Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Chapter 195 Instructions for Self-created Soul Skills (4000)

The voice of just fell.

A long, well-proportioned, slender leg came towards him in an instant, but Huo Wu immediately attacked.

Ye Qifeng's reaction was very fast, like a conditioned reflex, his right hand quickly drew a smooth semi-circle, while removing the power of Huo Wu's whip leg, he also grabbed Huo Wu's ankle with his backhand.

Ye Qifeng raised his head to look at Huo Wu's fair face, and was a little speechless:

"Miss Huowu, why don't you say hello, just launch an attack?"

"Hey, fighting is all about being unexpected and being unprepared. If you have to greet the opponent politely before a fight, and then call to start, that's boring, right?"

The corner of Huo Wu's mouth evoked a faint smile, and her expression was as expected.

What you said makes sense, but I can't refute it.

However, this is what Huo Wu should look like in my impression.

Proud and hot, arrogant and domineering, but not distorted in temperament, likes to be straight, and irritable and irritable with fire attributes.

Huo Wu with such a temper, in an informal situation, it is almost impossible for her to obey the rules.

The previous shyness and shyness are all fake, er, it seems that it can't be said to be completely fake, she only behaved like that because she came into contact with her body and was affected by the mysterious aura on her body.

Besides, everyone has two sides. The more temperament is on the surface, the more tenderness is on the inside.

What he saw before was not necessarily the other side of Huo Wu.

Well, that's fine.

"So the competition, this is the beginning?"

Ye Qifeng stroked his forehead.

"Of course. Huh?"

The words that Huo Wu had just said came to an abrupt end.

She suddenly felt a huge force coming from her left ankle.

But I saw that Ye Qifeng grabbed Huo Wu's ankle with his right hand and pulled it back. Huo Wu's body instantly took on a shameful posture. On Ye Qifeng.

Fortunately, she was wearing a dress that was easy to fight, and the security measures were well done, otherwise, I am afraid that she would be completely wiped out.

Huo Wuqiao's expression instantly froze, and her brain suddenly went blank.

Because it was close to Ye Qifeng's body, his ankle was also pinched by Ye Qifeng's hand, and the mysterious power of Ye Qifeng's body entered Huo Wu's body.

The temperament of the normal period has been restored before, and is once again affected by the mysterious power.

The thoughts affected by the bursting fire attribute of the martial soul in the body are also instantly clear, all the restlessness, irritability, impatience, etc., dissipated at once, and the feeling of extreme comfort and peace and harmony filled my heart again in an instant.

For a while, Huo Wu could not be angry.


This posture at this time is really too shameful.

Huo Wu is still a little embarrassed.

She tried to pull back her long legs and tried several times in a row, but she was still unable to escape the restraint of Ye Qifeng's right hand.

at this time.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Huo Wu caught a glimpse of her brother Huo Wushuang and Feng Xiaotian, who were walking towards this side.

If my brother Huo Wushuang saw her beside the young Ye Qifeng and maintained this shameful posture, I wonder what my brother would think.

Huo Wu is certain that my brother will definitely think about some things.

Before, she was held in the arms of the young Ye Qifeng. After seeing it, her brother was already wondering if she had anything to do with Ye Qifeng.

Although she didn't mind that much, she still felt a little ashamed.

At this moment, Huo Wu hurriedly said:

"Let go!"

Ye Qifeng also noticed the presence of Huo Wushuang and Feng Xiaotian. After thinking about it, he suddenly had a plan and a smile appeared on his face:

"So, fire dance girl, you admit defeat?"

"Why admit defeat, I didn't lose. Let go!"

"Didn't you say that the competition has already started?"

"What competition starts? I never said such a thing to start"

The corners of Huo Wu's mouth twitched, and she turned her head slightly.

Actually, she just wanted to say "Of course it started", but was interrupted.

"Then you just attacked me, and you said that fighting is about being unexpected, and you don't need to say hello in advance to start, what's your explanation?"

Ye Qifeng had a black line on his forehead, and his right hand was slightly lifted up.

"Just not counting, I just want to test your reflexes, not counting"

Huowu rolled her eyes and started to justify.

But the next moment, she suddenly noticed that her legs were rising, and the words she said stopped for a moment.

Huo Wu's body is extremely flexible, with two straight and slender long legs, it is easy to make a one-word horse posture.

However, with Ye Qifeng raising his hand, gradually, the angle surpassed the straight line of a one-word horse by 180 degrees, and gradually, it bent into a bow shape.

Huo Wu's posture at this time looks like a rounded bow.


Finally, Huo Wu couldn't take it anymore, and her red lips burst out with an "ah" exclamation, but she didn't dare to be too loud, for fear of attracting the attention of her brother Huo Wushuang and Feng Xiaotian.

