Divine Emperor of Death - Chapter 3695 Regrouping

Chapter 3695 Regrouping

Chapter 3695 Regrouping


s.h.i.+rley looked into the distance with her hand stretched above her eyes,lookingas though shewastrying to spot something, but she could barely make out the difference when thesightin front of her was covered in mountain ranges.

However, turning to look back, she saw the mammoth crystal tree.

"Phew getting out would be near impossible if these crystal beasts weren't easily fooled, falling for feints and tricks"

"You've angered them. They'reprowlingaround, looking to kill anything in sight. It's a miracle that we've escaped"

Dewzai's voice echoed by s.h.i.+rley's side.

She was headless.

s.h.i.+rley turned to look at Dewzai, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Indeed, Dewzai was back in her body, able to repossess it even without a head. However, this was only temporary as long as she was in her body; intense pain would continue to reverberate in her soul over losing her brain.

s.h.i.+rley inwardly sighed, wondering if immortals were even human.

She found ita bithard to grasp that the immortal body could be restored as long as the dantian containing martial energy survived, in other words, the Immortal Vessel, since itcontainedboth lower and middle dantian. However, she wasn't in a position to gripe when her nirvanic soul could revive her three times, completely healing her body and soul back to health.

"Don't stare at me"

Dewzai wore awidehat a few centimeters above her neck andhad it coveredby a veil on all sides.Her head was slowly regenerating from the neck and would eventually house the soul seathat she had escaped outwithin her true soul.

s.h.i.+rley could see the silhouette of a skull already, slightly b.l.o.o.d.y, meaning the muscles around the head were already regenerating. She knew this kind of quick healing was only possible due to Dewzai being a fey, an Emperor-Tier Feyat that.

Magical beasts always had a higher regenerative capability than humans, so their wounds healed quicker than most races as long as the wound wasn't intense in energy. Otherwise, remnant energy would plague her.

For the same reason, Dewzai wasn't able to heal the arm she lost, including one of her eyes. s.h.i.+rley doubted they would regenerate unless Dewzai decided to take the appropriate medicine.

Her lips curled, knowing if she tried to move Dewzai's veil and see her skull face, she was going to be p.i.s.sed. She didn't go far with her teasing as she folded her hands and looked into the distance, "Let's go. I sense my big sister is this way."

"How do you know?"

"Just a hunch~"

s.h.i.+rley said, but she lied.

Evelynn had implanted a delayed hex on her body.Thiswas to bypa.s.s the Candidacy's initialization if possible, and sure enough, their things were taken away, soitems would've been useless.

Some effects from battles may have also been removed, but that would've been unfair, so they bet on the tracking hex not being erased.Then, they made it appearin a delayed manner, so even if some nasty effects were somehow removed in the beginning, the tracking hex wouldcontinue toremain.

The same goes for Isabella, so they should be able to sense each other as long as they arenear each other. This 'near'was defined by the amount of time pa.s.sed. The more time it pa.s.sed, the more distance theywere capable of sensingthe tracking hex from until it reached the technique's limit.

It took her two hours to leave that mammoth tree region she wanted nothing to do with as there was nothing other than thosehugespherical crystal fruits and the dangerous gargantuan Empyrean Crystal Beaststhat wereguarding them.

As delicious as the crystal fruits were, she didn't want to vainly use her life up to get one.

The Empyrean Crystal Beasts were completely p.i.s.sed that she had seen a few inheritors die to them because they couldn't see their attack coming. She could only lament those who venture into that region without knowing the situation.

She had tried escaping south since shecamefrom the north, but the Empyrean Crystal Beasts were condensed in the south, leaving her no choice but to return the same way she came.but aftershe climbed a mountain and walked further north, she sensed Evelynn's presence although it disappeared.

She guessed that Evelynn might've gone out of range for some reason, entered a Hidden PaG.o.da, was defeated and dealt a killing blow, got caught insomekind oftrap that sealed s.p.a.ce, or even left the Crystal World using the Crystal Gate.

With so many speculations, she didn't dare think Evelynn was killed, hoping she entered a Hidden PaG.o.da or something.


At this moment, the fourth seal in her broke, causing s.h.i.+rley to blink.

