Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Chapter 232 The Rich Ye Qifeng

After pondering for a long time, Liu Erlong still didn't know how to speak.

The first wish is about her mother, her family affairs. She wants to solve it by herself, so she doesn't want to tell Ye Qifeng about it.

The second wish is about that man. It is her private matter, so there is no need to tell Ye Qifeng.

For some reason, Liu Erlong didn't want Ye Qifeng to know that she had someone in her heart, because she vaguely felt that if Ye Qifeng knew about this, she would lose something important.

Moreover, for Ye Qifeng, Liu Erlong had a strange feeling of anticipation in his heart.

Although she recognized Ye Qifeng as her younger brother, who knows what she was thinking?

After all, Ye Qifeng was the man who saw all of her body.

Liu Erlong seemed to be indifferent to this on the surface, as if he didn't care, and even said something that was not necessary for soul masters to pay attention to, but in fact he was very concerned about it, and he often couldn't help but recall this incident. things, and then self-shy, self-embarrassment.

In addition, what her good friend Ye Huiyin said to her when she was in the Haitang Medical Center caused a wave of mentality by Ye Huiyin, which made her very confused.

At first, she really just wanted to treat Ye Qifeng as her younger brother, but after Ye Huiyin did this, her mentality seemed to be a little different.

Most importantly, staying with Ye Qifeng really makes people feel very good. The unparalleled warmth, tranquility, comfort, and a sense of security make Liu Erlong unable to help but be fascinated and want to. Immerse yourself in it.

In this way, Liu Erlong didn't want Ye Qifeng to know about someone who was hiding in his heart.

The third wish is about the establishment of a high-level soul master academy. It is her dream and her pursuit, but now there is still a long way to go before the dream is realized.

"However, it's okay to tell Xiaofeng about this wish."

Liu Erlong said in his heart.

The light in her eyes flowed, her eyelashes lifted slightly, she looked at Ye Qifeng opposite, and said leisurely:

"Speaking of which, sister, I do have an unfulfilled wish."

"What wish?"

Ye Qifeng gave him an interested look at the right time.

"My wish is to create a high-level soul master academy that only recruits civilian soul masters."

Liu Erlong said in a sweet voice.

Ye Qifeng's eyes moved when he heard the words, this was exactly what he wanted to hear, which coincided with the thoughts in his heart.

He was still thinking just now, how should he guide Liu Erlong to create an academy?

Since she had this idea for a long time, it would be much easier.

Speaking of his wish, Liu Erlong's mood rose a little, and he continued to narrate:

"Xiaofeng, you know, sister, although I have the bloodline of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, my identity is only a civilian soul master."

"Because of my status as a commoner soul master, my sister and I were not able to enter the advanced soul master academy and I was turned away."

"Those so-called high-level soul master academies have always seen only those noble children who feel superior to others. The students they recruit must be of noble origin."

"The commoner soul masters are not considered by them, so they will not be recruited."

"Even those academies that are willing to recruit civilian students have many requirements and restrictions for civilian students."

"So it is very difficult for civilian students to obtain higher education and better cultivation resources, and it can even be said to be an extravagant hope."

"I know this, my sister."

"Afterwards, I vowed that when I have the ability in the future, I will definitely create a high-level soul master academy."

"At that time, elder sister, I will only recruit civilian soul masters. As for those noble children who feel superior to others, let them go to hell, and I will not accept them at all."

As he spoke, Liu Erlong became more and more excited, and the gleam in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Liu Erlong, whose qi and blood had completely recovered, gradually flushed.

However, in the next moment, when she remembered that she was shy, she suddenly became discouraged, shook her head, and said helplessly:

"Unfortunately, sister, I don't have that much money in my hand. The funds needed to create a high-level soul master academy are too huge."

"I have been saving for more than ten years, and I have only saved less than half of the funds. If I want to save enough funds, I don't know what year and month it will take?"

After saying that, Liu Erlong sighed helplessly again.

Immediately, he couldn't help but remember that because of the influence of his murderous temperament, her reputation among spirit masters was not very good, and many spirit masters who needed to hunt for spirit rings to advance did not want to hire her.

In the past two years, she has hardly earned any gold soul coins, and sometimes because of injuries, she cannot make ends meet.

She felt that this dream seemed to be getting further and further away from her.


Thinking of this, Liu Erlong sighed again.

"Sister Erlong, how much money does it take to create a high-level soul master academy?"

At this time, Ye Qifeng asked.

"How much funding is needed depends on the size of the institute to be created."

