"Okay, now what?"
Before Mick can respond, a six-foot-square panel rises on four hydraulic pistons, exposing their eyes to the blinding light of day.
Mick climbs out, then helps Dominique up. Turning to face the light, they are surprised to find themselves standing in the northern corridor of the Kukulcan temple.
The top of the metallic panel, concealed beneath four feet of solid limestone, slips back into position, resealing the entrance to the starship.
"No wonder we never found the passage," Mick whispers.
Dominique steps out onto the platform. "It must be close to noon, but the park's deserted."
"Something must have happened."
They hear the thundering echo of chopper blades as the two Navy helicopters approach from the west.
"Mick, maybe we better go."
The redhead lies prone, his girth concealed beneath the dense jungle foliage. Peering through the high-powered scope of his hunting rifle, he watches Mick Gabriel and the girl step out onto the pyramid's northern platform. Raymond pushes back the safety, smiling as he aligns the crosshairs over his victim's heart.
The chopper pilot slows his airship to hover over the Great Ball Court. "Sirs, directly below us."
Chaney and General Fecondo stare at the winged black object poised almost dead center of the I-shaped Mayan arena. "Christ-it's another one of those pure-fusion objects."
"Why hasn't it detonated?"
The sound of gunfire echoes across the esplanade.
Chaney points to the pyramid. "Get us over there!"
Mick is on his back, struggling to breathe. Blood gushes from his scorching hot chest. He stares into the midday sky, the shadow of Dominique's face blotting out the sun. He feels her tears fall on his cheek, her mouth moving in slow motion as she presses her palm to the wound, yet he can hear nothing but the beating of his own heart.
Close your eyes...
Chapter 25.
DECEMBER 16 -20, 2012 And chaos reigned. . . . The revelation of humanity's near disaster with thermonuclear annihilation was greeted with disbelief and relief, then fear and universal outrage. How could the world's leaders have allowed their egos to push humanity over the edge? How could they have been so arrogant? How could they have been so blind?
Outrage would quickly lead to violence. For two days and nights, anarchy ruled much of the globe. Halls of government were destroyed, military installations ransacked, and the embassies of the United States, Russia, and China overrun, as billions of people across the planet marched upon their capitals, demanding change.
Rather than attempt to quell the violence with more violence, President Chaney chose to channel it, directing the American public's vengeance toward more than one hundred subterranean bunkers, built with taxpayer money, which had been designed to house the political elite during the nuclear holocaust. The destruction of these top-secret facilities seemed to quell the public's anger, serving notice that everyone-the haves and have-nots-were now on equal, though somewhat unsteady footing.
Chaney then urged the United Nations Secretary-General to introduce a resolution based on recommendations by the National Academy of Sciences, the Carnegie Commission, and Admiral Stansfield Turner, to eliminate all nuclear and biological weapons of destruction. Any country refusing to comply would face a UN invasion force, its leaders targeted for execution.
Urged on by the masses, all member nations, with the exception of Iraq and North Korea, quickly agreed to comply.
On December 17, Saddam Hussein was dragged onto the streets of Baghdad and beaten to death. Kim Jong Il committed suicide two hours later.
Russian President Viktor Grozny signed the treaty, then publicly blamed the Communist Party for Russia's subversive military buildup over the last two decades. After more than two hundred public executions, he assured his people that government reform would be swift.
With no one to challenge him, he remained in office, stronger than ever.
On the morning of December 17, the media finally learned about the mysterious electromagnetic array and how it had prevented nuclear annihilation. A religious fervor took hold of the masses. Drawn together by fear, they huddled and prayed, flocking to churches and synagogues, waiting for the Messiah and the Second Coming of Christ. What they found instead were more signs of the apocalypse.
On the afternoon of the eighteenth, Korean War veteran Jim McWade returned home from church with his four sons and three twelve-packs of beer. Standing upright within the limestone sinkhole behind his trailer was an immense winged creature. Within hours, half the township of White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia had descended upon the pond to view the inanimate beast, whose shiny black surface emitted a powerful invisible force field that prevented anyone from touching it.
Within twenty-four hours, another twenty-nine identical creatures had been found in various locations across the globe. Then, on the evening of December 19, the world watched in fascination and horror as television cameras recorded the formation of a monstrous maelstrom within the Gulf of Mexico. From the center of the vortex emerged eight winged creatures, all of which quickly dispersed over the Northern Hemisphere. Two of these objects would land later that night in the southwestern region of the United States, two more in Florida, and one each in Georgia, Kentucky, and Indiana. The last object headed east to perch upon a mountainous ridge overlooking the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico.
On the morning of December 20, exobiologist Marvin Teperman confirmed to the world that the seven pure-fusion detonations had actually originated from the objects released by the alien vessel buried beneath the Gulf of Mexico. Referring to the objects as "drones," the exobiologist theorized that the thirty-seven creatures now dispersed throughout the globe contained enough fusion power to vaporize upwards of a million square miles of land. Teperman further went on to state that the alien devices were rigged to a solar fuse, which explained their nighttime release and dawn detonations. Somehow the mysterious array, originating from within the Kukulcan pyramid, had managed to jam the firing mechanisms, preventing the drones from exploding.
Should the array falter, Teperman warned, the drones would detonate.
And once again, the masses panicked.
Chapter 26.
DECEMBER 20, 2012.
A soft breeze filters through the Venetian blinds, cooling his face. As the feverish haze lifts, he hears the distant voice of an angel, her familiar words echoing in his mind.
An thou gone so? Love ... lord-ay husband, friend. I must hear from thee every day in the hour, for in a minute there are many days.
Swimming against the tide of unconsciousness, he forces his eyes open to slits, just enough to see her sitting over him, reading from the paperback.
