Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 417

Chapter 417

Chapter 415 Entering Shrek to watch a show openly and honestly

The establishment of Shrek Academy is located in a small village with about a hundred households outside Suotuo City, about one mile away from the South City Gate.

The hotel where Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing lived is in the center of Suotuo City, quite a distance from the South City Gate.

The two of them left the south gate of Suotuo City, followed the official road all the way south, passed through a large piece of farmland, and within a short distance, they saw the small village where the Shrek Academy was located.

Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing have very good eyesight, and they can see the general appearance of the village clearly from a long distance.

I saw the small village in front of me. Like most of the rural villages on the mainland, the village was surrounded by a wooden fence to guard against wild animals.

At the entrance of the village, there is an arch made of wood, with a slightly tattered plaque hanging above it, with five words simply engraved on the plaque

"Shrek Academy"!

In front of these five characters, there is also a poop-green monster head engraved, which is the school emblem of Shrek Academy.

When Ye Qifeng brought Zhu Zhuqing to the entrance of the village.

A lot of people have gathered here. At a glance, there are about a hundred people.

Most of them were teenagers, and they formed a long line in front of a wooden table placed at the entrance of the village.

And those who followed the line were mostly parents of teenagers in line or relatives of grandparents.

Tang San, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were among them.

Seeing such a dilapidated scene at Shrek Academy, many people who lined up to sign up couldn't help but frown. Obviously, most of them have already begun to suspect that they have been deceived.

The Shrek Academy in front of them is obviously not at the same level as the advanced soul master academy in their impression. It looks like a small village that is so ordinary that it can't be more ordinary. It doesn't look like a soul master academy at all.

In the crowd in line, some people began to discuss in whispers, and most of the teenagers and relatives who followed had deep disappointment written on their faces.

What's more, they directly left the team, gave up the registration, and planned to find a better college to enroll in. They felt that there was no need to waste time here.

At this moment, there seemed to be a little commotion at the front of the team.

Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing looked up at the same time.

At the front of the long line, a teenager and his accompanying father had a quarrel with the old man behind the wooden table who was in charge of accepting registrations.

The old man was dressed in plain clothes and looked lazy. He was Li Yusong, the Shrek Academy teacher whose martial soul was a dragon-pattern stick and whose cultivation level was a sixty-third-level soul emperor.

"Once registered, it will not be refunded."

Facing the boy and his father's request to return the ten gold soul coins registration fee, Li Yusong unceremoniously dropped a word, immediately summoned Dai Mubai, and drove the father and son away.

Because of Dai Mubai's oppression and intimidation, the father and son could only consider themselves unlucky, and left here quickly.

The crowd was also frightened, and some people left the team and walked together.

The number of people queuing up to sign up has suddenly decreased by one-third.

Next, another pair of parents brought their child to pay the registration fee, touch the bones to measure their age, and check the spirit ring. Because the boy only has a century-old spirit ring, Li Yusong also directly announced his elimination.

This aroused questioning and questioning from the teenager's parents, and the crowd in line began to talk about it.

Li Yusong was impatient, first he blamed the crowd for not understanding the rules, and rashly came to give away the registration fee, and then he clearly stated Shrek's extremely harsh admission requirements.

Such an explanation immediately caused a commotion among the crowd, and almost everyone showed displeasure on their faces, even Tang San, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong felt disappointed in Shrek Academy.

Seeing that the situation was a little out of control, Li Yusong suddenly released an extremely powerful breath of soul power, and a long stick with countless fine lines appeared in his right hand in the blink of an eye.

It was his martial soul, the dragon-pattern stick.

At the same time, six soul rings of white, yellow, purple, purple, purple, and black rose up one after another under Li Yusong's feet. The brilliant light emitted by the soul rings made him the focus of the audience.

Li Yusong slammed the dragon-pattern stick in his hand to the ground. The dull sound startled the people in line, and they backed up a few steps involuntarily.

The discussions and doubts among the crowd stopped abruptly.

"Next person."

Seeing that everyone was shocked and the situation was brought under control again, Li Yusong nodded in satisfaction, then put away his martial soul and soul ring, waved to the frightened family of three at the front of the line, and continued his registration Work.

Intimidated by Li Yusong's Soul Emperor-level soul power breath, the crowd in line didn't dare to say more, even though they felt resentful.

Soon, most of the young people gave up the interruption of the registration, followed their relatives and left the team silently. In an instant, there were only a few people left in the team that originally had more than a hundred people.

