Divine Emperor of Death - Chapter 3689 Isabella Leaves?

Chapter 3689 Isabella Leaves?

Chapter 3689 Isabella Leaves?

Isabella returned her gaze to the spheres, the strange glint in her eyes dying down.

She didn't think there would be an announcement if all spheres were collected.Now,it is possible that Harmon wouldbe targetedso as toimpede him from collecting the other spheres, although shewasn'tgoing to take part in such a thingunlesshe was close by.

She doubted he was anywhere near her after she caught his soul sphere with bare hands, intimidating him into fleeing.

She didn't give chase.

It didn't bring her true joy tobe bullyingthem here as this was a trial s.p.a.ce with fake bodies. She wanted to get out and punish them but it was a pity she couldn't because they were Immortal Emperors with at least six levels of prowess right now.

They could match ordinary Level Six Immortal Emperors, at the very least.

It would benearimpossible for her to take them down without Flamerose and Frostrose's help. However, Isabella didn't want to borrow their help as shewantedto kill them with herownhands.

Only... shejusthad to wait until all the Hidden PaG.o.daswerecleared, andshe subsequently enteredthe Immortal Emperor Stage for the first time. But she didn't know if she would be alive untilthat time.

Regardless, her priority at this time was to obtain the other two sets of spheres andthe pigeon-egg-sized ruby sphere.

She targeted thebiggestwhite sphere next.

Summoning her essence energy full of the dragon's earth energy, she punched out with the same absolute force. As a result, the head-sized white sphere shuddered but didn't explode.

Instead, it fell, allowing her to acquire it.

'Aha, the bigger ones are easy for me'

Isabella thought before she went towards the head-sized soul sphere.

She had information from Frostrose on how to tackle soul spheres but the crux of the matter for head-sized spheres was the same. It wasabsolute force.

Isabella soon spotted a head-sized soul sphere in the distance. She followed it and waited for it to get away from other soul spheres in a ten-meter range.

However, there were many announcements in the skies that certain people had collected a set.

It appeared that Flamerose had collected the essence sphere set, and Frostrose had collected the soul sphere set. She couldn't help but feel proud of them. Their skill set was certainly top among the magical beasts she had seen, and she felt even Mira wouldn't come close to them if it weren't for her innate power.

'It would be a pity to let them go'

Isabella thought.

They had plans to make them Emperor-Tier and have them exchange or share their bloodessenceand soul essence with s.h.i.+rley, but the latter said it was entirely up to them. In recent days, s.h.i.+rley may have been hard on them, sending them on missions to prove themselves, but Isabella knew she respected them. If anything, Isabella felt that s.h.i.+rley would be saddened if they left since she loved having company.

'It left'

At this moment, Isabella saw the sapphire soul sphere had left the explosive range. She instantly pounced towards it as she pulled her left arm back.She had yet to heal her right arm from her shoulder, after all.

Havingalreadygathered enough soul force at her fist, she used her Emperor-Tier soul to strengthen it further. She opened her first, turning it into a claw.


She slashed at the soul sphere, causing it to shudder greatly.


The sapphire sphere fell, causing Isabella's lips to curl in delight. She had succeeded again.As for the other explosion, itseemed to comefrom the edge of the islandthat wasnear her as she had gone away from the inner region.

She picked up the head-sized soul sphere and went to check.

Right now, four spheres were floating around her.

There were three head-sized spheres: one ruby, one white, and one sapphire. As for the last sphere, it was a fist-sized ruby sphere.

Sometime pa.s.sed. It was five minutes since Isabella went to check.

Flamerose and Frostrose looked exhausted at this moment.It seemed like their blood essence wasdrained quite a bitas they seemed to behaving trouble with the martial spheres. Flamerose even had her soul injured a lot as shewas havingtrouble with the soul spheres. Nonetheless, they noticed Isabella had gone above the hill andwentto theedge of the island.

They heardthere was a sh.o.r.ethere, so they weren't sure what was taking her so long.

