"So, what business do you have with me?"
Currently in the study, I'm now meeting the Hero.
I was told by Eins that the Hero has something to talk about with me.
"First, I want all the information related to the Demon King."
Information about the Demon King?
"Dunno. I have nothing like that, about the Demon King or whatsoever."
"Stop telling lies!"
The Hero stands up and shouts at me.
"What makes you think I'm lying to you?"
"The dungeon work for the Demon King isn't it?! There’s must be something you know at least!"
If the dungeon is actually working for the Demon King, the Hero should've been dead the moment he set his foot in here.
Moreover, why someone working for Demon King will easily pa.s.s the information to enemy like that?
"I know nothing about it. I'm not working for the Demon King and I manage this dungeon on my own will."
"Since it has come to this, I'll force you to say everything!"
The Hero tries to reach for his sword.
"Eins, Zwei. Our guest is leaving. Please show him the door."
""As you wish.""
Eins and Zwei appeared beside the Hero, who try to pull his sword out, before holding him by the arm side-by-side and dragging him outside of the dungeon.
He's screaming something while being dragged away but I ignore it.
『The intruder has been repelled.』
Looking at my DP, it has increased by 13000 DP.
He certainly is a delicious opponent when you can repel him and judging by the DP he is not weak after all.
Anyway, I know a bit something of the Hero but I know nothing when it comes to the Demon King.
Should I ask about it?
Chat Thread
010. Master of Chaos
Oh yeah, it was hard at that time.
011. Master of Demon Town
Poor Chaos but it was you who gave the Demon King a monster stronger than the Demon King himself.
"To give me such strong monster, I'll appoint you as staff."
You said you were just messing around that time.
012. Master of Library Dungeon
013. Master of Doll Mansion
Even before I could ask about the Demon King, there's a talk about it already.
014. Master of Three-color Slime Dungeon
Hey, Doll. h.e.l.lo~
015. Master of Doll Mansion
h.e.l.lo Three-color Slime.
016. Master of Chaos
Doll, you want to know about the Demon King as well?
017. Master of Doll Mansion
Just before, a strong looking hero came and he was like, "Tell me everything you know about the Demon King."
018. Master of Demon Town
Well, for him to be like this after only being summoned for few days.
That's not good…
019. Master of Fairy Forest
Is everything ok?
020. Master of Doll Mansion
Everything is alright.
Since he was about to pull his sword out, my head maid and butler thrown him outside of the dungeon.
021. Master of Library Dungeon
That's sure is a problem.
But more importantly, for your head maid and butler to easily throw the Hero away that is…
022. Master of Doll Mansion
You can say the two of them are the excellent one in the mansion and that's why they can deal with the Hero.
Since I know nothing about the Demon King, I came here to get some information on it.
023. Master of Chaos
So, the moment you came here we were already on the said topic.
024. Master of Doll Mansion
You can say so.
025. Master of Chaos
So, what Doll wants is the information of the current Demon King, is that it?
I can help, is what I want to say, but that's impossible.
026. Master of Doll Mansion
That's right.
At most I want the latest information of the Demon King.
027. Master of Demon Town
For certainly, I don't know who's the next Demon King is since it's completely random.
028. Master of Library Dungeon
029. Master of Chaos
There's a time where it was a dragon, the other time it was chimera and sometime after that it was a human. It's completely random. There's even that time when a goblin became a Demon King and it was quickly brought down by the Hero.