Looking at this scene, Ye Qifeng shook his head slightly, it really is the Shrek Academy's style of doing things, specializing in this kind of thing that deceives students' registration fees.

Obviously, the registration fee will not be refunded, and the conditions for recruiting students are extremely harsh, but they did not explain in advance. After the students paid the registration fee of ten gold soul coins, were eliminated by the test, and raised questions, they said it impatiently .

And in turn blame others for not knowing the rules and sending registration fees in vain. Hehe, this is not obvious, just to grab it clearly.

You know, ten gold soul coins is already a huge sum of money for an average family.

As for those teenagers who were rejected by Shrek Academy, many of them were not from wealthy families, and some even came from poor civilian backgrounds. They basically relied on the monthly payment of soul masters distributed by the Spirit Hall to support their studies.

Even if there is a monthly payment from the Wuhun Temple, it is not easy for them who are only in the realm of soul masters to pay the registration fee with ten gold soul coins at a time.

It will take them at least ten months, and they will be able to accumulate it without spending a penny of the soul master's monthly payment.

This time, ten gold soul coins were cheated by Shrek Academy. For these teenagers whose families are not rich, it is definitely a hemorrhage. I am afraid that they will not have enough funds in the future to support them to enroll in other soul master academies. learned.

The schooling career of these teenagers may be cut off because of this, and it will be difficult to improve their cultivation.

It is obvious that Shrek Academy's practice of defrauding people of money is undoubtedly destroying people's futures and livelihoods.

From this point of view, Shrek Academy was not friendly from the very beginning in its treatment of ordinary civilian soul masters.

It's no wonder that according to the original fate, after the destruction of the Spirit Hall and the Shrek Academy becoming the most powerful force in the Douluo Continent, the treatment of ordinary people and even ordinary soul masters will be so miserable that it is almost impossible to make a comeback The right to call the shots!

Zhu Zhuqing next to him frowned deeply when he saw this, his pretty face was instantly as cold as ice, feeling that Shrek Academy's actions were very disgraceful.

Of course, part of the coldness on her face was aimed at that dirty thing Dai Mubai.

After being severely punished by Ye Qifeng, Dai Mubai was treated by a healing soul master, returned to Shrek Academy and ate a few sausages from Oscar, and rested all day afterwards.

At this time, the injuries on his body were almost healed, but his whole body was still wrapped in bandages, and he limped when he got up and walked, like a zombie.

But this does not prevent him from releasing the martial soul and soul ring, threatening and intimidating the father and son just now.

When the crowd dispersed, there were only a few people left in the field, and the sight became wider, Dai Mubai seemed to feel something in his heart, and suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, and his hairs stood on end.


Dai Mubai's heart shuddered, he looked according to his feeling, and he saw a pair of extremely cold eyes.

"is her?"

Dai Mubai's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Why did she appear here? Could it be that she also came to Shrek Academy to sign up? Then don't I have another chance?"

Dai Mubai's eyes lit up instantly, and his heart was agitated, and suddenly his face froze, as if he thought of something again:

"No, she should have made a special trip to find me."

"After all, her fate has long been doomed. She can only be bound to me in this life. Without me, her future end will only be a dead end."

Thinking of this, Dai Mubai suddenly sneered:

"Hehe, Zhu Zhuqing, you won't be able to escape from my grasp after all, so why don't you obediently come back to me in the end?"

Dai Mubai suddenly became confident in his heart.

He was about to walk forward to meet Zhu Zhuqing, but he suddenly noticed that there was Ye Qifeng standing there beside her, with a creepy smile on his face, looking at him faintly, suddenly stopped Live the legs.

"Damn, why is this little boy here?"

Dai Mubai's complexion changed, and it became gloomy instantly.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, as if he had thought of some good idea, he leaned into Li Yusong's ear, and whispered a few words.

Not knowing what Dai Mubai said, Li Yusong, who was doing registration tests for the remaining boys and girls, suddenly raised his head and looked at Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing.

Looking carefully at Ye Qifeng, Li Yusong frowned obviously, as if a little confused, he couldn't help but glance at Dai Mubai next to him.

That look seems to be saying:

"are you kidding me?"

"You said that the injury on your body two days ago was caused by him?"

"But I don't see any fluctuations in soul power on that young man. He is obviously an ordinary person. How could he be your opponent?"

