Devouring The Heavens - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Too Soft

Translator: Pan

Editors: Notsaneinthebrain, Hakubruh, Likyliky, Hydramon

Regular release.

Moonwaste City.


Yue Family’s Keep.


Qian Kuai, a tough looking man in his forties, was one of the housekeepers of the Yue Family and a top notch fighter with the power of nine bulls worth of strength.


He trained many vile servants. Among them, Qian Yonglai and Qian Yongfu were talented. Because of that, they were adopted by Qian Kuai and took his surname.


Yonglai and Yongfu often shared their blood money with Kuai. In turn, he treated them well and arranged for them to serve the vicious Young Master, Yuejue.


The day was coming to an end, and Kuai was growing impatient.


“Go get someone to check out the ma.s.s grave. Yonglai and Yongfu spent a whole day dumping a body for the Young Master. Don’t they want this month’s salary? I’ll have to teach them a lesson when they return, so they don’t get for serving the Young Master and forget to respect their adopted father.”


“Understood, housekeeper Qian.” Said Qian Yong, a fighter with the strength of six bulls, he had served Kuai for a long time. He replied and left immediately.


The sky was dark when Qian Yong brought Yonglai and Yongfu back to the housekeeper’s quarters. All their limbs were twisted, their faces were terrified. When they saw Kuai, they looked at him like they saw their saviour.


“Father, help!” They both screamed.


Kuai stared at them contemptuously when he saw that they were badly beaten. He turned to Yong and asked coldly.


“What happened?”


“I have no idea. When I arrived there, the brothers were almost eaten by magical beasts. They mumbled some nonsense on the way back. I couldn’t understand them.” Qian Yong replied.


“Father, it’s the boy…the boy…A few days ago, he startled Master Yuejue’s horses. He didn’t die. Now he has five bulls of strength. He did this to us. Please, father must beat that b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”


“That’s right! He even took the money we were going to give you. You have to help us!”


Their eyes burst with evil fury. Their faces were ugly and twisted. They wanted to skin Xuanyuan alive.


“I won’t let this go. A lowly, ordinary boy dared to attack men from the house of Yue. That’s an insult to our house!”


“Father, you must bring some men to the ma.s.s grave and find the b.a.s.t.a.r.d tomorrow. Cut off his limbs and torture him. Make him beg for death!”


“Cut off his d.i.c.k….”


All kinds of vile ideas came from the brothers’ mouths.


Qian Kuai realized what happened immediately. A few days ago, that boy only had one bull of strength at best. Even though Kuai didn’t aim to kill him with his whip, ordinary people couldn’t endure such an attack. It had only been a few days, and the boy had already healed and gained five bulls strength. He couldn’t fathom the reason.


Looking at his foul-smelling adopted sons, Kuai was disgusted. He waved his hand and said.


“Someone get them out of here and take care of them. Tomorrow I’ll go to the ma.s.s grave and see for myself.”


Near the edge of the Beastly Forest.


Xuanyuan was lucky and hunted down a wild boar of six hundred jin. The sky was still light on his way back to the tree house. The servants were lucky today and didn’t get eaten, but they screamed from the attacks from ravens. Xuanyuan smiled to himself but didn’t pay much attention. He went straight home after that.


When he was home, he butchered the boar with his dagger. He was a bit vexed that the dagger didn’t show any more of its magical power like when it faced the magical bear, it was still razor sharp though. But he didn’t dwell on the topic.


The six hundred jin boar was partly made into a fresh meal and partly into dried meat. This would be food for the next ten days.


After eating, Xuanyuan sat cross-legged on the bank of the stream, wearing only his underpants. He continued reciting the Book. He was pondering a trip to Moonwaste City since he does not have any clean clothes anymore. With his own savings and the coins from the men he defeated, he now had 4,636 fighter coins. He could buy so many luxurious things.


When the night fell, Yun Zhenluo sat on a smooth stone near the tree house and watched Xuanyuan practice quietly. She was smiling, her eyes dreamy. The past few days had been the most carefree in her entire life.


Xuanyuan did not realize a disaster had already befallen him.


The spiritual Qi from the universe was absorbed into Xuanyuan’s body. He could feel that his skin had become smoother, his strength enhanced. It’s like his body was breathing in the Qi. He was sure that even if his nose and mouth were covered, he could still breathe through his skin. The effect of practicing martial arts exceeded his imagination from his previous life.


He could also feel the strength of his muscles roaring under his skin.


Three more days flew by. Just as Yun had predicted, Xuanyuan reached nine bulls of strength.


A boy who never studied martial arts before could gain nine times his power in six days. It was an incredible achievement.


