Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable - Chapter 1021

Chapter 1021

1021 Youll see the old Gong Bai

Gong Bai was standing in the room. He had lost a lot of weight after a few days. He had a stubble on his face and hadnt been washed for a long time. His hair was also messy, probably not combed for many days. His eyes were empty, and he looked as if he had nothing to live for.

Ya! Hu Zi was so scared that he threw himself into Sheng nanxuans arms.

Gong mo was also shocked. He cried out in pain, Cousin! What are you doing?

Gong Bai opened the door and walked in shakily.

Gong mo followed him in and saw that the room was in a mess. There were half-packed luggage, empty beer cans and instant noodles boxes, and cigarette b.u.t.ts all over the floor.

cough, cough, cough. Gong mo choked on the smoke in the air and started coughing.

Hu Zi was also coughing.

Sheng nanxuan carried Hu Zi to the window and opened it. Hu Zi immediately exhaled heavily.

After a while, when the air in the room was more fresh, he turned around with Hu Zi in his arms.

Gong Bai was sitting on the sofa with a blank expression.

Gong mo opened his mouth and advised,dont waste your time like this. You still have to move forward. Besides, everything can be salvaged.

Gong Bai shook his head. There was no turning back between him and Yu Xinran.

Gong mo pursed his lips and held back the tears in his eyes, I heard youre going overseas?

After a few seconds of silence, Gong Bai raised his head.Am I a coward?

Gong mo was startled by his voice.

His voice used to be warm and mellow, but now it was frighteningly rough.

Gong mo hurriedly turned around, looked around, and dragged him up, Its enough for you to be dispirited for a few days! This cant continue! I heard that you asked for leave. I knew that you wanted to adjust, so I didnt come to you. It should be enough now!

Take a good shower and shave your beard, Gong mo said as he pushed him into the bathroom.

She closed the bathroom door and rolled up her sleeves.

What are you doing? Sheng nanxuan asked.

Gong mo was stunned. I want to help him clean up.

Sheng nanxuan looked around and felt that it was too messy. He did not want to help, so he called the bodyguards downstairs.

Uncle? Only then did Hu Zi realize that the strange person just now was actually his uncle!

Gong mo went to the kitchen to boil a pot of water and made a cup of lemon tea for Gong Bai.

Gong Bai took a shower for half an hour before he came out. Hu Zi had shaved his head, and his hair was still dripping with water. He looked paler, but at least Gong Bai could see his original appearance.

Hu Zi timidly called out,uncle Yingluo.

With his head lowered, Gong Bai was dumbfounded.

Gong mo handed him the water. He was stunned for a moment before he took the water and said in a hoa.r.s.e voice, Thank you, Yingluo.

Slowly pull yourself together. Gong mo said, I know you need time, but Yingluo cant go on like this. Xin, Xin ran wouldnt want you to be like this.

He tightened his grip on the cup and nodded. Yingluo wants me to be good. I know.

Then youre the one who ran!

Gong Bai took a deep breath and raised his head to smile at her with a pale face. Ill be fine. Youll see the old Gong Bai soon.

Gong mo stared at him and almost burst into tears.

The old Gong Bai?

How could there be the old Gong Bai?

There would always be traces of an injury. If he really recovered to how he was before, who knew how badly hurt his heart would be under the mask?

Gong Bai finished the water in his cup and said,Ill let you know when Im done with the procedures to go abroad. Yingluo might be coming home soon.

Gong mo looked at him fiercely.

Im going to handle some procedures, he said expressionlessly.