Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable - Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Are You Pregnant?

Sheng Nanxuan held her waist tightly, pressing her against his body. He only released her after she started having difficulty breathing.

Sheng Nanxuan wiped the corner of his mouth and laughed with an evil charm. Doesnt taste bad Its a little sweet.

Gong Mo glared at him while panting.

Im not Nongfu Spring water!

Sheng Nanxuan grabbed her hand and pulled her into the hotel. Gong Mo noticed Fang Yang standing to the side and at that moment, she felt like burrowing into a hole. Did he see everything?

Upon entering Nanxuans presidential suite, Fang Yang said, You guys get settled first. Ill find some saline for Nanxuan to clean his wound.

Fang Yang s.h.i.+vered upon saying this. Mother of G.o.d! He just said Bosss name for the first time! It was a very weird feeling. it felt like he would never live to see another day.

Ill just rinse my mouth with normal water. Sheng Nanxuan walked towards the bathroom. Its already noon. Tell him what you wanna eat and hell prepare it for you.

Gong Mo was taken aback. She looked at Fang Yang and Fang Yang looked back at her with full attention. She was Bosss lady; he ought to serve her well and curry favor with her. Maybe if Boss were ever upset with him in the future, he could ask for her help.

Gong Mo felt embarra.s.sed by Fang Yang staring at her. Anythings fine.

How can I just give you anything randomly!

Fang Yang really wanted to impress her. Boss values you so much, protects you in the dark, and even fetches you personally. You might just be Bosss future wife! Bosss wife, let me do your bidding and leave a good impression on you!

I dont know what to eat either. Gong Mo honestly did not wish to stay for too long. Sheng Nanxuan was still a stranger to her, after all. I dont have much of an appet.i.te right now. Why dont you ask him what hed like to eat?

Well Fang Yang felt awkward.

Sheng Nanxuan returned from rinsing his mouth and swept a harsh glance at him. Why are you still here?

Err Ill go now! Fang Yang went out instantly. If Bosss wife had no appet.i.te, hed just get her something light!

Sheng Nanxuan walked to Gong Mos side. Arent you treating your cla.s.smate too harshly? she asked, looking puzzled.

Sheng Nanxuan was stunned for a moment. He had forgotten that Fang Yang was now masquerading as his cla.s.smate. Its fine. Were on good terms and weve always been like this, he said apathetically.

Oh Gong Mo opened her bag and took out her phone with the intention of showing him the video she took.

He reached into her bag all of a sudden and pulled out the pregnancy test that she had bought earlier in the morning.

He looked at the words on the packaging and asked, enunciating each word, Pregnancy test kit?

Gong Mo was shocked and s.n.a.t.c.hed it back hurriedly.

Sheng Nanxuan narrowed his eyes. Are you pregnant? he asked calmly with crossed arms.

No! Gong Mo quickly said.

Oh Sheng Nanxuan looked like he suddenly saw the light as he stared at the unbroken seal on the pregnancy test. You havent taken the test yet?

The toilets over at the side. Sheng Nanxuan pointed towards the restroom.

I Gong Mo did not feel like verifying right now. Would she really let him take responsibility if she was indeed pregnant? She didnt know him, much less want a relations.h.i.+p with him!

She thought of buying some time. I didnt buy this, actually. I

Do you want me to take your pants off for you?

This took Gong Mo by surprise and she immediately ran to the restroom. She locked the restroom door and hesitated for a very long time before walking towards the toilet. She slowly opened the pregnancy test kit and followed the instruction manual.

After several minutes, she stared at the line in the middle of the pregnancy stick and let out a blood-curdling scream.

Sheng Nanxuan knocked on the door angrily. Whats wrong?!