Her cultivation base rose to Level Four Immortal King Stage!

Quickly, she sensed Evelynn's presence through the hex as it heateduplightly between her brows, causing her eyes to light up.

She gestured at Dewzai, "Come, let's go~"

"Don't be so excited. Watch out for the other Candidates. Many would've already become Immortal Emperors as we're just waiting to explodeoutwith power and eliminate others. a.s.sa.s.sinations would become frequent!"

Dewzai warned, but s.h.i.+rley hopped away like a princess from a fairy tale, causing Dewzai to gnash her teeth. However, the sound she made was horrible, like a skeleton rattling, so she shut her mouth in embarra.s.sment and continued to follow s.h.i.+rley.

They pa.s.sed two moremountains,tall and mighty. There were also a few crystal mountains but they ignored them.

Then, they had to pa.s.s through a gra.s.sy plain, whichwould makethem more vulnerablein terms ofbeing spotted, so s.h.i.+rley finally reeled herself in and concealed herself using her ice phoenix powersandcontinued to make her way while Dewzai did the same.

However, they doubted it wouldbe ofhelp since a Level Six Immortal Emperor's soul sense could easily detect them if they intentionally swept the plains. Fortunately, their soul senses didn't extend much in this s.p.a.ce,so thatwas good for them.

Eventually, they made it past the gra.s.sy plains safely.

There was a crystal mound in the middle of the gra.s.sy plains teeming with Early Immortal Emperor Crystal Beasts, but they ignored it as usual.It wasn't worth the effort to attract attention to themselves right now as theywere still weak.

Climbing up, theywere makingtheir way to the othersideof the mountain, but s.h.i.+rley canceled out her concealment and ran, causing Dewzai to flinch.


She sent a soul transmission, but s.h.i.+rley didn't heed it, so she ran straight up the mountain.


Dewzai followed her, wondering if she had spotted a treasure that needed instant plundering or if it would be taken away. However, when she caught up to s.h.i.+rley, she saw her in a deep hug with another woman, causing her to blink.

"Big sister, it's only been a day and a half, but I missed you so much!~"

s.h.i.+rley jumped like a little girl while embracing Evelynn, causing the latter to laugh.

"I missed you too, s.h.i.+rley~"

Evelynn and s.h.i.+rley celebrated their reunion.On the other hand,Dewzai and Rea Tyriel had just arrived, raising their brows at each other as they turned slightly hostile.However, Evelynn and s.h.i.+rley looked like they were in theirownworld, firmly holding each other as they shared the warmth of family.

They could even feel the hards.h.i.+ps they had gone through, knowing it wasn't easy to survive here.

"Have you seen Isabella?"Quickly, Evelynn asked.

"No, I didn't sense her. I can't sense Flamerose and Frostrose either, but if our bloodlines resonate, we should be able to sense each other.By now,I also guessthey would've become Immortal Emperors, so they might start flaring up their bloodline after being able to handle themselves.We only have to wait for them..."


The two of them let go and looked at each other's company, wondering what wasgoing on.

"Big sister, this here is Dewzai. She's an Emperor-Tier Fey of the Devilish Flame Fox Clan, but we met and went through dangers together, so she shouldn't be dangerous until the new trials, I think..."

Evelynn nodded, "You don't need an introduction for Rea Tyriel, right?"


s.h.i.+rley laughed, her gaze locking on Rea Tyriel.

"Great, now there's two of youwhomI can't beat."Rea Tyriel harrumphed, "This is ridiculous"

"Make that three~"Dewzai stepped forward, causing Rea Tyriel to raise her brows.

"You're more injured, so I have plenty of chances to defeat you."


Dewzai wasn't able to refute that.However, shedefinitelydidn't want to be the weakest here,causing her to takea step forward andmakeher power known.

However, s.h.i.+rley raised her hand, stopping her.

"Let's not fight, or if you two want to fight, don't come with us. Let's go, big sister~"

s.h.i.+rley grabbed Evelynn's arm and looked like she wanted to be doted on, causing Dewzai to blink.

To have such respect for Evelynn, was sheextremely powerful? Or was it because she was the first wife of the Divine Emperor of Death and had much favor?

She didn't know but wanted to see.

The four of them started to move.