Because she suppressed her voice, her "ah" sounded like a soft moan, like a coquettish groan.

In an instant, Huo Wu felt more and more ashamed and anxious. She reached out and patted Ye Qifeng a few times, and said quickly:

"Eh? Don't move, no, let go!"

As expected of Huo Wu, the flexibility of this body is no one else, it's not bad!

After sighing in his heart, Ye Qifeng smiled, no longer teasing her, and let go, but he didn't let go completely, just let Huo Wu return to the previous one-word horse posture.

The extreme tightness in the bent legs, hips and crotch disappeared, Huo Wu suddenly felt relieved and let out a long breath.

At this time, Ye Qifeng smiled lightly:

"You can let me go, but Fire Dance girl, you have to admit defeat first. Also, for a while, you are not allowed to attack me again."

"Okay, I admit defeat, and I also promise you that I won't attack you for the time being."

Huo Wu bit her red lips and nodded quickly.

Is just temporary? never mind

It is better to stay away from Fire Dance first.

The two good friends, Huo Wushuang and Feng Xiaotian, are about to come back here again.

If the two of them saw that they treated Huo Wu like this, they would not be able to forgive themselves, and they might have to start a dispute in a while.

It's better to get out of here, it's better to go first.

's thoughts flowed, Ye Qifeng released Huo Wu's ankle, kicked his feet, and stepped back two or three meters away to prevent Huo Wu from attacking again.

Then he bowed his hands towards Huo Wu and said:

"Miss Fire Dance, the ring fusion secret method I just made a bet with you is a joke, you don't have to take it seriously. It's really unintentional to offend you. I'm here to apologize to you."

"If there is nothing else, then I will take my leave first."

After saying that, Ye Qifeng turned around and wanted to go to the other direction of the street, away from Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang Feng Xiaotian.

but a pity

He can't go.

How could Huo Wu let him go.

"No! You are not allowed to go!"

After pulling back her long legs, Huo Wu was rubbing her crooked legs and her beautiful buttocks, relaxing her muscles and bones. When she heard Ye Qifeng's words, she immediately became anxious and blurted out with a coquettish drink.

Then, regardless of the extreme pain caused by pulling her muscles and bones to the limit, she quickly opened her long legs, spread her hands, and stopped in front of Ye Qifeng:

"How can I make a joke about what this girl promised?"

"Since I have conceded defeat, according to the agreement, I should fulfill my promise. I will personally hand it over to you until you learn it."

"So before you learn the ring fusion technique, you."

"Don't go!"

Huo Wu originally didn't want to admit that he conceded defeat, nor did he want to admit that the outrageous battle just now was a battle between them.

The battle between soul masters.

How can I only play one leg, you only play one hand, and then it's over?

Isn't this a pure joke?

What kind of battle is this called?

is outrageous.

She still has a lot of tricks yet to come out?


Now she has changed her mind.

You want to slip away? Bet me it's a joke? He also said that he didn't want the Ring Fusion Secret Law anymore?

What do you think of my ring fusion secret?


This girl will not let you do as you wish.

I can deny you what you want, but you cannot refuse what I want to give you.

I just want to give you the secret method of ring fusion, and I will teach you personally until you learn it.

Of course, if you can't learn or even get started, then you can't blame me.

After all, the secret method of ring fusion cannot be learned by people who are not talented. Not everyone has the same talent as her.

As everyone knows, even her brother Huo Wushuang can't learn, uh, of course, it is also the brother who is not good enough, and his talent is not good.

She awakened her martial spirit at the age of six, and after cultivating until she obtained the first spirit ring at the tenth level, she began to practice the secret ring fusion technique.

I don't believe how fast you can learn, maybe you won't be able to learn.

hum, when the time comes, you will stay in Blazing Academy forever.

Isn't this a disguised way to draw him to Blazing Academy?

Even if he does not agree to join Blazing Academy, it will take so long, some time, some ways to make you surrender.

Oops, I'm so smart!

Looking at Fire Dance's serious and delicate face.

Ye Qifeng's face hurts.

I said no to the ring fusion secret method, why do you still have to give it to me?

Can you let me go?

If I had known that he would not come to Blazing Fire City, wouldn't it be fragrant to go to Tiandou City to find Xiao Xue'er?

Exactly at this time.

Huo Wushuang supported Feng Xiaotian with a face of loss and disappointment, as if he had lost his soul, and walked over.

Seeing her sister Huo Wu spread her hands and stopped in front of the young Ye Qifeng, with a serious and anxious face, Huo Wushuang felt strange in her heart.

Huo Wushuang was about to speak, but Feng Xiaotian, who was next to him, was the first to speak:

"When you fought against me just now, did you use your own soul skill?"