Liu Erlong replied subconsciously, Ningmei recalled for a moment, and then said:

"Sister, I have learned about it in detail."

"For a small scale, roughly two or three million gold soul coins are needed; for a medium scale, it needs about five or six million gold soul coins; for a large scale, without tens of millions of gold soul coins, it will definitely not be possible."

"That's it"

Ye Qifeng heard the words, put his hand on his chin, thought for a while, and then asked:

"Sister Erlong, how much money do you have now?"

"Sister, the gold soul coins that I have accumulated in my hands are only about one million generals. With this amount of money, even a small-scale high-level soul master academy cannot be established."

Liu Erlong said embarrassedly.

"According to the financial needs mentioned by Sister Erlong, do you mean all the funds for a new high-level soul master academy?"

Ye Qifeng asked at this time.

"Yes, all the costs of purchasing land, building new buildings such as teaching buildings, and hiring teachers, etc., are included."

Liu Erlong nodded and replied.

"In this case, the cost is really not small."

Ye Qifeng said, "What if you directly buy a ready-made place with a lot of buildings and transform it into an academy?"

"For example, a manor with a larger area should save a lot of money and time, right?"

"Or you can also see if there is a high-level soul master academy that is willing to transfer it. Buying it directly will save money, time and effort."

"After all, it's a ready-made academy, just need to change its name, and then renovate some areas that you are not satisfied with or need to improve."

Liu Erlong heard the words with clear eyes, nodded in agreement with Ye Qifeng's view, but still said:

"Xiaofeng, I actually thought about the method you mentioned."

"But it's not easy to find a place that satisfies the transformation into a high-level soul master academy. It's easy to say anything about architecture, but it's mainly a mimetic training place that a high-level soul master academy must have. It's a bit difficult."

"Because the construction requirements of the mimetic cultivation place are relatively high, it is closely related to the surrounding environment, and it is suitable for transformation into a mimetic cultivation place, and it is not easy to find."


Ye Qifeng nodded in understanding.

Liu Erlong continued:

"Furthermore, if you want to find a high-level soul master academy that you are willing to transfer, it's probably even more difficult, and it's almost impossible to find one."

"And this kind of transferable soul master resources are often under the supervision of the Tiandou Imperial Family, and without the consent of the Tiandou Imperial Family, the ownership of that academy cannot be obtained."

"Unless you have something to do with the Tiandou Royal Family, it is almost impossible for outsiders to contact or get this kind of resource."

"The transfer of a soul master academy still requires the approval of the Heaven Dou Royal Family?"

Ye Qifeng was a little surprised.

But you can understand it if you think about it. After all, the Spirit Master Academy teaches all Spirit Masters, and the Spirit Master Academy is also a kind of Soul Master resource. If the Heaven Dou Imperial Family does not monitor or control it, it will be a fool.

But it's not that hard to do.

I have someone in the Tiandou royal family, Xiao Xueer is the prince of Tiandou.

At that time, you can ask her to see if there is such a high-level soul master academy to be transferred.

Ye Qifeng thought to himself.

"Whether it is to buy a suitable venue for renovation or to take over the transfer of the advanced soul master academy, although the cost has been reduced, these two methods are still unaffordable for my sister and me, because."

"I don't have that much money."

At this time, Liu Erlong's voice sounded again, with a bit of embarrassment in his tone.

"Sister Erlong, do you have any vacant rooms here?"

The embarrassment on Liu Erlong's cheeks, Ye Qifeng naturally noticed, but he didn't say much about it, instead he asked a question, and immediately emphasized, "Well, the kind that doesn't put anything."

"Yes, it's the one next to you. Xiaofeng, why are you asking this?"

Liu Erlong is a little unclear.

"Sister Erlong, come with me."

Ye Qifeng didn't answer, but directly stretched out his hand, grabbed Liu Erlong's tender and smooth jade hand, pulled her up from the soft sofa, held her, and walked quickly towards the direction of the room.

Liu Erlong was slightly stunned, but when he was caught off guard, his jade hand was caught straight, his face flushed instantly, and he wanted to pull his hand back, but the warmth in the palm of his hand, as well as the familiar and strange sense of security , which made her reluctant to withdraw her hand.

So, he let Ye Qifeng lead him and walked to the room she mentioned.

She didn't know what Ye Qifeng wanted to do, she was a little curious, she was holding her hand, and she felt a little happy in her heart.

Not for a while.

Ye Qifeng pulled Liu Erlong to the next room where he lived.


The door lock was not locked, and the door was opened with a slight twist.

