Dimensional Descent - Chapter 1150: Representation

Chapter 1150: Representation

A subtle silence fell over the arena.

While many here could be considered to have only come for the fun of the spectacle, there was a matter of perspective needed as well.

This arena could sit millions. However, the population of a single planet was counted in the tens of billions. The number of habitable planets in just a single quadrant could be counted in the hundreds. The number of quadrants in a single galaxy were numerous and the number of galaxies in a single Sector could be counted in the dozens.

When these numbers are multiplied out, there were easily hundreds of trillions of people in a single Sector, and even that number was far too small to adequately paint the truth of the situation. Any yet

There were only millions who could afford to be here.

Even the most low level heckler within this crowd was a tycoon back on their home world. There wasn't a single person present that wasn't sharp and intelligent, not to mention well versed in the matters of politics and the importance of image.

For the Luxnix to make such a grand entrance, all for the sake of allowing a young man to lead them all, it spoke volumes. In fact, it spoke so loud that everyone could only fall into an abject silence.

Leonel, who had been speaking with his grandmother, didn't really react to this. He found the Luxnix Force Arts far more fascinating than whatever grand entrance they had planned. Plus, he had already heard the story about Myghell, he wasn't very astonished to feel something similar to his own Innate Node.

That said, he sensed something quite curious about his original Innate Node. But, he shook his head and didn't mind it.

If he hadn't managed to regrow his Innate Node back, he might be more infuriated. But after learning what happened, Leonel didn't particularly hate Myghell. In fact, he felt quite bad for Myghell. After all, the actions of his parents caused him to be raised without family.

Leonel had seen what a lack of familial love could do to a person. Every time he thought of Aina's deepest insecurities, it was often always related back to this. In addition, he could see how great it was to have great family and friends around him everyday.

He had grown up with his father by his side, and knowing that his mother and grandmother loved him filled him with a full sort of feeling. Even knowing that his grandfather had cut contact with his grandmother mostly due to himself even somewhat changed his opinion of the old man.

Though he and his grandfather could never be on the same page, there was an odd complex emotion that Leonel couldn't help but feel knowing that the old man still loved him.

But, Myghell had never experienced any of this.

Sure, there was plenty of 'love' around him coming from the Luxnix family elders. But, didn't they all just see him as a tool to be used? They didn't love him unconditionally like his mother or father could have, they only loved him insofar as his talent could bring their family to the next level.

When Leonel finally looked up and his gaze landed on Myghell What he felt wasn't rage or fury

All he felt was pity.

Myghell didn't look around, nor did he react to the crowd's gaze. With light steps, he walked toward the region of participants, taking a seat in the section left to the Luxnix.

His expression couldn't be said to be indifferent, but he was clearly uncaring. He felt that everything was far beneath his notice.

Even knowing that Aina was nearby, Myghell didn't even glance in her direction. The matters of the Bronze Tablet was still at the back of his mind, but he had chosen to take these matters slowly, a single step at a time. There were simply too many ways to interpret the words of a prophecy and he was willing to let things bear themselves out naturally.

The elders of the Luxnix smiled toward Myghell with feelings of gratification clear in their gaze. Without a word, he had very clearly supressed the momentum of all the geniuses present. How could they not feel fulfilled?

After so long, it was time they bare their fangs.

With a WHOOSH, the elders of the Luxnix rose to the stadium seats, leaving the ground region for the participants.

Among those that had come, there was Winged, Sparking and Resting Star Order. After a quick sweep, Winged Star Order's gaze narrowed when he noticed Roesia.

Leonel, the geniuses of Earth, and his grandmother currently all sat on the ground floor. However, their seating arrangements were oddly luxurious, even more so than the three main families. Many had chalked it up to the appearance of Roesia, but the members of the Luxnix found that there was something decidedly odd about all of this.

Before Winged Star Order could think about just what was going on and understand why his heart was feeling uncomfortable, Orinik suddenly appeared in the middle of the vast arena.

In that moment, a wide sweeping pressure emitted from him.

Orinik was usually a calm and scholarly young man. His dark skin was always glistening and perfectly taken care of. His clothing never had even the slightest wrinkled. And, his aura was always reserved and as calm as a lake.

After spending so long in the Luxnix family, many of the elders had come to this very same conclusion. But, suddenly seeing him flip a switch like this and release a pressure that made even them burst into a cold sweat They finally realized just how large the difference between them and a young man who was ultimately just a Galaxy rank disciple was

Orinik might have been amiable and scholarly usually, but right now, he was representing the Void Palace, the protectors of the Human Domain and the greatest shield of Humanity. This was no longer for himself.

This would be a day those present would never forget.