There were many people who practiced for decades and still could not exceed the fighter realm. They could only delay aging and enjoy a healthy life. Xuanyuan became one of the best fighters in six days.


Talent was essential. Qian Kuai from the Yue Family was a middle-aged man but still lingering within the fighter realm. You could imagine how difficult it was to practice the way of martial arts. It was not possible to have great achievements without talent.


With his increasing strength, Xuanyuan ate more and more everyday. He could gulp down ten jin of meat a day. That was because when you practice, you had to provide the body with nutrients to strengthen itself. Otherwise, the body would get worn down. Yun Zhenluo had said pract.i.tioners of higher realms didn’t eat meat. They used elixirs to restore their strength. Elixirs were pure, as opposed to meat. Meat had many impurities which kept the body from absorbing nutrients.


But meat was enough for Xuanyuan right now. It gave him the strength he needed.


Guxing had always stayed by Xuanyuan’s side during these few days. It benefited from eating a lot of meat and absorbing the Qi gathering around Xuanyuan. Its fur became much more s.h.i.+ny and its body became larger.


Xuanyuan estimated Guxing now had six bulls of strength, a lot stronger than before. With such sharp teeth, Xuanyuan wouldn’t dare to receive a bite from them.


Just when Xuanyuan finished the day’s practice, he could hear angry shouts from a few hundred metres away.


“That d.a.m.n kid dared to attack housekeeper Qian’s adopted sons. What an insult to the Yue Family! Master Yuejue was furious and ordered a search around the ma.s.s grave. We have to find him, even if that means we have to tear the place down and dig deep in the ground. It’s such a b.l.o.o.d.y ch.o.r.e.”


“We already searched for three days. If we find the kid, we’ll show him a living h.e.l.l!” Both these people were filled with hatred. Since they knew that Xuanyuan had five bulls strength, the men they sent were all quite powerful.


“Ha, Housekeeper Qian said, ‘Whoever finds the kid will be awarded with three hundred warrior coins.’ Let’s find him.”


They cursed as they searched, but at the same time, they saw that a boy and a wolf were approaching them.


When they realized it was Xuanyuan, they both trembled with excitement.


“Hahaha, finally we found you. You son of a b.i.t.c.h, wasting our time and insulting the house of Yue. Are you itching to have your a.s.s kicked?”


“A disgusting sc.u.m like you can’t even repay your sin if you die a thousand times. Why don’t you kneel down and bow to us. If you do it a few hundred times and give us your money, maybe we’ll spare your life. Right, and we’ll skin the wolf and give its fur to Master Yuejue. He’ll like that.”


These two men’s strength far exceeded Qian Yonglai and Yongfu. They had five and six bulls of strength! Xuanyuan would have panicked three days ago. But he now had nine bulls strength, and he could shatter rocks into powder. He could kill them as if they were ants.


“If you two kneel down and bow to me a hundred times while giving me all your money, perhaps I’ll spare your life. Or else, Guxing wouldn’t mind eating your flesh. Meat is better fresh, after all.” Xuanyuan smiled coldly. He looked at them like he was watching performing monkeys.


The stronger of them grew angry, he was about to yell, but Xuanyuan was faster and gave him a slap to the face. A white stream of air came from his hand. When it hit the one with six bulls of strength, a cracking noise occurred and a few of the man’s yellow teeth flew from his mouth. Blood and saliva drooled out from his mouth. The man spun a few times from the impact, and he fell heavily on the ground and pa.s.sed out.


At the same time, the other one screamed with pain. Guxing tore a piece of fresh meat from his bottom. The wound was so deep, you could see the white bone from his pelvis. Blood was gus.h.i.+ng out. The man cried like a little girl. It was very easy for Guxing, who now has six bulls strength, to handle him.


Xuanyuan felt He searched them and found 600 warrior coins and 2,400 fighter coins. Servants from the Yue Family were all loaded with money.


“Haha…” Xuanyuan smiled ear to ear. He couldn’t be happier.


The man bitten by Guxing wasn’t in any mortal danger. He pa.s.sed out from the pain.


Xuanyuan took out his dagger and was about to kill them. But he stopped at the very last moment. He mumbled to himself with a sigh, “Screw it, I don’t kill people. I should forgive them. They’ll survive if they’re lucky.” He grabbed their legs and threw them into the stream. Their bodies followed the current downstream.


Yun Zhenluo, beautiful as a fairy from paintings, silently watched Xuanyuan. Her face was expressionless. She neither approved nor disapproved of his behaviour. At last, she said to herself,


“A child after all. Too soft.”