"Oh, God, I have an ill-divining soul. Methinks I see thee, now thou art so low, as one dead in the bottom of a tomb. Either my eyesight fails or thou lookest pale-"
"And trust me, love," he rasps, "in my eye, so do you."
He opens his eyes as she pushes her cheek to his, registering her hot tears and the excruciating weight on his chest as she hugs him, whispering, "I love you."
"I love you." He struggles to speak, his throat parched.
She positions a cup of water to his lips, and he takes a few sips.
"You're in a hospital in Merida. Raymond shot you. The doctor said the bullet stopped an eighth of an inch from your heart. Everyone says you should be dead."
He forces a smile, rasping, "They jest at scars that never felt a wound." He attempts to sit up, the pain pushing him back down again. "Maybe a small wound."
"Mick, so much has happened-"
"What day is it?"
"The twentieth. Tomorrow's the winter solstice, and everyone's scared shitless-"
The door bursts open, an American physician strolling in, followed by Ennis Chaney, a Mexican nurse, and Marvin Teperman. Mick notices heavily armed American soldiers stationed in the outer corridor.
The doctor leans down, examining his eyes with a flashlight pen. "Welcome back, Mr. Gabriel. And how are we feeling today?"
"Sore. Hungry. And a bit disoriented."
"It's no wonder, you've been unconscious for five days. Let's take a look at that wound." The doctor pulls back the bandage. "Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I've never seen a wound heal so quickly."
Chaney steps forward. "Is he well enough to speak?"
"I should think so. Nurse, change his dressing, then start him on another IV of-"
"Not now, Doctor," Chaney interrupts. "We need a few minutes with Mr. Gabriel. Alone."
"Of course, Mr. President."
Mick watches the physician and nurse leave, an MP in the corridor closing the door behind them. "Mr. President? Seems like you get a promotion every time we meet."
The raccoon eyes do not look amused. "President Mailer's dead. Put a bullet through his own head five days ago in an attempt to get the Russians and Chinese to abort an all-out nuclear assault."
"Jesus ..."
"The world owes you a debt of thanks. Whatever you activated within that Mayan pyramid destroyed the missiles."
Mick closes his eyes. My God, it really happened. I thought it was all a dream...
Dominique squeezes his hand.
"It's some kind of highly charged, electromagnetic array," Marvin says, "like nothing we've ever seen. The signal's still active, thank God, because it's keeping those drones from exploding-"
"Drones?" Mick opens his eyes. "What drones?"
Marvin removes a photograph from his briefcase and hands it to him. "Thirty-eight of these things have landed across the globe since you were brought in."
He stares at the photo of a black batlike creature, perched on a gray mountaintop, its wings expanded. "It's the object I saw rising out of the spaceship, the one buried in the Gulf of Mexico." He looks up at Dominique. "I know where I've seen them before. Nazca. Life-size images of these creatures have been carved all over the plateau."
Marvin looks at Chaney, a bit uncertain. "This photo was taken several days ago on a mountaintop in Arecibo."
Chaney pulls up a chair. "The creature you claimed seeing in the alien vessel-that drone landed in Australia and wiped out most of the Nullarbor plain. We now know that each one of these objects possesses some sort of pure-fusion device, explosives capable of vaporizing entire landscapes. Six of these drones detonated in Asia over the last two weeks, the last three wiping out more than two million people in China and Russia."
Mick feels his hands shaking. "These detonations precipitated the nuclear assault?"
Chaney nods. "Like Marvin said, another thirty-eight of these things were discharged from that alien vessel over the last five nights. So far, none has detonated."
Mick recalls Guardian's words. The activation of the Nephilim array will forestall the end, but only the destruction of Tezcatilpoca and the Black Road can prevent our enemy from passing through to your world.
"We've compiled a list of the drones that haven't detonated. Gabriel, are you listening?"
"Huh? Sorry. You say these things are drones?"
"That's what our scientists are calling them. The Air Force equates them to an alien version of our Unmanned Aerial Vehicles."
"Each of these drones are essentially pure-fusion weapons with wings," Marvin explains. "Like our own UAVs, the drones are remotely controlled, linked by some sort of radio signal to their control center-"
"The vessel in the Gulf?"
"Yes. Once the drone lands in its pretargeted area, a radio signal is dispersed, arming the explosive. Situated on the creature's tail assembly are rows of bizarre-looking sensors that we believe are high-powered photovoltaic cells. The triggering mechanism uses solar power to detonate the explosive at sunrise."
"Which explains why these things are always released at night," Chaney adds. "Seven drones detonated prior to the activation of this array, all seven dispersing west after exiting the vessel in the Gulf. The airspeed of the drones matched the Earth's rotation, keeping them in darkness until they reached their targeted areas."
"You said another thirty-eight of these drones have been released?"
"Show him the list, Marvin." The exobiologist searches his briefcase, producing a computer printout.
Nullarbor Plain [D]
Malaysia [D] Irian Jaya [D] Papua New Guinea [D] Yunnan Province. China [D] Vilyui Basin. Russia [D] Kugitangtau Ridge. Turkmenistan [D]
Algeria Botswana Egypt Ivory Coast Israel Libya Madagascar Morocco [Atlas Mountains] Niger Nigeria Saudi Arabia Sudan Tunisia EUROPE.
Austria Bosnia-Herz. Bulgaria Croatia Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Spain NORTH AMERICA.
Canada: Montreal Cuba USA: Arecibo [Puerto Rico] Appalachian Valley Colorado Florida [Central & Southeast] Georgia Kentucky Indiana [Southern] Ozark Mountains New Mexico Texas [Northwest]