Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 486

Chapter 486

As soon as the blue ocean touched Ye Lan's body, it was instantly absorbed like a river flowing into the sea.

At this moment, her body is like a huge black hole vortex, frantically devouring the blue ocean rushing in from the outside world.

Huge energy like a frenzy poured into the body like a heat current, but it did not bring the slightest impact and pressure, nor did it make people feel the sense of expansion due to excessive energy.

On the contrary, the energy pouring into the body seems to be surging, but it is actually extremely gentle and full of gentleness.

As the former emperor of the Blue Silver Grass, Ye Lan knew that it was because the energy came from the people of the Blue Silver Grass who had the same root as her, and it was full of their love and admiration for the Blue Silver Clan emperor .

Ye Lan closed her eyes, and her whole body was enveloped by the energy ocean formed by the blue light, floating in mid-air.

Under the traction of the blue light, countless blue silver grass with golden and black and white patterns emerged from Ye Lan's body, circling around her body, forming a huge blue ball cocoon.

The blue ball cocoon wraps Ye Lan's whole body, blocking the outside view.

And inside the ball cocoon, with the blue light rushing in, Ye Lan's body was completely immersed in the soft energy with a strong breath of life, her skin gradually turned into crystal blue, and after being transformed into a human being, she was surrounded by the most yin and pure The black and white hair dyed by the power of yin and yang has also changed.

The tail of the hair is gradually dyed a layer of blue again, from the root to the end of the hair, the color changes from black and white to blue gradient, the hair color is special, but it is also extremely beautiful and full of charm.

What also changed was the blue silver grass around Ye Lan's body.

As the blue light continued to rush in, the blue silver grass that originally exuded blue and silver light became more crystal clear and pure, and gradually became more and more transparent, finally turning into a bright and transparent sapphire.

Not only that, the golden and black and white patterns on the blue silver grass have also become more complicated and clearer.

Especially the golden lines, which spread almost from the root of every blue silver grass to the leaves.

This is no ordinary Blue Silver Grass, but the real Blue Silver Emperor, the only martial soul with the blood of the emperor.

Ye Lan's Blue Silver Emperor bloodline was finally fully restored.

The emperor of the blue and silver clan has returned to his throne.

Accompanied by the royal aura of the Blue Silver Emperor, a golden blue light mixed with pure black and white colors bloomed from Ye Lan's body in an instant.

The entire center of the Blue Silver Forest was illuminated by light, and even the air was dyed a layer of blue-gold.

At this moment, whether it is the blue silver grass that surrounds Yelan or grows on the ground, every plant becomes crystal clear in an instant, and begins to grow wildly, releasing a strong breath of life.

Even the Blue Silver King, which was more than ten meters long with entangled and condensed vines in the center of the field, became transparent under the influence of the royal aura and blue-golden light emitted by the Blue Silver King.

This is the exclusive ability of the Blue Silver Emperor.

Under the influence of the Blue Silver Emperor's aura, all the Blue Silver Grass achieved a qualitative leap, their vitality became more vigorous, and at the same time, they released more pure and massive energy.

This is a process of mutual promotion.

Ye Lan got their life essence from the people of the Blue Silver Grass, and used it to perfect the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor, becoming the Blue Silver Emperor.

And the royal aura released by her as the Blue Silver Queen also gave back to the people of the Blue Silver Grass, awakened their powerful vitality, and sublimated their lives.

Feeling the imperial aura emanating from Ye Lan's body, the Lanyin King's face showed satisfaction, and crystal clear blue tears fell from his eyes again, conveying excitement:

"Welcome Your Majesty to return to the throne. The people of the Blue Silver Clan are finally no longer children without a home."

Ye Lan did not respond to the Lanyin King's words. At this moment, she put all her heart on the unreserved and unquestioning tenderness, feeling the admiration and love of the Lanyincao people.

The bloodline was restored, he became the Blue Silver Emperor, and the moment he regained control of Blue Silver's authority, the entire Blue Silver Forest was already in Ye Lan's perception.

However, although the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor had been repaired, the blue light pouring into the body did not stop there.

Every blue silver grass in the Blue Silver Forest, including the Blue Silver King, whether they are strong or weak, are sparing no effort to continue to contribute their power.

At the same time, the soul ring on Ye Lan's body was also changing.

In the ocean of countless blue light spots, the four soul rings on her body quietly emerged one after another, arranged neatly in order.

Yellow, purple, purple, and black, the four soul rings are extremely bright in color, each of which is absorbed beyond the limit, and countless huge blue light spots are quickly integrated into the four soul rings, dyeing them with a layer of blue. halo.