"She hasn't come back to heal her right arm"Frostrose sounded worried, "We should go check on her in case sheis unable tocome to us."

"Like how? Is she trapped?"

"Could be"

Flamerose and Frostrose discussed before they nodded and headedin Isabella's direction.But halfway,there werea few peoplewhosuddenly surrounded them, blocking their way.

"You two phoenixes will suffer my wrath if you don't reveal where that dragon b.i.t.c.h is."

Girias appeared behind them, his expression indifferent, yet his voice betrayed his fury.

The twin phoenixes looked around, noticing these people were confident.Theywere instantly able to tell that these peoplehad collected enoughamount ofspheres to finish off Isabella.

It seemedliketheywere aware of the penalty as the person who used an icy blade to eliminate a Candidate was also here.

"Flamerose, you know what to do"

"Of course~"

The two of them exchanged soul transmissions before they joined hands, crimson-blue flame wisps surging out of theirbody. However, they kept it to a bare minimumas they only covered their bodywith it, appearing to be wary of accidentally settingoffa sphere.

Currently, Frostrose possessed a set of sapphire soulsphereandFlamerose possessed a set of white essencesphere. It washidden inside their sleeves, some clasped between their fingers.

"Hmph! Since there's no answer,thendon't blame us for being ruthless."

Girias took out a fist-sized essence sphere and a martial sphere wrapped between his fingers. He unleashed Flamerose and Frostrose while the others did the same.


Flamerose and Frostrose stomped the ground. The icefire wisps seeped into the ground and caused a fiery explosion, causing the surface to explode. The tens of spheres launched at them from all sides. .h.i.t rocks and stones,explodinginto abigcloud of threedifferentcolors.

Flamerose and Frostrose shot into the air and launched a fist-sized essencesphere and fist-sizedsoul sphere at Girias.

However, Girias and Harmonseemed to havelaunched thesamespheres at them.

They clashed in mid-air, soul sphere against soul sphere and essence sphere against essence sphere. Ultimately, they canceled out each other and shattered, causing Flamerose and Frostrose to narrow their eyes.

On the other hand, Girias, Harmon, and the others already seemed to knowof the informationthat same-sized, same-type spheres cancelled out each other. They took advantage of their confusion to launch more spheres at them.

*Tap!~* *Tap!~* *Tap!~*

Their throwing speed wasinsane.

Three essence spheres from the others landed on them, as Flamerose was struck by two, and Frostrose was struck by one. They managed to dodge four more spheres and rushed in different directions, intending to take down the other inheritors as Girias and Harmon heavily guarded each other.

"Face me if you're a cultivator, human!"

Flamerose brought out a head-sized essence sphere. Although it was big, it was heavy.She knewif she threw it,it would most likely miss, so she neared her opponent and launched at him along with a pair of phoenix wings that shot before it.

The flaming phoenix wings soared into the air and dashed by her side, unfurling with a majestic phoenix cry before it crashed into that man.

That inheritor punched out with his fist. His earthen energy glowed withresplendentlight that sought to flash everyone's eyes, butFlameroseremained steadfast and shot towards him like an arrow, using her nirvanic flaming wings to attack him first before she hit him with the essence sphere.


Unfortunately, the earthen inheritor used the momentum from taking the hit from the flaming phoenix wings to gain distance from Flamerose, leaving her unable to use the essence sphere and even vulnerable to other attacks.

*Tap!~* *Tap!~*

Two more essence spheres. .h.i.t her shoulder, causing her to lose a lot of essence energy. It wasn't jeopardizing but certainly annoyed her to no end.

She turned to look behind and saw Frostrose cleanly cleaving an inheritor with a crimson-blue crystalline wing that instantly caused him to explode intoan amalgamatedmess of b.l.o.o.d.y crystals. She used the icefire energy they surged with, which one of them could store and control for a few seconds.


Frostrose used a terrifying ice soul attack togreatlyweaken that inheritor's soul andthensmashed the head-sized soul sphere on him.


That made her opponent scream out in pain before his soul shattered and his body crumbled.