A special smell that has not been inhabited for a long time is blowing.

Liu Erlong saw this, activated his soul power, and waved his hand to dispel the smell.

Yesterday, she ate a large pot of astragalus and angelica porridge, which replenished qi and blood. At this time, her qi and blood had been replenished.

After last night's meditation practice, her soul power has completely recovered, and she has even improved slightly, and will soon break through to the seventy-sixth level of her soul power.

The area of the room is not large, similar to the one where Ye Qifeng lives.

Because no one lived for a long time, Liu Erlong often stayed away from home, and the room was not often opened. Apart from the special smell, there was no dust.

Looking at the empty room, Ye Qifeng nodded in satisfaction.

"Xiaofeng, why are you looking at this room, do you want to live here?"

Liu Erlong couldn't help asking.

Her hand was still being held by Ye Qifeng, the two of them stood together, just blocking the door, and their bodies were very close to each other, making her face a little redder.

Liu Erlong was a bit taller than Ye Qifeng, and when she turned her head to speak, a mouthful of aroma was just spit in Ye Qifeng's ear, causing Ye Qifeng to tremble. Wei Yang.

He hurriedly stepped into the room.

While Liu Erlong was being led, he also followed.

"Sister Erlong, look."

Ye Qifeng's right hand naturally loosened the jade hand he was holding, and then gently rubbed the amethyst crystal ring on the index finger of his left hand.


Jingle Jingle!

The sound of metal tapping suddenly resounded throughout the room.

Noticed that the warmth in his palm and the strange sense of security had disappeared, before Liu Erlong had time to feel lost and aftertaste, he was attracted by the clear voice that suddenly resounded in the room.

Followed the voice and looked down.

The next moment.

She was dumbfounded.

"this, this, this"

Liu Erlong's eyes widened, his rosy mouth opened into a circle, he was stunned, unbelievable, and felt a little frightened.

When the last golden soul coin flew out of the amethyst crystal ring, it collided with the final "ding" sound.

The room finally returned to calm.

The originally empty room was now covered by a golden hill, occupying more than half of the space.

"Sister Erlong, are these enough?"

Ye Qifeng turned his head, and soon saw Liu Erlong's shocked expression, smiled and asked.

Liu Erlong didn't answer, as if he didn't hear what Ye Qifeng said.

She squatted down with her knees stupefied, picked up a golden soul coin that rolled to the side of her feet, wiped it, put it in her mouth, and bit her silver teeth lightly.

Next second.

Those beautiful black eyes stared wider and brighter.

it is true.

These golden soul coins in front of you are all real.

She was right, not dazzling, not hallucinating.

"Xiao, Xiaofeng, you, where did you get so many gold soul coins?"

Liu Erlong turned his head stiffly and looked at Ye Qifeng, his lips trembling slightly, as if he had not recovered from the shock.

"Sister Erlong, don't care where it came from, it's all serious money, you can spend it as you like."

Ye Qifeng replied lightly, and added a few words in his heart:

"Well, from the Spirit Hall reward, plus my holy son's money, and pocket money from teacher Bibi Dong."

"Looking at the height of this pile, I'm afraid there are millions? Xiaofeng, is this all your money?"

Liu Erlong opened his mouth, still surprised.

"Well, it's mine, but from now on, it will be Sister Erlong's."

Ye Qifeng said with a hum.

"Me, mine?"

Liu Erlong didn't respond for a while, but the next second, she suddenly returned to her senses and shook her head repeatedly, expressing her refusal:

"No no no, no, this is Xiaofeng's money, I can't take it."

"If you say that you give your sister a few hundred gold soul coins as pocket money, then it's okay to say that it doesn't matter if I accept it, Xiaofeng, after all, you have a lot of money."

"But this."

"It's too, too, too much. This is millions of gold soul coins."

"Millions, Xiaofeng, do you know what the concept is?"

"Sister, I worked hard for more than ten years, and I only saved about one million gold soul coins, you"

Seeing Liu Erlong's refusal to accept it, Ye Qifeng was not surprised, but he had already thought of his words.

So he waved his hand, interrupted Liu Erlong, and said to her:

"Sister Erlong, you are my sister. My money is your money, so you don't need to share it with me."

"And sister, your wish is not to create a high-level soul master academy?"

"It just so happens that your brother and I have some spare money here. Anyway, I keep so many gold soul coins, it is useless, you can just treat me as an investment in the college you founded."

"In this way, Erlong sister, your wish will come true."

(end of this chapter)