and grandson, Dugu Bo can't help himself.

With the rapid flow of thoughts, Tang San was quickly persuaded by Xiao Wu, and then the two found the master Yu Xiaogang and expressed their thoughts to him.

Yu Xiaogang thought for a moment, then agreed, and by the way, changed the training plan of the Shrek Seven Monsters from free training in a mimetic training environment to combat training in the sunset forest.

Then everyone went to the Sunset Forest together to hunt for the fourth spirit ring for Dai Mubai, at the same time, they also used the spirit beasts there to carry out combat training, and at the same time secretly searched for the location of Dugu Bo's medicine garden.

And of course Yu Xiaogang himself has to follow. After all, Dugu Bo has been greedy for the super soul master's theoretical method of absorbing soul rings for a long time, and he really wants to get it.

The next day, the sky was bright and clear.

Ning Fengzhi, accompanied by Bone Douluo Gu Rong, came to Tiandou Royal Academy, first visited Mengshenji and other three education committee members, and then went to the courtyard where everyone in Shrek Academy was.

Because of Ning Rongrong's introduction, after some introductions and mutual compliments, everyone quickly became acquainted.

In the reception room, Ning Fengzhi sat on the guest sofa, next to Ning Rongrong who was sitting quietly, and the tall Bone Douluo Gu Rong stood behind the two of them, with his eyes slightly closed, not saying a word.

On the opposite sofa, four masters, Yu Xiaogang, Tang San, Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng were sitting. As for Flender from Shrek Academy and other people, they had already left the reception room after meeting Ning Fengzhi.

Suddenly, Bone Douluo seemed to sense something, suddenly opened his eyes, walked to Ning Fengzhi, leaned over and whispered something in the latter's ear.

Ning Fengzhi's eyes were slightly condensed, and there was a gleam of surprise in his eyes, but his expression was well controlled, no one noticed the slightest difference, and he just nodded slightly calmly.

Afterwards, Bone Douluo turned and walked out of the reception room.

Bone Douluo left the reception room suddenly, except for Ning Rongrong who felt a little surprised, Yu Xiaogang, Tang San, Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng from Shrek Academy didn't notice anything wrong.

After walking out of the reception room, Bone Douluo flickered, and appeared out of thin air in front of a certain shadow in the Shrek Academy residence courtyard:

"Come out, I've noticed your presence."

"Unexpectedly, there is actually a Titled Douluo hidden in the Tiandou Royal Academy."

As a ninety-five-level Super Douluo with both defense and agility, and possessing the extremely rare power of space on the mainland, known as the title Douluo with the strangest attack, Bone Douluo Gu Rong is extremely sensitive to soul power, aura and space fluctuations. sensitive.

Tang Hao, a titled douluo of the assault system who is not good at concealing his aura, has almost nowhere to hide in front of him, and cannot escape his perception at all.

"As expected of Bone Douluo, I hid so carefully, but you still found me. Good luck!"

Not long after Bone Douluo's words fell, a tall figure in a tattered black robe, but whose face could not be seen, suddenly walked out from the corner of the eaves under the shadows, holding a half-dead blue silver grass firmly in his hand.

It was Tang Hao.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Bone Douluo frowned, of course he wouldn't judge people by their appearance, but he was even more vigilant in his heart.

Although the opponent is dressed in tatters and sloppy clothes, it gives people a faint sense of threat, which shows that the opponent's strength may not be much better than his own.

This soul power aura is obviously the same as his own, and has reached level ninety-five. Where did this super douluo come from?

Why haven't you heard of it before?

Bone Douluo was full of doubts, but soon he got the answer.

"You may not know me, but I think you should know this thing."

Intense black light gushed out quickly, condensed into shape in the blink of an eye, and a black hammer suddenly appeared in the palm of Tang Hao's right hand.

The hammer is thick and thick, with deep and complicated patterns on it, and a condensed air permeates it. It is exactly his Wuhun Clear Sky Hammer.

"Oh? Clear Sky Hammer? Are you Clear Sky Douluo Tang Hao?"