"Is it fun to lie to my old man? Are you itchy? Do you want to practice again? Or, you have fallen to such a level that you can't even beat an ordinary person?"

Li Yusong cast a dangerous sideways glance at Dai Mubai, as if he was about to beat him up in the next second.

"not like this"

Seeing this, Dai Mubai immediately showed a bitter face, and hurriedly shook his head, then leaned into Li Yusong's ear, and explained the reason in a low voice.

"you sure?"

Li Yusong looked at Dai Mubai suspiciously.


Dai Mubai hurriedly nodded.

Li Yusong didn't say anything more, and once again took a deep look at Ye Qifeng, but still couldn't see anything.

Soon, he turned his eyes away from Ye Qifeng and turned to Zhu Zhuqing who was next to Ye Qifeng.

The moment he noticed Zhu Zhuqing's soul power aura, Li Yusong's face changed suddenly, his eyes froze instantly, and he felt a little excited.

Obviously, he has noticed that Zhu Zhuqing's soul power level is somewhat unexpectedly high.

And it is several levels higher than what Dai Mubai just described.

However, Li Yusong was not in a hurry, and his expression quickly returned to normal. Since that little girl appeared here, she must be enrolling in Shrek Academy.

Just wait for her to come and sign up by herself, don't be too active on purpose, lest she feel that Shrek begged her to enroll, so she will be complacent and complacent.

After seeing Li Yusong glance at Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai didn't express anything, so he couldn't help being a little anxious.

If Zhu Zhuqing didn't succeed in entering Shrek Academy, where would he have the chance to capture the heart of this childlike and big-breasted fiance?

Wouldn't it be cheap for Ye Qifeng's little boy?

Dai Mubai wanted to persuade Li Yusong to enroll Zhu Zhuqing into Shrek Academy, but Li Yusong gave him a stare and could only smile embarrassingly.

Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing naturally noticed Li Yusong and Dai Mubai's gazes.

Seeing that when Li Yusong glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, the expression on his face obviously changed. Ye Qifeng looked at Zhu Zhuqing, who had a pretty and cold face beside him, and suddenly said softly:

"Zhuqing, that old man should have sensed your soul power level, and seems to be very willing to recruit you to study at Shrek Academy."

"Why don't you sign up too?"

When Zhu Zhuqing heard the words, the cold expression on his face suddenly collapsed, and he quickly shook his head to express his rejection:

"Huh? Brother Ye, I didn't expect this **** to enroll in Shrek Academy? I want to go to Wuhun City with you, don't leave me behind, okay?"

While talking, Zhu Zhuqing reached out and hugged Ye Qifeng's arm tightly, puffed up his face and raised his head to look at Ye Qifeng's face, as if he was really afraid that Ye Qifeng would leave her alone.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing's nervous and cute little expression, Ye Qifeng was slightly stunned, and lightly knocked on her forehead:

"What are you thinking? I didn't say I would abandon you."

"I just asked you to sign up for fun, and I didn't mean to ask you to really enroll in the so-called Shrek."

"You are now a member of our Wuhun Palace, how could I keep you here? Don't worry, I will definitely bring you back to Wuhun City."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't mind that Ye Qifeng knocked her on the forehead, but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, raised his hand and patted his swollen chest, causing ripples:

"That's good."

Ye Qifeng nodded slightly, and continued to explain:

"I asked you to sign up, but I actually want you to take me with you to the Shrek Academy."

Well, this is all for better watching the show! Ye Qifeng added something in his heart, and then continued:

"Just now you also heard that Shrek only recruits gifted students who are twelve years old and have reached the twenty-level spirit power. They will not accept those who are over twelve years old or whose soul power level is below twenty."

"My words are definitely not acceptable. After all, I am just an 'ordinary person' with no soul power."

"You are different. You are now a great soul master with thirty-level soul power, and you are only twelve years old. You belong to the top genius among geniuses. Shrek will rush to recruit you."

"At that time, you can make a request, just bring me in. I believe that in order to keep you, Shrek will meet your request."

"Otherwise, I can only take you and sneak in."

"But in this way, I always feel that something is missing, and it is not as refreshing to go in and watch the theater openly."

Zhu Zhuqing understood.

It turned out that Big Brother Ye wanted to let himself pretend to join Shrek Academy, and then bring him into Shrek Academy together.

I just don't know what drama Brother Ye wants to watch?

Could something interesting happen in Shrek Academy soon?

(end of this chapter)