Feng Xiaotian said to Ye Qifeng, but his voice sounded a little difficult.

"Self-created soul skills?"

Ye Qifeng heard the words, turned around in surprise, facing Feng Xiaotian, and quickly understood the meaning of Feng Xiaotian's question.

It seems that Feng Xiaotian is aware of the nine-fold wave technique he is using in his duel, and believes that what he is using is also a self-created soul technique.

Ye Qifeng shook his head lightly:

"Oh, that's a power technique, but I didn't create it myself, I learned it from others."

"A capacity technique?"

Feng Xiaotian raised his head in surprise, not understanding.

Brothers and sisters Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu also cast curious eyes and pricked up their ears.

Ye Qifeng smiled lightly and said:

"You can also understand it as a self-created soul skill, but unlike your self-created soul skill, it takes the opposite path."

"what for?"

Feng Xiaotian asked.

Ye Qifeng glanced at Feng Xiaotian, did not explain directly, but talked about Feng Xiaotian's self-created soul skill:

"Your self-created soul skill uses the method of stacking attacks, stacking speed and power by continuously slashing the opponent, right?"

Feng Xiaotian's pupils shrank slightly, and then nodded:


Night Seven Winds said:

"It's just that the self-created spirit ability created by stacking attacks has a big lack in attack power. Although the attack power is considerable, it is only considerable, and it cannot be called powerful."

Hearing this, Feng Xiaotian's heart froze. His self-created soul skill, Blast Demon Wolf Lian Slash, is indeed as Ye Qifeng said, lacking in attack power, which is why he has been researching to increase the number of attacks. reason.

Feng Xiaotian is a celestial being full of soul power.

Usually in Kamikaze City and Kamikaze Academy.

Everyone held him and respected him, no one disobeyed him, and no one dared to scold him.

Even his father, who is the patriarch of the Feng family, the lord of Kamikaze City, and the dean of the Kamikaze Academy, loves him very much.

In terms of cultivation, let Feng Xiaotian do what he wants.

He went to study his own soul skills, and his father never blamed or stopped him.

Regarding his self-created soul skills, he has always only been encouraged and praised, and has never pointed out any inappropriateness.

Because he created his own soul skills, his father didn't understand it either.

There is no record of self-created soul skills in the Feng family and the Kamikaze Academy, because the family has never seen any dazzling genius like him before.

So when he researched his own soul skills, no one gave him any guidance, and he had to figure it out on his own.

Now suddenly I meet a person who understands his own soul skills, has his own soul skills, and has defeated him head-on. Feng Xiaotian is like a drowning person grabbing the driftwood floating in the torrent, and he doesn't want to give up this difficult opportunity.

So, he immediately asked:

"How should this be resolved?"

Ye Qifeng smiled lightly and said:

"Your self-created soul skills are actually very weak."

"The number of attacks is too many, too complicated, and stacking attacks is time-consuming and labor-intensive, which is actually not desirable."

"The best way is to reduce the number of attacks. It's better to condense all attacks into one attack, so that each attack can exert the strongest attack, instead of taking time and effort to superimpose. For example, when I faced you before, what happened The technique used is like this. One force can break all methods, and that is the kingly way."

"Seeing that you are so interested in self-created soul skills, if you want to improve your attack power, you can try to develop in this area."

"I'm just giving some opinions. How to study it and what it can be studied depends on you."

Looking at Feng Xiaotian, who was enlightened, Ye Qifeng couldn't help shaking his head.

It seems that at this time Feng Xiaotian is even more obsessed with the research of his own soul skills. For his own soul skills, even the goddess Huo Wu can be left aside.

But, are you really okay with this?

Waste a lot of time on researching your own soul skills, but neglect the meditation practice of soul power. Your innate talent full of soul power is wasted.

If you don't cultivate hard and increase your spirit power by a few levels, in the future, if you meet the idiot Tang San, are you afraid that you will be beaten up by him?

After thinking about it, Ye Qifeng felt the need to wake him up.

So he said to Feng Xiaotian:

"Also, I feel the need to remind you."

"In Douluo Continent, the foundation of soul masters is soul power. The early stage of soul masters is the period when soul power grows the fastest, so it is better not to delay the cultivation of soul power. Although self-created soul skills are strong, they also need soul power. Only with the support of strength and realm can you exert your due strength. The gap between soul power and realm cannot be filled by a mere self-created soul skill, so don't put the cart before the horse.

"Being able to create your own soul skills shows that your talent is very good, so don't waste it."

"As for this, how you do it is up to you."

"That's it, thank you for your advice."

Feng Xiaotian was thoughtful when he heard the words, but at the same time, his heart froze, and his face was full of educated expressions.

(end of this chapter)