Noticing the hammer that suddenly appeared in Tang Hao's right hand, Bone Douluo's eyes were fixed, and without even thinking about it, he immediately recognized it as the Clear Sky Hammer, and at the same time recognized Tang Hao's identity.

"It's right next."

Tang Hao's hoarse and thick voice came from the black robe.

"I didn't expect you, a junior, to have cultivated to this level in silence. Compared with me, you are no less inferior."

Bone Douluo sighed.

"Hehe, it's just a fluke, it's an award."

Tang Hao said indifferently, although he spoke indifferently, but from his tone, one could clearly feel a sense of arrogance.

"Then, Your Excellency Haotian, should you explain why you are here and why you are still hiding here?"

Politeness is politeness, Tang Hao's purpose of appearing here still needs to be clarified. After Bone Douluo asked this question, he added another sentence:

"If you want to be unfavorable to our suzerain, then don't blame me for being rude to you."

When he said these words, Bone Douluo's tone was obviously a bit fierce, and the breath on his body became more and more strange.

Facing the imposing Bone Douluo, Tang Hao wasn't afraid, but he didn't explain anything, he just said lightly:

"Tang San is my son."

Poison Douluo was stunned:

"What? Tang San is your son?"

It took a day for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to investigate Tang San's information clearly, knowing that he is the owner of twin martial spirits, and also knowing that he has the blood of the Clear Sky School, but he never expected that he was actually Tang Hao's son .

It turned out that Tang Hao hid in the dark to protect Tang San, so all this made sense.

In an instant, Bone Douluo figured out the reason, and at the same time he was slightly relieved, as long as it wasn't detrimental to the suzerain, it would be easy to say.

Thinking of this, Bone Douluo withdrew the strange soul power that was ready to be released on his body, and raised his eyes to Tang Hao:

"Since this is the case, let's not violate the river water."

"We came here not to harm Tang San, but to learn something from him."

After Bone Douluo finished speaking, he turned around and was about to return to the reception room to report to Ning Fengzhi, but was stopped by Tang Hao:

"Bone Douluo, please wait a moment, I have something I want to discuss with your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

Bone Douluo turned around and looked at Tang Hao:

"What is it?"

Tang Hao pulled back the tattered cap covering his head, revealing the scruffy face covered with noisy beards, and then continued:

"I know, you Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School are very interested in the super soul master theoretical limit absorbing soul ring mastered by Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, how about we cooperate?"

Bone Douluo's eyes flickered slightly, as if he was a little surprised that Tang Hao knew about this, but after thinking about it carefully, Tang Hao had been secretly following Tang San, and he probably knew about it earlier and in more detail than they did.

"How to cooperate?"

After thinking about it, Bone Douluo asked.

"Simple, first find Dugu Bo's lair in the Sunset Forest, and then you Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will produce a Titled Douluo, and catch Dugu Bo with me, or directly."

Tang Hao raised his hand to retract the Haotian Hammer Wuhun, and then made a gesture of cutting his throat.

"Poison Douluo Dugu Bo is not easy to deal with, what if he gets away?"

Bone Douluo raised an objection, "Although Dugu Bo is not strong, his poison is a problem. Maybe there is nothing wrong with the title Douluo above, but there is no one under the title Douluo who can withstand his poison." .

"Once he is allowed to escape, the consequences will be disastrous."

"It may not affect you as a loner, but our Qibao Glazed Tile Sect has a great career, but we can't go anywhere. If Dugu Bo came to seek revenge on us afterwards, our Qibao Glazed Tile Sect may suffer heavy losses."

"Unless it is necessary, our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will not offend him easily."

Tang Hao nodded to express his understanding, and then said lightly:

"However, this is not impossible, just make sure that Dugu Bo can't escape."

Bone Douluo looked at Tang Hao in surprise:

"Oh? You have a way?"

Tang Hao smiled coldly and said:

"Didn't Dugu Bo have a granddaughter named Dugu Yan? As long as he controls his most beloved granddaughter, he will not abandon his own granddaughter."

I thought you could come up with a good solution, but this is it? Using other people's granddaughters to threaten them?

Bone Douluo frowned, and took a deep look at Tang Hao, it turns out that you are not a fun thing.

