Dolly Reforming Herself - Part 28

Part 28

_Lucas._ Yes, of course! And Uncle Matt promised him a sovereign for each of us if we had carried out our good resolutions. Is that coming off, Criddle?

_Criddle._ I expect it is, sir. Mr. Pilcher is coming here this afternoon, and the master told me to be sure and find the box before he gets here.

_Lucas._ Find the box?

_Criddle._ n.o.body has seen anything of it for some months. Excuse me, sir, I must look for it.

[_Exit_ CRIDDLE.

LUCAS _takes out letter from an unsealed envelope, glances through it, sits at table, takes out pencil, adds a short note, puts letter in envelope, seals it up, puts it in his tail pocket, goes to conservatory, looks in._ RENIE _enters at door behind him. She starts, as he turns round._

_Renie._ [_In a whisper._] You're here already?

_Lucas._ Yes----

_Renie._ Your wound?

_Lucas._ Much better. Nearly well.

_Renie._ I'm so glad----

_Lucas._ I'm not. I shall have to cut it back to India directly. Why didn't you answer my last letter?

_Renie._ I did--and tore it up.

_Lucas._ Tore it up?

_Renie._ What's the use? I told you last year we could never be anything to each other!

_Lucas._ But you didn't mean it?

[_He seizes her hand and kisses it several times._

_Renie._ [_Feebly attempting to withdraw it._] Yes--yes, I did. Hush!

_Lucas._ I want you to read this. [_Shows her the letter._

_Matt._ [_Heard through the door which is open a few inches._] Have you found the box, Criddle?

_Criddle._ No, sir. I've hunted everywhere.

_Matt._ Have another look. We must have it ready for Mr. Pilcher.

MATT _enters. Meantime_ RENIE _has crept to upper conservatory door and gone off signing to_ LUCAS _to keep silence. He has taken the letter out of his pocket and held it up for her to see, putting it back before_ MATT _enters._

_Matt._ Ah, Lucas. So you've got here. Happy New Year!

_Lucas._ Happy New Year, Uncle Matt.

[_Cordially shaking hands._

_Matt._ Glad to see you back in England.

_Lucas._ Glad to be back!

_Matt._ How's the arm?

_Lucas._ Splendid--nearly well. Dolly and Harry all right?

_Matt._ First rate. They'll be here directly.

_Lucas._ The Sturgesses are here again, Criddle tells me.

_Matt._ Ye-es.

_Lucas._ Gray matter still going strong?

_Matt._ Booming.

_Lucas._ How's Mrs. Sturgess?

_Matt._ As usual, a little inclined to flop about and play act----

_Lucas._ Yes. Jolly good-looking woman though, eh?

_Matt._ Very. Lucas----

_Lucas._ Well?

_Matt._ You're quite cured, eh?

_Lucas._ Cured?

_Matt._ Of your infatuation for her.

_Lucas._ Infatuation? Well, I admired her, and perhaps it was lucky I was ordered out to India----

_Matt._ I managed that for you, my boy.

_Lucas._ You did!?

_Matt._ Sir John wanted a smart A.D.C., so I drove over to Aldershot, urged your claims, and got you the appointment.

_Lucas._ So that was why I was packed off. It was you who----

_Matt._ Aren't you thankful I did?

_Lucas._ Yes, much obliged to you, much obliged!