Accompanied by the infection of the blue halo, gradually, an additional attribute appeared on the four soul ringsthe attribute of life.

This is the characteristic of blue silver grass, tenacity and tenacious vitality.

Ye Lan, as the Blue Silver Emperor, showed this point to the fullest. The breath of life exuding from her body was terrifying, and it had reached an unimaginable level.

Time passed by one minute and one second.

The blue light gradually receded, and the four soul rings on Yelan's body that had been stained with blue halo disappeared quietly one by one just like when they appeared.

The remaining huge blue sea of light quickly condensed towards Yelan, centered on her body, and gathered into a huge blue halo.

Immediately afterwards, the blue halo began to compress and shrink continuously, and the color became darker and darker, and finally turned into a black halo with a deep soul light.

As the black halo condenses, everything around becomes quiet, only this brand new circle of black halo surrounds the kind and slow rhythm of Ye Lan's tender body.

And at this moment, the soul power breath on Ye Lan's body suddenly changed.

Under the impact of the gentle energy rushing into her body, her soul power easily broke through the bottleneck of level 50, reached level 50, and continued to grow until level 50.

That's right, the black halo formed by the condensed blue light is exactly Ye Lan's fifth soul ring.

The age of this circle of soul rings is more than 30,000 years. It is condensed according to the limit that Ye Lan's body can bear, far exceeding the theoretical limit of 12,000 years that ordinary soul masters can absorb.

It not only allowed Ye Lan to break through to the soul king realm, but also directly raised her soul power level to level 52.

It is also worth mentioning that this soul ring does not come from the outside world, but from Ye Lan itself, which is the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor.

Moreover, it has the ability to grow, and can evolve with Yelan's own endurance. Whenever Yelan is in the world of the blue silver grass people, it will change itself according to Yelan's body.

This is the particularity of the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline.

As the soul power of Ye Lan gradually stabilized, the people of the Blue Silver Grass no longer released their life essence, and the entire Blue Silver Forest became quiet.

Ye Lan's heart also gradually woke up from the worship and cheers of the Lanyincao people.

Ye Lan's predecessor was Ah Yin, who was originally the emperor of the Blue Silver Clan. Although he died once because of a sacrifice, he lost the authority of the Blue Silver Emperor.

But being extremely loved and supported by the people of the Blue Silver Grass, it is extremely simple for her to accept the inheritance of the Blue Silver Emperor again. It is not as troublesome as Tang San's second awakening of the Blue Silver Grass spirit, nor does it cost so much. much time.

When Ye Lan accepted the inheritance of the Blue Silver Emperor and condensed the fifth soul ring, only one day had passed.

"thank you."

Eyelashes trembled slightly, Ye Lan opened her eyes, and looked at the agitated Lan Yin Wang, her azure blue eyes were blurred by tears at the moment, full of infinite gratitude, but also more apologetic.

She, the Blue Silver Emperor, is actually somewhat incompetent, not to mention that she is already a human being, so it is impossible for her to stay here for a long time.

But the Blue Silver King didn't say anything, he helped her perfect her bloodline without hesitation, and inherited the Blue Silver Throne, and didn't even give her a chance to refuse.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to be polite, this is the duty your people should do."

Blue Silver King's thick vines swayed gently, and the face outlined by mottled traces revealed an old voice:

"We should be grateful to His Majesty. It is precisely because of His Majesty's return that we have awakened a stronger vitality, and the Blue Silver Forest can stop its decline and become full of vitality."

"In addition, Your Majesty does not need to blame himself, the past is over, we need to look forward, your people still need your protection."

The survival mechanism of the Blue Silver Clan is quite special, and they must be led by the Blue Silver Emperor to maintain their spirituality.

If the Blue Silver Emperor's breath of life is not nourished for too long, the Blue Silver Forest will inevitably decline.

The Blue Silver Clan in the Blue Silver Forest will also degenerate accordingly, gradually lose their vitality, until finally they lose their spirituality, degenerating from soul beasts into ordinary Blue Silver Grass.

Only when the Blue Silver Emperor returns, or a new generation of Blue Silver Emperor is born, can it regain its vitality.

This is also the reason why the Blue Silver King is so eager for the return of the Blue Silver Emperor, even without waiting for Ye Lan to say more, and without giving her a chance to refuse, he pushed her back to the Blue Silver Throne.

As the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass, Ye Lan certainly understood the meaning of the Blue Silver King's words, she just hoped that she would continue to perform the duties of the Blue Silver Emperor and protect the Blue Silver Grass group in the Blue Silver Forest.