Although he considers himself not a good person, Bone Douluo doesn't bother to use other people's juniors to threaten others.

Although his appearance looks ugly and his own abilities are very strange, he tends to be dark, but he has always acted aboveboard.

Regarding the method proposed by Tang Hao, Bone Douluo was noncommittal, and asked instead:

"If it happens, how will the spoils be distributed?"

Tang Hao said in a hoarse voice:

"The method of absorbing the soul ring beyond the limit can belong to you, but my son Tang San must have the priority to use it."

"And the cultivation resources that my son Tang San will need in the future will be provided by your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Anyway, your family has a great career, so this small request is not too much."

"As for other things, you can discuss with my son Tang San, I will not participate."

Bone Douluo groaned slightly, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School naturally wanted the method of absorbing the soul ring beyond the limit, but the main purpose was not this, but the fairy herbs that might appear in the Dugu Bo medicine garden.

But Tang Hao didn't mention this, obviously he didn't understand the importance of fairy herbs, of course, maybe he didn't think that such a **** would appear in Dugu Bo's medicine garden, so he didn't pay attention to it.

Looking at it this way, getting the method to absorb the soul ring beyond the limit is the most important thing.

As for providing Tang San with cultivation resources, it doesn't matter. With the size of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, he can have as many cultivation resources as he needs, and he can't consume much.

Thinking of this, Bone Douluo subconsciously nodded:

"It's okay to distribute like this."

Tang Hao smiled slightly and said:

"So, you Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School agree to cooperate?"

Bone Douluo slowly shook his head when he heard the words:

"I can't give you a direct answer to the matter of cooperation. After I report to the suzerain, the suzerain can make the final decision."

Tang Hao waved his hand:

"It's okay, you just need to bring my words to Sect Master Ning, and I believe he will make the right choice."

Bone Douluo nodded, and immediately asked:

"Then, there is one last question, how to find Dugu Bo's lair in Sunset Forest?"

"It is obviously unrealistic to send someone to follow Dugu Bo, and it is easy to startle the snake."

"The same is true for sending people deep into the Sunset Forest to search for it. Not to mention the rampant spirit beasts inside, the area of the Sunset Forest is extremely vast. Even if you go inch by inch, you don't know how long it will take to determine the location."

"This is obviously not desirable."

Tang Hao heard the words, and said with confidence:

"Looking for Dugu Bo's medicine garden, you don't need the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to do anything, just let my son Tang San come."

"My son Tang San is very good at refining poisons and identifying poisons, and Dugu Bo also likes to study poisons. The place where his medicine garden is located must be full of poisons, so it is easier to find many."

"In a few days, those children from Shrek Academy will go to Sunset Forest for actual combat training, and secretly search for Dugu Bo's lair."

"You Qibao Glazed Tile Sect can send people to go together. Once you find the location of Dugu's lair, it will be convenient for you to be notified."

Bone Douluo nodded slightly, expressing his agreement.

Tang Hao wanted to continue, but suddenly, he seemed to have sensed something, and stretched out his hand and pulled the tattered cap on his head to cover his face:

"Someone is here, let's stop here first, Bone Douluo, go back and tell Sect Master Ning about the cooperation, and we will discuss the rest next time."

After speaking, Tang Hao's figure flickered and disappeared into the shadows.

Watching Tang Hao disappear, Bone Douluo shook his head slightly.

Fortunately, I was the one who accompanied the suzerain this time. If it was Chen Xin, the warlike swordsman, seeing the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand, he would definitely not be able to resist and challenge him. Sword or Clear Sky Hammer, who is the strongest weapon spirit in Douluo Continent?


Amidst the chuckle, Bone Douluo also flickered and disappeared in place.

not long.

A chubby figure with a mohawk hairstyle rushed over from a distance.

It was Goulan Phoenix Ma Hongjun.

Walking to the eaves where Tang Hao was standing just now under the shadows, Ma Hongjun looked around and found no one around, immediately unbuttoned his trousers, pointed towards Tang Hao's direction, and pouted his buttocks

Tang Hao, who was hiding in the dark, turned green when he saw this.

(End of this chapter)