Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable - Chapter 1184

Chapter 1184

1184 Do you really think Ill stay?

Lets forget about this. Yu qinghuan said with a smile.

Ident.i.ty? So that he could track him at any time?

After reading Yu Zhengmings will, it was Wu surongs turn.

Although the a.s.sets under Wu surongs name were far from Yu Zhengmings, they were still worth hundreds of millions.

One of her Art Gallery was inherited by ding dang, while the rest were inherited by Min Ling. The jewelry was divided into three portions. One was for Yu Xinran, one for Yu Xinya, and one for Gong mo and Sheng shuangxue. The antiques were given to his two sons, and the rest of the art collection was given to Min Ling. He didnt have much savings, so he used it to set up an Art Fund. Among the worthless personal items, everything related to Yu qinghuan was left for Sheng nanxuan. The rest were not mentioned. If anyone wanted to take it as a memento, they could choose for themselves.

Her own paintings were also valuable. Except for a few designated paintings that she gave to Sheng nanxuan (most of them were Yu qinghuans paintings), the rest were given to Min Ling.

Yu qinghuan didnt take anything with her and went home with Sheng nanxuan.

That boudoir in the Yu family was already a matter of her past life.

Her parents were dead, and she no longer missed the Yu family. Although there were a few valuable pieces of jewelry, they were just worldly possessions.

The only person she was worried about now was Sheng nanxuan.

However, she had never liked Gong mo, who had stolen her son. It was also a joke when she said that she would stay with Sheng nanxuan.

When she arrived at the Sheng familys house, she looked around the room.

Gong mo and Sheng Yiting were both nervous, while Sheng shuangxue was curious.

Sheng nanxuans face was stoic. He did not know how to face his mother.

Yu qinghuan had seen enough. She smiled. this is the first time Ive entered your house from the main entrance. Ive looked around openly. It feels pretty good.

Yingluo, do you mean that youve always been a thief?

It was wrong!

How many times had she been here before?

He asked.

Yu qinghuan shrugged and said,just once. However, compared to last time, youve changed a lot.

She sat down at the table and knocked on it. Pour me some tea!

Alright! Sheng shuangxue immediately jumped up and ran to the kitchen.

Although he was the little one at home, he had already started to develop at the age of 11. He could use the kitchen counter with ease without the need for a bench.

She boiled some water and turned around to ask Yu qinghuan, M-grandma, what do you want to drink?

ahem Yu qinghuan choked on the way she had addressed her. She felt that addressing her as sister fairy sounded better.

That was why they couldnt stay here, or they would be called crazy!

Whatever, she waved.

Sheng shuangxue ran back and found the Rose Bath. Then, she carefully brought it over, looking like she was waiting for praise.

Yu qinghuan picked up the cup and took a sip. She nodded and touched her face, Not bad! Youre capable!

Sheng shuangxue grinned. She was very proud.

Yu qinghuan stood up and said to Sheng nanxuan,Alright! Im leaving!

Leave? Sheng nanxuan was puzzled.

You really think Ill stay? She asked.

Im sorry. Sheng nanxuan really wanted her to stay, but judging from her behavior over the years, it would be strange if she could stay!

Then where are you going? he asked.

The world is so big, I want to see it.

She turned her head to look out the window and chuckled. I havent seen enough of this world.

Can we keep in touch?

sure ~she agreed readily. since you know of my existence, Ill send you gifts every New Year and festival in the future. By the way, I havent sent shuangxue any gifts yet, but Ive already sent them to Yiting.