It is of course no problem to protect the Blue Silver Clan, after all, she is her own people, and she is duty bound.

Ye Lan solemnly nodded towards the Blue Silver King:

"No problem, it is the duty of every Blue Silver Emperor to protect his people."

After finishing speaking, she immediately changed her voice:

"However, I am now a completely human body, and I am afraid that I will no longer be able to stay in the Blue Silver Forest like before. Moreover, I still have other things to do in the outside world."

"So, the management of the Blue Silver Clan, I'm afraid you still need the Blue Silver King to manage it."

While speaking, she glanced at Ye Qifeng who was standing side by side with Nihuang not far away.

Ye Qifeng noticed Ye Lan's gaze and returned her a soft smile.

Regarding what Ye Lan said, the Lanyin King expressed his understanding:

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured that the Blue Silver Clan will not restrict your freedom."

"You are the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass, you have the highest status in the Blue Silver Forest, and you also enjoy the greatest rights. Of course, you also have the right to come and go freely in the Blue Silver Forest."

"Furthermore, no matter whether you have the body of a soul beast or a human, whether you live in the Blue Silver Forest or the human world, as long as you have the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor flowing through your body, you will always be the most powerful member of the Blue Silver Clan." Noble Emperor."

"This will never change."

"So, it doesn't matter, Your Majesty, even if you live in the human world, you just need to go back to the Blue Silver Forest every once in a while, and let the people feel the Blue Silver Emperor aura on you, so that our Blue Silver Clan can continue to prosper go down."

"As for the management of Blue Silver Forest"

Lan Yinwang paused for a moment, and then moved the thick vine branches, and then continued:

"If Your Majesty needs a veteran to manage it, as your minister, the veteran is willing to help."

During the twenty years that the Blue Silver Emperor was away, the Blue Silver Forest had always been managed by the Blue Silver King, and he was already familiar with the road.

Of course, there is nothing to manage.

The Blue Silver Forest itself is a wild forest, and it is located deep in the mountains. Basically, there will be no humans appearing here, and there will be no foreign enemies invading. In addition, almost all the people living in it are relatively mild-tempered plant-type souls. Animals will not have the kind of fierce battles that can destroy the ecological balance.

So, management is actually quite easy.

Ye Lan was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and then a delighted smile appeared on her pretty face:

"In that case, I will trouble you."

After discussing the matter, Ye Lan did not leave in a hurry, but continued to learn about some things that happened in the Blue Silver Forest in the past twenty years from the Blue Silver King.

Afterwards, Ye Qifeng and Nihuang were introduced to the Blue Silver King.

Knowing that Ye Lan was revived with the help of Ye Qifeng, the Blue Silver King had a very good impression of Ye Qifeng, and even treated him as his benefactor, and even felt great about Nihuang. The threatening Title Douluo also became very friendly.

"Blue Silver King, how far has your bloodline cultivation reached?"

After getting acquainted with the Blue Silver King, Ye Qifeng asked him a question.

The Blue Silver King, who has survived for more than 85,000 years, replied truthfully:

"I need at least another 15,000 years of cultivation before I can reach the bloodline level of Your Majesty."

"However, I can feel the breath of His Majesty's blood again. I have found a way to lead to a more noble blood. If there is no accident, this time will be shortened."

Ye Qifeng thought for a while, and suddenly took out a special herb that was blooming with dazzling blue light, wrapped it with spiritual power and handed it to the Blue Silver King

Another day later.

Even though he was a bit reluctant, Ye Lan bid farewell to the Blue Silver King and left the Blue Silver Forest with Ye Qifeng and Nihuang.

In order to solve Ye Lan's worries, and to thank the Blue Silver King for helping Ye Lan perfect the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline, Ye Qifeng specially left for the Blue Silver King a fairy herb specially used to enhance the power of the bloodline .

After all, he is not like a dog who got benefits from the Blue Silver King, left only a few dry promises, and then patted his **** and left, even after leaving, he completely forgot about the Blue Silver Forest , even more indifferent to the Blue Silver King who had helped him.

The celestial medicinal herb left by Ye Qifeng has been treated by the Liangyi space to remove impurities and at the same time be contaminated with the most yin and pure yin and yang power.

As long as the Blue Silver King accepts it, there will be no problem in raising the bloodline realm, and it is not impossible to even break the rules and be promoted to another Blue Silver King besides Ye Lan.


Before leaving the Blue Silver Forest, Ye Qifeng arranged a special task for the Blue Silver King through Ye Lan.

Well, it's a special surprise for some future dog thing. (end of this chapter)