"Your conduct was just splendid, captain, cried one of the women, her face glowing. But I feared you would be killed, or at least badly hurt, when you put yourself in the way of that somersaulting cadet. Why did you take such chances?"
"In the first place," replied the cavalry officer quietly, "because it was simple duty. There was another reason. If I am hurt, in the line of duty, I have my retired pay, as an officer, to live on. But a cadet who is hurt so badly that he cannot remain in the service has to go home, perhaps hopelessly crippled for life---and a cadet injured in the line of duty has no retired pay."
"Why is that?" asked another of the ladies.
"I do not know, replied Captain Alb.u.t.t simply, unless it is because Congress has always been too busy to think of the simple act of justice of providing proper retired pay for a cadet who is injured for life."
"Has Mr. Prescott been injured so that he'll have to leave the Army?"
"I don't know. But, if you'll excuse me, ladies, I am going over to the hospital now and find out."
Cadet Prescott lay on one of the operating tables at cadet hospital.
Without a murmur he submitted to the examination. At times the work of the medical officer's hurt a good deal, but this was evidenced only by a firmer pressing together of the young soldiers lips.
At last they paused.
"Are you through, gentlemen?" d.i.c.k asked, looking steadily at the two medical officers.
"Yes," answered Captain Goodwin, the senior surgeon.
"May I properly ask what you find?"
"We are not yet quite sure," replied the senior surgeon. "None of the bones of the spine are broken. There has, of course, been a severe wrenching there. Whether your injury is going to continue into a serious or permanent injury we cannot yet say. A good deal will depend upon the grit with which you face things."
"I am a soldier," replied d.i.c.k doggedly. "Even if I am not much longer to be one."
"We will now have you removed to your cot. We are not going to place you in a cast as yet, anyway. It is possible that, after a few days, you may be able to walk fairly well."
"In that case, captain, is it then likely that I shall be able to return to duty?"
"Yes; the quicker things mend, and the sooner you are able to walk without help, the greater will be your chance of pulling through this injury and remaining in the service."
"Then I'd like to try walking back to barracks right now," smiled Cadet Prescott, wistfully.
"You are not to think of it, Mr. Prescott! You must not even attempt to put a foot out of bed until we give you permission.
If you take the slightest risk of further injury to your back you are likely to settle your case for good and all, so far as the Army is concerned."
"I told you I was a soldier, sir," d.i.c.k replied promptly. "For that reason I shall obey orders."
"Good! That's the way to talk, Mr. Prescott," replied the senior medical officer heartily. "The better soldier you are, the better your chances are of remaining in the Army."
"There won't be any need, will there, captain, to send word to my father and mother of this accident until it is better known how serious it is?" coaxed d.i.c.k.
"If you wish the news withheld for the present, I will direct the adjutant to respect your wishes."
"If you will be so good, sir," begged the hapless cadet.
Hospital men were summoned and d.i.c.k was skillfully, tenderly transferred to a cot in another room. The steward stood by and took his orders silently from Captain Goodwin.
Hardly had this much been accomplished when a hospital service man entered, pa.s.sing a card to Captain Goodwin.
"Admit him," nodded the surgeon.
In another minute Captain Alb.u.t.t stepped into the room, going over to the cot and resting one of his hands over the cadet's right hand.
"How are you feeling?" asked Captain Alb.u.t.t.
"Fine, sir, thank you," replied d.i.c.k cheerily.
"I'm glad your pluck is up. And I hear that you have a good chance."
"I hope so, sir, with all my heart. The Army means everything in life to me, sir. And Captain Alb.u.t.t, I want to thank you for your splendid conduct in risking your own life to save me."
"Surely, Prescott," replied the captain quietly, "you know the spirit of the service better than to thank a soldier for doing his duty."
Captain Alb.u.t.t had called him simply "Prescott," dropping the "mister," which officers are usually so careful to prefix to a cadet's name when addressing him. This little circ.u.mstance, slight as it was, cheered the cadet's heart. It was a tactful way of dropping all difference in rank, and of admitting Prescott to full-fledged fraternity in the Army.
"I shall inquire after you every day, Prescott, and be delighted when you can be admitted to the riding work again;" said the captain in leaving. "And I think you need have no fear of seeing Satan on the tan-bark again. If I have any influence, that beast will never be a.s.signed to a cadet's use after this."
When Captain Alb.u.t.t had gone Greg came in, on tiptoe.
"Out the soft pedal, old chap," smiled d.i.c.k cheerily, as their hands met. "I'm not a badly hurt man. The worst of this is that it keeps me from recitations for a few days. If it weren't for that, I'd enjoy lying here at my ease, with no need to bother about reveille or taps."
Greg's manner was light-hearted and easy. He had come to cheer up his chum, but found there was no need for it.
Then the superintendent's adjutant dropped in on his way home from the day in the office at headquarters. Having talked with Captain Goodwin, the adjutant agreed that there was no need, for a few days, to notify Prescott's parents and cause them uneasiness.
"We'll hope, Mr. Prescott," smiled the adjutant, "that you'll be well able to sit up and send them the first word of the affair in your own hand, coupled with the information that you're out of all danger."
Had it not been for his natural courage, Cadet Prescott would have been a very restless and "blue" young man. He knew, as well as did anyone else, that the chances of his complete recovery to sound enough condition for future Army service were wholly in the balance. But Captain Goodwin had impressed upon him that good spirits would have a lot to do with his chances. So strong was his will that Prescott was actually almost light-hearted when it came around time to eat his evening meal of "thin slops."
Over in cadet barracks interest ran at full height. Greg had to receive scores of cadets who dropped in to inquire for the best word.
One of the last of these to come was Cadet Haynes.
Greg received him rather frigidly, though with no open breach of courtesy.
"It's too bad," began Haynes.
"Of course it is," nodded Holmes.